Absolute discretion assured.
I am an oral slut based in Southwest Detroit.
I passionately love orally pleasing women. contrary to the standard of disbelief, I am actually quite skilled and have been told that I lick it as good as a girl.
I am currently looking for a pillow princess who will make me lick it every day or at least quite often.
No reciprocation is needed
Absolutely NO ANAL.
In my Vanilla life, I love anything to do with technology, I spend too much time on social media and watching YT videos. I am an electrician/Network technician and enjoy fixing electronic things and some non-electronic things. I install network equipment and security camera systems and enjoy playing video games. I also do video production and editing.
No ***
Absolutely no anal.
My point is im not stereo typing or judging like you are, im speaking from a lifetime of real life experience.
What part of "I dated a Chinese girl and she didn't care about my looks and me being older was a plus" did you not care to read?
Regardless of how judgemental you are there really are Read more… major cultural differences in different parts of the world that inform people's value system.
As for "having rights to choose", men have a right to NOT choose snooty, stuckup, judgemental, materialistic freaks who are more into themselves than real life.
It has also been my real life real world experience that the better looking a girl is the more skewed her version of reality is.
They say "be yourself and the right one will come along" that's bullshit. I was told that in my 20s I'm in my 60s and still waiting for the right one to come along.
It's only a problem with western women.
The old saying "if I knew then what U know now": If you can afford to, go to eastern Europe Read more… or Asia and find "the right one".
What does anything you said have to do with me? My mom? Or my cousin Nancy?
I was raised by a dominant woman, grew up with a dominant cousin who was my best friend and I loved her dearly, and I love dominant women. Don't try to go all Froyd on us here.
What does anything you said have to do with me? My mom? Or my cousin Nancy?
I was raised by a dominant woman, grew up with a dominant cousin who was my best friend and I loved her dearl
I have known several naturally dominant women in my life, my mom and my cousin Nancy were the 1st two that I met in life, but there were many to study and learn from.
There are definitely certain personality traits common among them; they are emotionally and psychologically strong, confident, Read more… assertive. They know what they want and what they don't. You know them when you see them: they will be the ones telling not asking people what they want and what to do.
They might be "sassy" in a way that turns me on - like Jackie Gleason's wife on "the honey mooners", she was feisty, sassy, and so damn sexy. I loved her. Jackie Gleason was a strong character and it took a strong woman to back him up, to support him, but also keep him in his lane.
I passionately love naturally dominant women and I automatically will do anything in my power to please them. When I was little my mom told me that I would need (the way she put it for a child was:) a woman to be in charge. She was right; without one my life has sucked miserably.
"Newly dominant women" are Artificially dominant women. They are just regular women acting dominant, not to please anyone but take advantage of some poor lonely bastard like me to get ***. Case in point- all these "FinDoms" who flat out tell you to give them ***. That's scam, bullying, extortion. All this give me stuff, grovel on the floor kiss my shoes, that's all fake bull shit for entertainment, Like porn. A real dominant woman aint gonna go soft because you haven't paid her to be hard. Real Dominant women are dominant whether you give them "tribute" or not. She's not on it for the *** or tribute, she's naturally dominant because she is.
I passionately love naturally dominant women and need to belong to one and will do anything to please them. Unfortunately most of them end up as the male 1/2 of a lesbian couple before I meet them. 🙁
I see Artificially dominant women as prostitutes trying to get *** from weak men. Most of them are actually in relationships with dominant men, so if you pay attention you know you're being played.
"Naturally dominant" is a basic, foundational personality trait that you either are born with or develop during infancy and toddlerhood. You don't live 20 years and then decided to change your basic foundational personality that defines who you are. It doesn't work that way. There's a reason the bible says teach a child when he's young and that's the way he'll go.
Now for the very few "newly dominant" women who truly want to be dominant to make their man happy with no ill-intentions? That's great, more power to you, but if you're doing anything, to make any other person happy, then it's still an act of submission.
No matter how you dress them up, you can't make a cat into a dog. Their born that way.
" Is the fruit of the experience bitterness and regret by either party?"
Yea after she makes false allegations that cost you momer, your job, or your liberty
I think that just like sweeping her off her feet vs harassment... The only difference is if she likes and wants you before hand.
If she does then it's seduction and sweeping her off her feet, if not then it's manipulation and harassment.
Same double standard, different words.