
Personal details

Gender Man
Age 39
Status Single
Height 173cm
Weight 107kg
Body shape Curvy
Eye colour Blue
Hair colour Black
Hair length Short
Beard Shaved/no beard
Orientation Straight
Ethnicity Caucasian white
Origin Scotland
Pubic Hair Part shaved
Body hair Some hair
Dick length 18cm
Circumcised No
Zodiac sign Aquarius

About me

Interested in:

I’m looking for:


Separated single dad. Looking for friendship, fun, and laughter.

Was previously a daddy dom to a kitten but have lost our bond.

Not actively looking for anything long-term, but you never know what's waiting for you around the corner.

Love praising a princess, taming a brat or just having a conversation


Open to suggestions

My kinks & fetishes

I like: gives you… is like an appetizing smorgasbord in Aberdeen with lots of hot guys to meet up with. Have a look around first if you prefer to see who’s around, or if you know what you want, search by selecting the right category "Kinky Dating”. Nobody stays alone here for long! has tons going on!

icon-wio ScottishTeddyBear picked up the birthday gift
  • 05.02.2025 23:33:32
  • Male (39)
  • Aberdeen
  • Single
icon-wio ScottishTeddyBear has updated their profile description
  • 05.02.2025 20:03:56
  • Male (39)
  • Aberdeen
  • Single
Separated single dad. Looking for friendship, fun, and laughter.

Was previously a daddy dom to a kitten but have lost our bond.

Not actively looking for anything long-term, but you never know what's waiting for you around the corner.

