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Play Room Furniture

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We are building our own play room and I have a whole list of furniture I would like to include. I was wondering where I can get good quality furniture for a fair price?  I'll start with the more expensive ideas first. St.Andrew's Cross, stockade,  swing and stand. Does anyone know where we can get the best deals? ( Not opposed to DIY)


Location ?  Come and check out Tranmere. Theres a club and shop here


I am in Denton Texas. I haven't had much luck with extreme restraints as far as the St. Andrews cross goes and at this point in time making one is too big a project with everything I'm working on.  Where is Tranmere. If that's In New York I could send some friends out.


Google says that's in England. Does the shop have a website? I might not be able to physically go to England at the moment but I can still prder things. infact I order my body***ts from the UK once amonth. I realize the shipping will be more but if it's actually wood rather than Formica covered partical board it will be worth it. 



There must be hundreds of suppliers of dungeon equipment in the States, just google it or try good old e-bay.


a general case as well is cost v quality.  

There's also ways to improvise - I was in an apartment the other week - and - instead of a St Andrews Cross, they had just the metal attachments bolted into the wall - anyone chained in, still pretty much the same feeling but a set up that costs low double figures rather than something in the hundreds.

I wouldn't buy from the UK into US at the moment, customs and tarrifs likely to skew a deal.

People I know who've had some of the best deals have literally bought old stuff from local dungeons.   On the downside - they've had some usage - on the upside, it's  a good starting point until you can afford something more premium.


I'm not oppose to improvizing however everything has to be free standing.  The walls in my mobile home arnen't that sturdy but the land affords me a great deal of privacy. 


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