Huh, I had a discussion with my girlfriend just the other day about this. She mentioned sitting her ass down for a while (we had been out walkimg for a few hours), and i joked and told her where i'd love her to sit. She was shocked and said "I COULD NEVER DO THAT TO YOU!!" Now, i LOVE rimming my Read more… girlfriend. It's ome of those acts that giving is WAY more of a turn on than receiving for me. She knows this. But, in her mind "sitting" on my face is forced, done to humiliate a person, done against their will, etc. I guess it depends on a lot of factors in the end. The intent? The scene or mood? Are roles being played? Is it done forcefully? Could be a 100 things. For my partner it boiled down mainly to what she had seen in porn, which made it very one sided as she like to watch F/F BDSM type stuff. For her it seemed like a humiliating punishment. For me, a fantastic treat. I guess the intent is the one that determines it for me.
Licking my own cum off my partner and also being pegged.
I agree. I definitely think where you are licking it from makes a big difference and can help you over that hurdle.