Love praising a princess, taming a brat or just having a Read more… conversation
icon-wio ScottishTeddyBear created a topic in BDSM Stories & Kinky Sex Confessions
**TW** Neha the Little Kitten - Part 4
**Trigger Warning** Reason: Knife Play
The day finally arrived when Neha and Greg would be reunited. Neha's heart pounded with excitement and nervousness as she approached the arrivals gate. She took a deep breath and walked through revealing Greg, his eyes filled with warmth and affection. "Hello, Read more…kitten," he greeted, his voice just as deep and soothing as she remembered. “Hello, Daddy," Neha replied, her voice trembling with emotion.
Greg pulled her into his arms, holding her close. "I've missed you so much," he murmured. "Me too, Daddy," Neha whispered, feeling the weight of their shared attraction. They collected Neha's bag and headed for the car whilst Greg loaded her cases into the boot, she hopped into the passenger seat and relaxing into the soft leather seat. Once in the driver seat Greg turned and smiled at Neha. “I’m so glad you back.” His hand drifting over and resting on her thigh, gently squeezing as he spoke. “I have a surprise for you”. She turned to look at him would a suspicious look on her face, but Greg had already turned his head to face forward, started the car and was already manoeuvring out of the parking space. “What is it?” She asked intrigued at what Greg had planned. “Wouldn’t be a surprise if I told you now, would it?” he purred. A smile spreading across his lips. They drove out of the airport carpark and onto the main road heading for home. Greg didn’t speak, just sat concentrating. Neha sat perplexed, the unusual silence making her anxious but also making her sit and fantasise about what it could possibly be. When they approached the T junction that would leave home, instead of turning left, Greg turned right. Confused she turned to see the familiar route disappear and the country road opening before them. “OK now I’m confused. Where are we going? You have to give me some clues here” she said with an anxious feeling in her stomach. Greg just grinned and said “you’ll just have to wait and see. Oh, and on that note, you’re going to need this”. Reaching into the door pocket he pulled out a slim black box. The words “Whisper” printed on the top. She feels a tingle run down her spine. She only knows of one shop called Whisper and it sells only one genre of items. The naughtiest. She opens the box quickly and gives a low sensual moan as she sees the blindfold inside the box. The maroon velvet blindfold has Kitten embossed in gold lettering across the front. “Ooooo this is nice. Do I get to wear this later for you daddy?” she says with a warm feeling flushing over her body. A wide dirty smile spreads across Greg’s face. “That’s for just now. I want you to wear it while we drive”.
Neha gasps and instantly feels herself getting turned on. “Well, this is new” she replies as she takes the blindfold out. Feeling it’s soft material against her fingers. The smoothness of the velvet allowing it to slight effortlessly over her head and rests perfectly over her eyes, blocking out everything except a tiny slither I light at the very bottom. She sits back in the seat nervously but aroused. The thought of not knowing where they were going or what they were doing pitting her mind into overdrive. She feels the car accelerate and knows they must be on the main arterial route out of the city. The possibilities of their destination being infinite she just sat in silence listening intently. The steady low hum of the road and gentle vibration coming through her seat heightening her suspense and arousal. Just when she was getting to the point of feeling her pussy start to moisten and dampen her panties, she felt Greg’s hand rest on her thigh once more. This time his fingertips brushing against her stockings, caressing her skin with his gentle but firm touch. She twitched slightly as the sensation ran through her like a bolt of lightning. She gave out the lowest of moans. The loss of her vision and the road noise dulling her hearing had obviously heightened her skins sensitivity. Neha sits fidgeting in her seat as Greg’s hand expertly teases her leg, knowing exactly where the sensitive areas are, feeling his way along her leg without even glancing over. She feels his fingers shift and caress the inside of her leg. He’s being a complete tease deliberately not moving up to her waiting pussy, which by now has already soaked through her panties. She can’t control herself and reaches up under shirt, letting her fingers follow the path of her perfect toned lean body to her bra, lifting it up and above her pert little boobs. Her fingers brush against her rock-hard nipples and she bites her lip. At this point she could cum any minute. Who knew someone could get you so turned on the point of orgasm without even touching your pussy. This was why she loved Greg, her daddy, her lover, her friend, her everything. Grabbing her nipples she tweaked them causing a pulse of pleasure to course through her body. Can can’t contain the moan that she releases but realised she should have tried harder as Greg removes his hand. Shocked she asks what’s the matter, wanting to know if she did something wrong. Greg replies “nothing darling. But we are almost there, and I need two hands to drive”. Of course she hadn’t done anything wrong. She’s always a good little kitten. “OK daddy” she replies. Correcting her bra to be more comfortable. She rests her hands on her legs. Feeling the lingering warmth on her thigh from Greg’s hand. She blindly reaches out to her side. Fumbling in the darkness but finding the familiar feel of his strong legs. She slides her hand further over and feels the undeniable bulge of Greg’s rock-hard cock. “I want to play with you daddy” she moans loving the feel of how hard she makes him. “Soon baby girl. There will be plenty of time for that” he replies. She sits gently rubbing him through his jeans. If she can’t play, then she will just tease. Daddy likes to be teased. She feels the car slow, the ticking of the indicators and the rumble of a change of road surface. Another minute and the car slides to a halt and the engine shut off. She can hear the pops and pings of the car engine as it begins to cool. “OK baby. You can take off your blindfold now and open your eyes” she hears in the darkness that is her world just now. She slowly slides the blindfold off her face and gasps at the sight she finds. Greg has booked a cozy cabin in the woods, a place where they can be alone and free to explore their connection without any distractions.
