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Sexual desires and frustration

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In my dynamic with my daddy I'm the princess and his my daddy and Master.... I'm a lot younger than him I need to play all the time... I'm so horny all day and he can't understand that I need play time!!! All day!!! I know I'm a sex addict.... But I just don't know how to control my impulses and sexual behavior. Any thoughts?
And this is why I date younger. Hot wife if he's open to it, or toys if he's not. Ultimately you have to ask yourself if your difference in drives something you can live with.
5 minutes ago, VivienneLiana said:
And this is why I date younger. Hot wife if he's open to it, or toys if he's not. Ultimately you have to ask yourself if your difference in drives something you can live with.

Or you could always just microdose him Viagra all day 😂😂😂 just kidding. Don’t do that. That’s a horrible idea.

Something else to consider would be getting someone to join your relationship to keep you occupied while he is unable to.
Yepp, your daddy should have at keast daily playtime with you and your toys ...
Reading your profile, it looks like your Daddy likes more other girls to play with ...

I'm older and I am lucky enough to have kept basically the same huge sex drive I had when I was 20 (it's probably higher now than then actually). I think having a big sex drive is a great thing, and I do several things daily to keep mine up. I value and enjoy being a ravenous insatiable fiend. But, I have always had the same problem as you where I couldn't get enough from my partner. 

Since you are bound to want to do it more often than your partner(s), I suggest you get real familiar with masturbation, unless you can go the polyam/swinging way, and get enough action that way, but what the previous commenters did not mention is that it carries its own complexities and dynamics and it's not for everyone. Great idea in theory, until you've had a handful of LTRs implode when you've met a new person you've fallen in love with because the older partner just cannot handle their jealousy. Not everyone is able to watch their long term committed partner go through a honeymoon phase with someone else. Mostly, you don't know how you will react to that until it actually happens. It only works well for some people and is the source of ***, broken relationships and intense drama for many others. If you are interested in exploring that, then educate yourself on best practices to minimize the chance of it going wrong. A couple of great reads are More Than Two (though I've heard from reliable sources that the author is a very unsavoury character - that doesn't make the content of the book any less valuable though, so I still recommend it. Just don't take the personal stories he shares at face value), and The Ethical Slut. There are other good books on the topic, but these are the two big ones in my view.

Anyhow, back to masturbation... Get a wide variety of masturbation aides so you can change things up and keep things fresh. Toys with different textures, material, size, etc. If you have the ***, a good quality fucking machine is a nice thing to have. Dildos with suction cups that you can stick to surfaces are fun. Here's a little game you can play with them: stick one or two on each wall of your bedroom, or coffee table, hard floor, or whatever surface you have around, and do laps around the room. Kind of a gangbang simulation of sorts. Hitachi wands are great too. I have a penis so I get any kind of sleeve I can get my hands on, and I know there is a wide variety of female-specific toys as well. Try every one you can that appeals to you. Explore new ways to make yourself cum., and just basically go as wild as your little heart desires! Creativity and listening to your urges is the key. If you have enough imagination, you'll never run out of new ways to fuck yourself. Great way to get some exercise in, too... If your legs are sore from all the riding the next day, you know you did good. 

Also, if you like to watch yourself or have an exhibition kink, you can make videos out of the sessions and either just keep them for yourself so you can see how hot you look when you're fucking yourself, or start an OnlyFans or something similar. Make sure to carefully weigh the pros and cons for you to put that online though, as it's not a decision that should be taken lightly. 

Good luck keeping that thirst quenched. In my experience, the more you indulge, the more it grows. It's a beautiful thing to be a very sexual being.

The daddy here . I can sex her daily no problem.. she behaves she gets to go out and play.. however recently men are just using her or hurting her. I Love her and want her happy, but I will protect her. It's not just a high drive.. it's an addiction. We can have the greatest sex, Adam and Eve online loves my bank account, but just a couple hours later she wants someone else even if I'm ready and willing.. she made this profile, I just wanted to find a safe woman, or a couple even to be a more steady situation so that she is safe and I don't have to worry so much.
I cannot see the issue ... sex adiction is wonderful, I would share her on frequent basis with other men ...

