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Does anyone else have a meat consumption and *** slaughter fetish


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I wasn't sure what category to put this in but felt it is bdsm. I am turned on when men and women consume *** flesh. I feel it's the ultimate form of dominance over nature. I love the whole process of how ***s are turned into food against their will to serve man and woman. And the taste of their meat is icing on top ☺️. I haven't found many people who share this fetish (at least publicly). What do you think about it? Is it something you can get into? I love how the ***s are made to serve humans and humiliated. The arrogance and indifference of humans eating them saying things like "this pig didn't die in vain" and "thank you for your sacrifice" are hot!


"Enjoying" *** Cruelty is NOT a fetish! It is incredibly messed up! 😬
This is no fetish, it's just discusting and ***! You're absolutly wrong here and you should go immediatly to hospital or kill yourself! The world would be better without you! Really honest!!!
7 hours ago, Short_Gothic_Elf said:

"Enjoying" *** Cruelty is NOT a fetish! It is incredibly messed up! 😬

Who's talking about *** cruelty? Do you consider ***s that are quickly slaughtered for food cruelty? I do not support *** *** at all. Enjoying the process of how meat is made and how humans participate in consuming it isn't the same thing as an *** being ***d.   

23 minutes ago, KatharinadeSade said:

This is no fetish, it's just discusting and ***! You're absolutly wrong here and you should go immediatly to hospital or kill yourself! The world would be better without you! Really honest!!!

How is it ***? Do you not eat meat?


Wow this escalated quickly. 

I understand or have an appreciation of what you're saying entirely regarding why it appeals to you. I wonder if it's worth trying to relate it to something a bit less niche to see if it is a tranferable attraction from something else... did that make any sense?? 

Do you feel like this eating casually? 

5 minutes ago, Havelock said:

Wow this escalated quickly. 

I understand or have an appreciation of what you're saying entirely regarding why it appeals to you. I wonder if it's worth trying to relate it to something a bit less niche to see if it is a tranferable attraction from something else... did that make any sense?? 

Do you feel like this eating casually? 

Anytime I eat meat or see a good-looking guy or woman eating a burger or other meat, I do get aroused. It isn't because I support torturing ***s   but because of the dominance the man or woman is displaying over nature with no care that the *** had to die for their taste buds. I just find it sexy.


It's ok, I understand it's nothing to do with the actual process of the meat getting to your plate. Just the blatant and complete command we have over a being that we consume. 


9 minutes ago, Havelock said:

It's ok, I understand it's nothing to do with the actual process of the meat getting to your plate. Just the blatant and complete command we have over a being that we consume. 


Yeah, it's all about displaying dominance. Do you have this fetish too?


No I'm afraid not. I just understand where you're coming from. 

It's a very raw and primal domination. I like raw and primal. 

8 hours ago, Havelock said:

No I'm afraid not. I just understand where you're coming from. 

It's a very raw and primal domination. I like raw and primal. 

You love raw and primal? You sound like my kind of person! 


Ooph don't go on that comment alone!

I also like incessantly telling my Sir about the most laborious details of my every waking moment, picking things up with my toes and Dr Pimple Popper... and raw and primal. 


... And celery with peanut butter and raisins. 

13 hours ago, KatharinadeSade said:

This is no fetish, it's just discusting and ***! You're absolutly wrong here and you should go immediatly to hospital or kill yourself! The world would be better without you! Really honest!!!

The only thing disgusting here is telling someone to kill themselves.. 


The fact that the meat & dairy possess is *** cruelty & that ***s are being ***d to "serve" humans is *** cruelty & abusive!

1 hour ago, Short_Gothic_Elf said:

The fact that the meat & dairy possess is *** cruelty & that ***s are being ***d to "serve" humans is *** cruelty & abusive!

I'm vegetarian, that's my choice. You have no right to *** others for your beliefs. No better then a bigot. If you feel so strongly about it then try to educate, not be so hostile. It's people like you that give vegetarians and vegans a bad name.