Greg jumps out and round to the passenger side, opening the car door for Neha. Such a gentleman. He reaches out his hand for her to take, helping her out of the car and onto the gravel drive of the cabin. She stands looking up the cabin resting on its high supports thrusting it up into the air. The slightest smell of smoke catches her nostrils as she notices the small stream of smoke coming from the chimney, drifting up into the tree branch canopy above. He grips her hand tightly. “What do you think kitten? I thought I’d surprise you.” She grins looking into his eyes “I love it, just like I love you”. They stand for a moment admiring the view out over the loch before heading inside as the sun slowly starts to fall behind Bennachie and the air takes on a sharpness. Opening the front door of the cabin she is hit by the warm sweet smell of the fireplace roaring, billowing heat into the room. A stark difference from the cooling temperatures outside. Greg closes the door at the back of her, locking it and closing the small curtain that framed the tiny window. He walks over behind Neha encapsulating her in his arms and nuzzling his mouth into her neck. Breathing in her scent. “What do you think so far?” he asks holding onto her lean toned body. “it’s amazing. I’ve always wanted to stay in a cabin. Thank you” she purrs. The glee running through her body. Excitement bubbling to the surface. “Why don’t you go jump in a shower. Freshen yourself up. I have more surprised for you” he says releasing her from his grip and allowing her to turn into him. “You’re just the best, do you know that?” she whispers resting her head on his chest. She pushes herself away letting her hand run down his chest and starts to make her way to the en suite bathroom. She stops in the doorway, looking back over her shoulder. “You are coming?” she says giddy. “Not just now kitten. I have something to do first”. Disappointed she turns and head into the bathroom. Stripping off her clothes. Slowly letting them slide to the floor as she admires herself in the mirror. Down to yet bra and panties she undoes her bra freeing her petite breasts. The cool bathroom air instantly making her nipples hard and erect. She starts to slide her panties down her leg, stops after realising they are soaking wet. She was obviously more excited than she realised. She lets her hand wander down to her pussy, sliding a finger between her lips feeling the warm wet juice. Her finger slides inside without any resistance. Wow she’s wet. Standing watching herself in the mirror as she plays with herself, she stops. Remembering that she is home now and not alone in a hotel room. She has her daddy, who always satisfies her. Content she removes her panties, turns and jumps into the shower. Enjoying the hot water washing away to hours of travelling clogging her skin. With her hair washed, body cleaned, pussy still soaking, she walks out of the cubicle and pics up the fluffy pink towel that was waiting on the counter. As she lifts it, she notices a paper package wrapped with a bow that has been sitting underneath the towel. The words ‘wear this’ written across the paper. She wraps herself in the towel and slowly opens the parcel. Intrigue and wonder making her almost rip the package open. But she controls herself and gentle undoes the bow and the folded paper. What she sees fills her with joy and lust. Resting inside the parcel is black lace and silk basque. Picking it up and admiring it she places it to the side to see what else is there. A matching pair of panties. But not just any panties. Crotchless. The excitement rushing through her body and culminating in her pussy making her feel weak at the knees. What does her daddy have planned for her. What treats does she have in store tonight. The two final pieces of lingerie are a pair stockings and suspender belt, and a black blindfold identical to the one from earlier. He must have got a deal on them she chuckles to herself. Not wanting to delay she quickly dries herself, leaving her hair towel dried only, just the way he likes it, and getting dressed into the sexy items taking a bit of time to admire herself in the mirror.
She steps out of the bathroom and into the bedroom. It’s dark compared to the harsh bathroom lights, but as her eyes adjust, she realised it’s not dark at all but instead is lit by what looks like 1,000 candles. All flickering gently, their light making dancing shadows on the wall. From the darkness comes his voice. “You look incredible baby” he swoons in his deep gruff voice, a tingle of pleasure running down her spine. “Thank you, daddy. I love what you have picked out for me, especially the panties” which, being crotchless is probably a blessing she thinks to herself as she feels the lightest of breeze brush her pussy lips. He steps forward out of the darkness. His face illuminated by the candles outlining his features but making him look mysterious. She takes another step forward towards him. “Let me see all of you” he commands twirling his fingers to instruct her to turning let him see her from every angle. He nods to himself. Pleased that his choice looks as good as he had imagined. “champagne”? He asks pointing to the bottle chilling in a bucket of ice. He’s really pulling out all the stops tonight she thoughts as she nods. He pulls out the bottle and pours two flutes of champagne, non-alcoholic of course seeing neither of them drank. Who needs alcohol when you can have this much fun sober, she giggled to herself. “To having you home” he says clinking their glasses together. She takes a sip. The bubbles tickling her nose momentarily. He steps forward. Takes her glass and lays it down on the table. It’s only now she realised what he is wearing. His black three-piece suit less the jacket. His white shirt sleeves rolled up to just below his elbows. He knows she loves him in that. Taking both of her hands in his she gazes intently as he looks down at the floor, slowly raising his eyes, savouring every detail of her. He moves slightly closer raising her hands up into the air. They continue rising until they are above her head, and even then, they continue. Continue backwards onto the wall just above her head, pulling her backwards so she has no choice but to lean against the wall. She feels weak and giddy and nervous and excited all the same time. He stops with his face two inches from hers, looking deep into her eyes with a look of passion and lust before pressing his lips firmly on hers. The kiss deep and full of love but with a hint of erotica blended in. She moans lightly as they kiss. His tongue gently caressing hers as the kiss continues. He pulls his head back. A huge hungry grin spreading across his face. “Now my little plaything. Time to strip daddy off”. She nods in agreement of