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Amazonian type: when a girl is stronger than a guy

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What domina goes to femdom theme?  Which is physically stronger than a man or according to the modern classical scenario, when a guy gives in to a fragile girl?  It's just that a lot more depends on this, and therefore it is interesting to discuss ...


Femdom for me is more of a mental domination than a physical one. Personally I have no interest in wrestling a man to submission, I prefer a strong man who gives his submission willingly rather than having it pysically taken from him

Hi I've been a slave/sub all my life at first I had no control but as i got older and bigger things never changed i was always afraid of the women who used me i am 6f tall and 17st now but would still cower at the feet of a little old lady or 16yr old girl especially if the had a cigarette in their hand or mouth women can do as they like to me thanks
Just remember to be careful with angular momentum, a small woman can break an average guy's femur when swinging mid air

I myself am a dominant person by nature, but sometimes I want to change places with a girl, I want to see her strength, but not enough strength - this is evident at the initial stages, which does not satisfy me and therefore I lose interest in her and I don’t want to have a relationship with  a girl. And it seems that they find it difficult to achieve me.

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