It's the 'sense' of the control. It's the idea, the principal, the feeling that is the focus here. Not the process and literal mass manufacturing of meat products or the literal power over a field of cows. 

The concept not the delivery. 

Don't be so quick to judge. Give it a think over. It's a Fet forum not Facebook, have some consideration before going all Gung Ho.

Posted (edited)

I love meat. I also feed raw meat to my ***s.
I do also have vegetarian breaks to my diet.

I have also helped slaughtering ***s on a small self sufficient farm in Denmark. Which was great as we used every single part of that ***.

Not sure how would you use it in the fetish scene though? I see the attraction and how a person would get aroused by it, but how do you put that into practice? I'm not sure if that's the sort of messed up I'd be into even to my standard haha. But I'm curious of ideas here.

One thing I do is make sure I source my meat properly and go to local butchers rather than supermarkets and tell you what, its also turning out alot cheaper because of the emmount I buy weekly!

Edited by Deleted Member
23 hours ago, Bbw84 said:

I'm vegetarian, that's my choice. You have no right to *** others for your beliefs. No better then a bigot. If you feel so strongly about it then try to educate, not be so hostile. It's people like you that give vegetarians and vegans a bad name.

I'm an *** rights activist I spend half my time educating people!

23 hours ago, Bbw84 said:

I'm vegetarian, that's my choice. You have no right to *** others for your beliefs. No better then a bigot. If you feel so strongly about it then try to educate, not be so hostile. It's people like you that give vegetarians and vegans a bad name.

I'm also not abusing someone for their belief I'm shearing what my belief & opinion is.

On 3/23/2019 at 2:52 AM, FurMan91 said:

I wasn't sure what category to put this in but felt it is bdsm. I am turned on when men and women consume *** flesh. I feel it's the ultimate form of dominance over nature. I love the whole process of how ***s are turned into food against their will to serve man and woman. And the taste of their meat is icing on top ☺️. I haven't found many people who share this fetish (at least publicly). What do you think about it? Is it something you can get into? I love how the ***s are made to serve humans and humiliated. The arrogance and indifference of humans eating them saying things like "this pig didn't die in vain" and "thank you for your sacrifice" are hot!


Hi pls message me...i love that sadism...i have collection of goat process videos if samburu and other tribes.  We can enjoy lot of stuff together

  • 11 months later...

Omg i have this fetish too. But i get horny when a guy i like talking about slaughtering pigs or lambs and eating them.

On 3/23/2019 at 5:07 PM, Havelock said:

Ooph don't go on that comment alone!

I also like incessantly telling my Sir about the most laborious details of my every waking moment, picking things up with my toes and Dr Pimple Popper... and raw and primal. 


... And celery with peanut butter and raisins. 

Dr pimple popers awesome . Also wow another person who can puck up things with there toes. Not every 1 can do that


Boy, this thread has the potential of going south in a big hurry.  If I wish to post a comment, I'd better do it before the fur really starts to fly.

I can NOT say that I agree with the initial premise of this thread, in any way, shape or form.  That said, I do feel a certain rush of dominance, when I dig into a steak (or any similarly prepared meat).  It comes from being at the top of the food chain.  I'm among the *** kingdom's royalty---lions, tigers, wolves, eagles, sharks, etc.  Does the cat worry about cruelty, when it pounces on its prey?

I was once asked, what I thought was the most ***some and dangerous predator on the planet.  I said, "Humans."


Humans are the worst predators on the planet next to viruses 


You know, as predators, we relish the thrill of the hunt.  Our paws bristle with razor-sharp coupons, as we stalk the market's meat counter.  Crouching, we pounce on those weekly specials and two-for-one offers.  Our only thoughts are of what sauces and seasonings would go best with our carnivorous acquisition.  But then, suddenly, our teeth bare, our hackles raise, an we emit a low threatening growl, as the veganisitas attempt to take away our "kill".

It's survival of the fittest.  Nature has a way of weeding-out those too weak to take a joke!

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