his orders, undoing his waistcoat buttons as she looks longingly into his eyes. The shirt buttons follow, and as she pulls his shirt open to expose him chest, she lets herself steal the opportunity to run her fingers through his chest hair, before removing his waistcoat and shirt in one laying it on the sideboard. She is standing in front of him again as she undoes his belt and trouser buttons, holding the loops she pulls the trousers down whilst being her knees into a squat. As she suspected he isn’t wearing any boxers, and his cock bounces free of the trousers as she pulls them down. She smiles, knowing the command to suck him will come soon. She can’t wait. He steps out of his trousers, as she kneels before folding the trousers and placing them neatly on the chair. She pauses, looking up and catching his eye as he looks down on her. “Do you wany to suck daddies cock baby girl” he asks through a beaming smile. “Ye-yes daddy. Please. Can I?” She begs still kneeling. “Of course you can baby. You are so good at sucking me. You’re such a clever girl”. She takes his cock in her hand, left hand gripping the base with the right at the tip. She works her hand down pulling his foreskin back as she does. She can smell the sweet smell of his precum. He’s clearly as excited as she is. She lines her mouth up with the tip of his cock, covers her teeth with her lips slightly and lets him slide inside her mouth. Just the head at first. Savouring the taste and feel of his head as it slides further into her mouth. She loves the feel of his cock in her mouth. It’s one of her favourite things to do for her daddy. Shes such a lucky girl to be allowed to suck him. Daddy knows how much she enjoys it and only allows her to suck him when she has been extra good.
She looks s up longingly. Her dark hair frames her faces beautifully and runs down her body. The look of pleasure on daddy's face makes her suck him harder letting him slide all the way to the back of her throat. He has his hands on him hips thrusting them forward, letting her take as much of him as she can handle, which being such a good little girl means all of it. She reaches her hand up and cups his balls playing with them between her fingers as he gives out a low moan. He loves when his little kitten plays with them, but now for her favourite part. She slides his cock out of her mouth catching it with her hand and pulling it upwards making his balls giggle. She smiles knowing what’s coming after this. She licks her smooth shaved balls before sucking on into her mouth followed by the second. Her wet mouth wrapping around them. She knows he loves when she does this and its confirmed when she feels his hands grab the back of her head. His fingers running through her hair. Enjoying himself being pleasured by his sweet girl. He pulls her head back making his balls pop out of her mouth as some of her saliva dribbles from her mouth and onto her chin. Looking up at him she says “are you ok daddy. Did I do it right?” She doesn’t say anything. Just stands there smiling down at her before pulling her up to her feet but still towering over her. She feels his hand wrap around the back of her neck as he guides her over to the bed. “Kneel on the bed and face me”. She does what’s she’s told as she always does. He walks over to the sideboard and opens the drawer and pulling something out. She gasps as she realises what it is and instantly feels herself getting wetter. Her juice running from her soaked panties down her leg uncontrollably. She rocks back and forth in anticipation of what’s coming. She so excited she struggles to control the moan that leaves her lips, purring at the sight of her daddy returning to the bed. He places the items on the bed before picking up the first item. It’s her favourite collar. Black and slim with a little jewel in the centre and a small metal loop in the back. She looks up at him with her tongue slightly out of her mouth, panting as he places the collar around her neck without saying a word. The instant the collar is on she feels herself transforming into his pet. It’s been a while since he turned her into an actual kitten. She’s missed it. Still silently he reaches down and lifts the matching lead, slipping it onto the back of her collar. She bucks her body in excitement, but she knows that’s not allowed when she’s being dressed. She hears the expectant “eh. NO” command coming from her daddy before feeling the lead lift from her back as he spanks her little pert ass with it. Just once and not too hard. Just enough to remind her of her place and to behave herself “Now you sit still while I finish getting you ready baby otherwise no playtime for you”. The words ringing in her ears, reminding her to do what she is told. She sits pretty for him while she waits for the next parts. She doesn’t have to wait long before the next part of attire is slid expertly onto her head. “My ears oh how I’ve missed them” she thinks to herself as he adjusts them making sure they are equal on both sides. He likes to make sure she looks perfect as he steps back to admire her sitting there in her new black lingerie which matches her collar, lead and ears perfectly just as he thought they would. Pleased with himself he steps forward. “Turn around and face the other direction. There’s a good girl”. She does as she is told and turns her body pointing her ass towards him and her head to the top of the bed. Kneeling on all fours, holding her head up so he can still see her ears. “I forgot to plan for this part” he thinks to himself as he looks down at her butt. “Can’t put her tail on with those panties in the way”. She hears him shift behind her leaving her on the bed. Wondering what he’s up to she steals a glance over her shoulder and sees him lift his trousers and take something out of the pocket. He returns to the bottom of the bed as she hears a loud click. Before feeling the cold metal against her skin, running a shiver up her spine making her arch her back slightly. She feels the metal move on her skin and hears the distinct sound of fabric ripping. He has taken his trusty pocket knife out of his trousers and is cutting her panties from the waist in a straight line to the crotchless area. The knife is razor sharp and slides easily through the thin fabric. As it cuts the final threads she feels the panties release and open wide exposing her pussy and ass fully. She hears the sound of the knife snapping shut as he says “That’s much better. Now you hold still kitten and let daddy get you sorted out”. She feels his hands on her ass stroking her cheeks. His thumbs running down the centre, his fingers spread over her cheeks enjoying the feel. She feels his hands run down the back of her legs and up the inside of her thigh.”What’s this?” As he feels her juice that’s been running down her leg. “No no no we can’t have you making a mess of yourself like that. Kittens have to always be clean”. He runs his fingers up both of her thighs catching all of her juice that’s escaped down her legs. He grabs her lead and pulls her head around. “Here, clean this up before we get started kitten” he says as he thrusts her holds his hand in front of her face. She can see her silky juice shining in the palm of his hand and fingers. She nods and starts to lick her own juice up from his hand. Lapping it up like a good little kitten. “That’s a good girl. You drink up your juice” he says as she finished the last remnants from him hand. He lets the lead loosen and goes back to her ass. She feels the cold metal of her tail running up the inside of her thigh heading for her pussy before the tip of the little metal plug stops between her lips. “Let’s pop this in here to keep it safe while we get your ass ready” he says as he slides the plug inside. He tail now sitting between her legs. She can just imagine her juice starting to spread down its soft black fur as she waits eagerly. She feels his hands on her ass again this time spreading her cheeks, exposing her tight little hole. His wet hot tongue is suddenly between her cheeks running down on its way to her hole. She moans as she feels it run directly over, coating her in his saliva before she feels his tongue probe her asshole, teasing the opening before sliding its way inside, making her muscles relax and his tongue gently opens her up, making her ready for her tail. A few minutes of rimming her and he is content that she is relaxed enough to accept her tail. He stands straight again. Grabs the tail and pulling without warning. She feels the plug instantly fall out of her taking with it a long string of her juice. She feels his spit on her asshole, just to add some extra lubricant to the already coated plug. She feels the tip of it sit just on the opening. “Now little kitten as you ready for your tail? Make you a proper little kitten for your daddy” he says holding the tail in one hand and her lead in the other. She nods “Yes daddy. Make me your kitten. Make me complete. Please daddy”. And at that she feels him pull her lead down her back making her arch upwards, lifting her head, while at the same time sliding her tails plug into her waiting little asshole. She gasps and gives along moan as she feels the plug filling her up inside. She feels complete now. She has everything in place now. She is a kitten. A good little kitten for her daddy. Waiting for his next command and orders. Always happy to please. Always wanting to please. Always happy. She looks over her shoulder again looking back at her daddy standing there. His frame black against the shimmering candlelight. She purrs a long sensual purr. Purring for her daddy. Letting him know she’s a happy kitten.
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Kinky_Auld_Bastehrd I’m breathless and ohhhh so erect. I’m breathless and ohhhh so erect.
Like · 14.01.2025 18:58:10
icon-wio ScottishTeddyBear created a topic in BDSM Stories & Kinky Sex Confessions
Neha the Little Kitten - Part 3
Greg sits waiting patiently for his favourite time of day. The time when he can speak to his little kitten. Despite Neha being thousands of miles away they are both eager to keep their sex life alive. And so, they had decided to try phone sex. Greg had never tried it before, and it filled him with Read more…dread at the thought of having to say sexy words to a mobile phone instead of to his darling’s face. But after the first time 3 days ago he was now hooked. Spending the days teasing Neha with naughtier and dirtier messages, and Neha not wanting to be outdone, had been sending raunchier messages and more importantly pictures. Now was their second night of distant fun and they were feeling horny to the brink of losing self-control.
It was at that moment whilst he sat naked on the bed, a towel at his side to catch the mess, smiling to himself as he looked at the latest collection of images, that his phone buzzed in his hand. It had barely finished the first ring before he had answered, quickly putting it onto loudspeaker. “Hey daddy” purred Neha’s voice. Greg’s cock was instantly hard at the sound of her sultry voice. “Hey baby. Has daddy’s little kitten been a good girl today?” His soothing voice reverberated in her ears, sending shivers down her spine. He grinned. imagining her laying on her separate bed all those miles away listening to his voice. Neha bit her lip, her body already responding to his words. "Yes, Daddy."
I want you to get comfortable. Lie down on your bed and close your eyes. Imagine that I'm there with you, watching over you." Neha followed his instructions, her breath quickening with anticipation. She could almost feel Greg's presence beside her, his eyes on her, his hands poised to guide her. The room was quiet, apart from the gentle hum of the ceiling fan. Greg's voice took on a commanding tone. "Now, I want you to start by touching yourself, kitten. Slowly, gently. Imagine my hands guiding yours." Neha's fingers traced the curve of her neck, moving down to her collarbone, then to the swell of her breasts. She could almost feel Greg's touch, his fingers following hers, leaving a trail of fire in their wake. She imagined his eyes darkening with desire as he watched her, his breath catching with each movement of her hands. “Tell me what you're feeling," Greg demanded, his voice a low, sensual growl. "I'm feeling your hands on me, Daddy," Neha whispered, her voice trembling with desire. "It feels so good."
"Good girl," Greg praised. "Now, I want you to imagine that I've tied your hands above your head. You can't move them. You're completely at my mercy. How does that make you feel, kitten?" Neha's pulse quickened, her body tingling with anticipation. "It makes me feel... excited, Daddy." Greg growled. "You're my kitten, and I own you. Do you understand?"
"Yes, Daddy," Neha moaned, her body aching for more. Greg's voice softened, becoming more intimate. "Now, I want you to imagine I'm kissing you, starting from your lips and moving down your body. Neha's body trembled with desire as she imagined Greg's lips on her skin, his kisses leaving a trail of heat and longing. She could almost feel the warmth of his breath, the gentle pressure of his lips, moving down her neck, to her collarbone, and lower still. "I belong to you, Daddy," she whispered. "That's right, kitten," Greg responded. "You're mine. And I'm going to take care of you, always." Greg's voice grew more intense, filled with a mixture of command and tenderness. "I want you to imagine me there with you, kitten. Imagine my hands on your wrists, holding you down. You can't move, you can't escape. You're mine." Neha's breath hitched, her body arching off the bed as she imagined Greg's strong hands pinning her down. "Yes, Daddy," she breathed. "I'm yours."
"Good girl," Greg purred. "Now, I want you to imagine I'm teasing you, my fingers trailing down your body, stopping just where you need them most. You're so desperate for my touch, aren't you, kitten?" Neha moaned, her body writhing in anticipation. "Please, I need you." Greg's voice was a soothing balm yet filled with authority. "Patience, kitten. You'll get what you need. But first, I want you to tell me how much you want it. Beg for it, kitten." Neha's voice was a desperate whisper. "Please, Daddy. I need you. Please, give it to me."
"That's my good girl," Greg murmured. "Now, imagine I'm finally giving you what you need, my hands bringing you to the edge, my voice guiding you. You're so close, kitten. Can you feel it?" “Yes, Daddy," Neha panted, her body caught in the throes of intense desire. "I'm so close." " Now, kitten, I want you to let go. Let yourself fall. I'm here with you, and I'll catch you. Let go for me, my sweet kitten." With Greg's words in her ears, Neha felt herself surrender completely, her body trembling with the *** of her release. She was lost in the sensations, guided by Greg's voice, his presence a comforting anchor in the storm of her emotions. As the waves of pleasure subsided, Neha lay spent and content, her breath coming in slow, deep gulps. "Thank you, Daddy," she whispered, her voice filled with gratitude and affection. “You're welcome, kitten," Greg replied softly. "You did so well. I'm proud of you. “Neha felt a warm glow of pride and satisfaction. "I belong to you, Daddy," she murmured. "And I belong to you, kitten," Greg responded. "Sweet dreams. I'll be here, watching over you." Over the next few weeks, Neha and Greg's relationship deepened. Their phone calls became a nightly ritual, a sanctuary where they could escape from the pressures of the outside world and lose themselves in each other. Each night, Greg would guide Neha through new fantasies and experiences. They explored different scenarios, each one more intense and intimate than the last. Greg's voice was a constant source of comfort and arousal, his words weaving a web of desire that held Neha captive.
One night, Greg introduced a new element to their play. "Kitten, do you trust me?" he asked, his voice filled with tenderness. "Yes, Daddy," Neha replied without hesitation. "Good girl. Tonight, I want to try something new. You're going to be blindfolded," Greg instructed. "I want you to feel everything more intensely, to rely on your other senses. Can you do that for me, kitten?" Neha's heart raced with excitement. "Yes, Daddy," she whispered. "Good girl. Now, put on the blindfold and lie back. Imagine my hands on your body, my lips on your skin. Let yourself feel every touch, every kiss," Greg's voice was a soothing command. Neha followed his instructions, her senses heightened by the loss of sight. Every touch felt more intense, every kiss more electrifying. Greg's voice was her guide, his words ***ting vivid pictures in her mind. "Kitten, do you know why I cherish these moments with you?" he asked. "Why, Daddy?" Neha replied, her curiosity piqued. "Because it's not just about the physical pleasure. It's about the connection we share, the trust we have in each other. It's about knowing that in this moment, we are completely honest and *** with each other," Greg explained. Neha felt a surge of emotion. "I feel the same way, Daddy. These moments mean so much to me. You've given me the freedom to explore my desires, to be my true self," she confessed. Greg's voice was filled with warmth. "And I will always be here for you, kitten. No matter what, you can count on me."
Likenocentlywyld, kingJay402, simonr1983and 6 more… · 1 Reply
Sandanista16 Bore off man Bore off man
Like · 14.01.2025 13:33:10
icon-wio ScottishTeddyBear created a topic in BDSM Stories & Kinky Sex Confessions
Neha the Little Kitten - Part 2
She stands at the kitchen counter as he walks in taking a second to admire her slim toned figure. Her long dark hair, still wet from the shower, shines in the evening light and he head gently moves. He stands thinking to himself how lucky he has become. He walks quietly closer hearing her, hearing Read more…her gently humming to herself, a song he doesn’t know. He is almost behind her now. The scent of her shampoo and body wash fills his nose. Today she has opted for shorts and a small vest, which she knows is his favourite.
He stands directly behind her. She hasn’t sensed his presence yet. Distracted by whatever she is doing. He reaches out his arms. His hands landing on her hips and at the same time sliding round her stomach and up onto her shoulders pulling her into him. She thrusts her head backwards both in surprise and excitement at the feel of his hands on her skin. “Hey daddy” she whispers. “Hi kitten” he rasps as he nibbles her earlobe. “Did you enjoy your shower?”. She spins around to face him, dropping her arms over his shoulders. “I was a bit lonely without you” she says. Her light voice alluring and seductive. He looks into her deep dark eyes seeing the passion behind them. “I’m sorry. I got held up at work. I hope you haven’t tired yourself out too much today. I have something for you”. He reaches into his back pocket and pulls out a navy-blue box embossed with golden letters that read ‘Swarovski’. She gasps and giggles. Her eyes widening as she opens the box slowly. Teasing herself before she sees the contents. As the box open the light catches the crystals inside and they shine brightly. Reflecting in her eyes. She can’t believe her eyes. Inside the velvet lined box is a collar. But not just any collar. This is crystal encrusted collar. A black crystal encrusted leather and velvet collar. She looks up at him with a hungry look on her face as she bites her lip. “That’s the one you had been looking at, wasn’t it?” he asked eyeing her expression. She nods happily. A smile spreading across her face. He reaches inside the box and removes the collar. It’s heavy but delicate. He undoes the buckle and places it around her neck. It’s a perfect fit as he thought it would be. As he closes the buckle, she excitedly rushes over to the hall mirror admiring herself. Then she realises. Aswell as being the one she wanted; he has added a little something special. Spelled out in bright red crystals amongst the shining black is the word ‘Kitten’. She loves his pet’s name for her and loves being his little kitten in the bedroom. He walks over behind her again and passionately whispers in her ear “lets head to the bedroom”. His hand reaches up and clips a thin lead to her new collar pulling her closer as he kisses her nose then turns and leads her through to the bedroom, guiding her with her lead.
They reach the bedroom, and he places her at the foot of the bed. “Stay” he says in a commanding voice. He moves away and she is standing perfectly still watching him closely. He opens the wardrobe and take the keys from his pocket finding the smallest one and unlocks the dungeon box he keeps in there. He always keeps it locked and never lets her see inside. It fills her with pleasure that he is looking in there. It excites her to imagine the treats he might have in store. She sees him nod to himself and hears the box being locked again. She stands as still as she can, which is hard as her knees shake and she feel how wet her pussy is getting. Her juice soaking onto her shorts. He closes the wardrobe and walks purposely over to her. She sees a glint of shining metal in his hand. He stops in front of her and reaches up and slides the straps of her top off of her shoulders. He places his hand in the centre of her chest curling his fingers around the frills and pulls downwards. She feels his fingers brushing her skin as he slides her top down to her waist. As he reaches the waistband of her shorts, he grips with his fingers pulling her top and shorts together letting them drop to the ground around her ankles. He takes a step back looking her up and down. Admiring her form. Grinning as he notices she has freshly trimmed her public hair making it surround and frame her pussy.
He pushes her with enough *** to make her fall backwards onto the bed but gentle enough to not cause ***. This isn’t one of those nights. His little kitten has been a good girl. She bounces gently as she lands. He moves around the side of the bed. She watches him intently as he goes. Now she sees what he has in his hands. It’s a pair of silk lined gauntlet cuffs. He stands at the side of the bed looking down at her. She can see the bugle in his pants starting to grow bigger. In one sharp domineering word he says “Hands”. She knows what to do. She slides her hand up over her body and through her hair until they are above her head. “Good girl” he says as he leans over and places the cuffs over her wrists. He pulls the clasps tight. Enough to hold her tight but loose enough to not leave any marks. He doesn’t want anyone to know what him and his little girl get up to behind closed doors. She can feel his breath caressing her face as he works. The smell of his cologne wafting over her. Making her tingle with excitement. He pats her wrist and smiles as he lifts her hands up and places them on her chest. In one swift move he unclips the lead and replaces it with a chain, which he then clips onto the cuffs. Enough room for her to reach her belly but no further. He likes to see her want to touch herself but knowing that he controls when she does.
He stands upright, the bulge in his pants so clearly visible, and takes a step back. He smiles to himself as he undoes the buttons on his shirt, knowing what he has in store for her. She looks up at home intently curious to know what he has planned for the evening. He slides his shirt off over his shoulders and undoes his belt and buttons letting his pants fall to the floor in a loud thump. As they fall his rock-hard erection bounces free and springs to attention pointing directly forward. She lays there hungrily watching him undress. Waiting patiently for her reward for being a good girl. He steps forward once more and reaches under the pillow of the bed taking a hidden blindfold out. She gasps with excitement as she knows she’s in for a real treat tonight. He places the blindfold over her eyes and secures it with the silk ribbons. “Are you ready kitten?” She nods rapidly urging him to begin. She has spent the whole day thinking about him and cannot wait to bring him pleasure. She feels the bed move as he sits beside her and without warning she feels a delicate brush against her skin. She tingles and tenses as she realises, he has one of her favourite items from the box. A single long black feather. He begins by brushing the feather over her forehead and down her cheek, over her jawline and down the side of her next. She moans quietly. The blindfold taking away one sense and heightening the others. Her skin is so sensitive to his touch. The feather works its way around her neck and down over her breasts, lightly brushing against the very tip of her firm nipples. He breaths deeper enjoying the view of her deep coloured skin under the dark feather. The slight movements of pleasure beginning to show as he works his magic with the feather. Who knew a single feather could bring such desire. The feather has made its way down to her stomach, across her pelvis and up her side. He knows she is very sensitive on her sides and his knowledge of every part of her is what makes their love so passionate. She feels the feather tickle her side, hitting all the sensitive areas of her perfectly toned figure that he knows so well. “Mmmmmmm you like that don’t you baby?”. She quietens her voice down to just above a whisper as she says “Yes daddy. I really do”. Me moans slightly as she says those words feeling his cock twitch at the sound of ‘Daddy’. His head bows and he fix his eyes on her figure. Concentrating on teasing her and building his own desire. The feather now rests just above her pussy. Nestling amongst the short hair. The tip sitting just above her clit casting a surreal shadow over her lips.
He wakes with a jolt, and it takes a few seconds to realise he is at home, in his bed, alone. He is aware that his cock is sitting up. Precum leaking gently from the tip. His phone buzzes and he realise that was what woke him. With slight frustration at being disturbed from his erotic fantasy he grabs his phone and unlocking the screen. All frustration instantly disappears when he sees the notification from Neha. He quickly opens the message as his heart starts to race, eager to know what she has sent him. There, on the screen, is one simply line of text. Just the words ‘I Love You Daddy’. He feels his heart pound, his mouth dry and his cock harder than he thought possible. This simple phrase is what he has always longed to hear. He rapidly replies to the message. ‘I love you too kitten’. As he types, he feels a smile spreading across his face. He adds ‘Sorry I just woke up, but I think I had a dream about you’.
Likenocentlywyld, kingJay402, simonr1983and 8 more…
icon-wio ScottishTeddyBear created a topic in BDSM Stories & Kinky Sex Confessions
Neha the Little Kitten - Part 1
As the clock struck midnight the warm summer breeze drifted through the open window. It was a familiar sound, one that always seemed to lull him into a state of calm contemplation. But tonight was different.
Greg's phone vibrated on the bed beside him, signalling the arrival of a new message from Read more…Neha. He quickly unlocked his phone, anticipation building. When he opened her message, his heart skipped a beat. She had sent him another picture. This I’m sitting. her long dark hair flowing around her face. No glasses this time. Her dark sultry eyes gleaming through the filter. Piercing into his mind. the slightest cheeky grin just evident on her lips. He glances down slightly noticing her firm little nipple peaking over the top of her top.
The image was breathtaking, and Greg found himself staring at it for several moments., his erection straining against his boxers. He wanted nothing more than to be with her right now, to feel her soft skin against his own and to taste her sweet nectar on his tongue. But as he continued to gaze at the picture, he couldn't help but feel a twinge of longing. Longing for the day when they could finally be together, when the miles between them wouldn't matter and they could give in to their desires completely.
In the meantime, they would have to make do with what they had. And what they had was a powerful connection. As Greg stared at the picture, he could almost feel Neha's breath on his neck, her warm skin against his own.
He wanted nothing more than to tell her how beautiful she was, how much he longed for her, how much he wanted her to be with him right now. But for now, he would have to settle for expressing his thoughts through words. With a shaky hand, he typed out a reply, telling her how much he loved how sexy she looked. He promised her that one day, they would find a way to be together, to make all of their dreams come true.
As he pressed send, he felt a wave of relief wash over him, knowing that she would be getting the message and feeling his love and desire just as strongly as he did. It was in moments like these that he found solace in their connection, no matter how far apart they might be physically. And though they may never be able to touch each other in person, they could always touch each other's hearts.
Suddenly his phone vibrated in his hand. Snapping him back from the fantasy world his mind had drifted to. This wasn’t a message. This was a call. Nerves rose within his throat catching his breath. He wanted to answer and hear her voice for the first time. He hesitated just a second too long and just as suddenly as it had appeared the vibration stopped, and the phone fell dark once again.
Panic overtook all thoughts. What if she thinks I ignored her. What if she doesn’t want to chat anymore. What if, what if, what if. His mind spiralling into dread at the thought of losing contact with her. And with these thoughts brewing in his mind, he felt his hand vibrate one more. The screen lighting up and dazzling his as he lays in the darkness. He quickly swipes to answer the call. Placing the phone to his ear. Neha's voice drifts through the phone a few moments later, her soft Indian accent making his heart skip a beat. "Greg, my love," she purred, "I hope you're enjoying the pictures I sent. I've been thinking about you all day, wanting to feel your touch." Her words sent a shiver down his spine.
He cleared his throat, trying to gather his thoughts as he spoke. "Neha, you have no idea how much I miss you. I wish we could be together right now." He could feel the heat rising in his cheeks as he imagined her reaction. "I want to taste you; feel you wrapped around me. I want to make you feel good."
There was a long silence on the other end of the line before she finally responded. "Greg," she whispered, her voice barely above a whisper, "I want that, too. I want us to be together. I want to feel your skin against mine, your cock inside me. I want to be your little kitten, needing you, wanting you." Her words sent a wave of desire coursing through his veins.
He swallowed hard, struggling to control the desire that was building inside him. "Neha, my sweet girl," he said, his voice thick with emotion, "I want that so much. I wish we could find a way to make it happen. I want to make you feel as loved and wanted as you make me feel." He paused, trying to find the right words to express himself. "I'll always be here for you, Neha. No matter how far apart we are, I'll always be your daddy, and you'll always be my little kitten."
There was another long silence before she finally spoke. "I love you, Greg," she said softly. "And I need you. I know we can't be together yet, but I'll be waiting for you. I'll be your little kitten, waiting for the day when we can finally be together again." Her words sent a wave of comfort and reassurance washing over him.
Greg closed his eyes, imagining her words as if they were true. As if they were together right now, lying in bed together, her soft body pressed against his. He could almost feel her breath on his neck, her warm skin against his own. It was in moments like these that he felt the most connected to her, even though they were separated by an ocean and thousands of miles. But he knew that one day, their love would conquer all and they would finally be together where they belonged.
Until then, they would have to make do with their phone calls, their dirty texts, and their dirty pictures. But for now, as he listened to her gentle voice on the other end of the line, Greg felt a sense of peace wash over him. A peace that came from knowing that no matter how far apart they were, they were always connected by something much stronger than distance: their love.
Likenocentlywyld, kingJay402, simonr1983and 8 more…
icon-wio ScottishTeddyBear wrote something in the forum
  • 14.01.2025 8:54:55
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Pleasure, to give or receive?

I totally agree with you. I am exactly the same. Don't care if I get anything aslong as I have given her pleasure

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  • 11.01.2025 11:16:08
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  • 15.07.2024 11:23:47
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icon-wio ScottishTeddyBear wrote something about themself
  • 14.07.2024 16:42:51
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Recently separated daddy/dom teddybear
icon-wio ScottishTeddyBear shared the limits
  • 14.07.2024 16:42:51
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Open to suggestions
icon-wio ScottishTeddyBear finished the BDSM Test
  • 14.07.2024 15:56:52
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