A new fantasy is kinda being made to participate in cbt Olympics. It can be private but she can set up cbt events. Like the cbt hits. It can be like if you do 100 hits you get to go on to the next event. With the last event being some kind of endurance event where I would have to like squeeze my balls for example for a certain amount of time. 

7 hours ago, Daddyslut9684 said:
The daddy here . I can sex her daily no problem.. she behaves she gets to go out and play.. however recently men are just using her or hurting her. I Love her and want her happy, but I will protect her. It's not just a high drive.. it's an addiction. We can have the greatest sex, Adam and Eve online loves my bank account, but just a couple hours later she wants someone else even if I'm ready and willing.. she made this profile, I just wanted to find a safe woman, or a couple even to be a more steady situation so that she is safe and I don't have to worry so much.

I’ll pipe in here not in response to the OP
But in response ti the comment of “The Daddy” in this dynamic.

He is correct in highlighting that high sex drive is not the same as sexual addition! And as with any addiction the needs and thirst for gratification and satisfaction can result in risky dangerous behaviour/situations and can be damaging (personally and to relationships).
It is understandable that he shows genuine concern of safety for the OP in her addiction; as he clearly has as much an emotional connection as a physical one with her.

So while there are some suggestions of gangbangs and cuckhold, (this is clearly not a cuckhold dynamic). Opening up the dynamic to consensually bring in “other/s” is essentially feeding the addiction.

Vetting will need to play a huge part in bringing in the right “others” to play in the relationship to not impact the current dynamic.

Some useful “relief” advice has been given by @RoxanneD
Though I would think engaging in that amount of masturbation is likely to perpetuate the need for more “real” sex…

I wish you both luck in working through and finding your balance.

7 hours ago, derSklavenhalter said:
I cannot see the issue ... sex adiction is wonderful, I would share her on frequent basis with other men ...

Addiction isn’t wonderful sir, no matter what kind of addiction we are referring to. It puts us in danger, as will change our behaviour towards acquiring what we need when we need it.
Besides, is a horrible feeling the frustration one experiences when non achievable.
I’m talking from experience, I’m a sex addict myself. And the neglect on it led to the end of an 18 relationship with marriage.
Not fun, not wonderful

1 hour ago, Coco_De_Leche said:

I’ll pipe in here not in response to the OP
But in response ti the comment of “The Daddy” in this dynamic.

He is correct in highlighting that high sex drive is not the same as sexual addition! And as with any addiction the needs and thirst for gratification and satisfaction can result in risky dangerous behaviour/situations and can be damaging (personally and to relationships).
It is understandable that he shows genuine concern of safety for the OP in her addiction; as he clearly has as much an emotional connection as a physical one with her.

So while there are some suggestions of gangbangs and cuckhold, (this is clearly not a cuckhold dynamic). Opening up the dynamic to consensually bring in “other/s” is essentially feeding the addiction.

Vetting will need to play a huge part in bringing in the right “others” to play in the relationship to not impact the current dynamic.

Some useful “relief” advice has been given by @RoxanneD
Though I would think engaging in that amount of masturbation is likely to perpetuate the need for more “real” sex…

I wish you both luck in working through and finding your balance.

Exactly my thoughts on the matter, couldn’t have been better said.

8 hours ago, bmac91 said:

Or you could always just microdose him Viagra all day 😂😂😂 just kidding. Don’t do that. That’s a horrible idea.

🤣🤣🤣🤣 🤘🏽🤘🏽

8 hours ago, Daddyslut9684 said:
The daddy here . I can sex her daily no problem.. she behaves she gets to go out and play.. however recently men are just using her or hurting her. I Love her and want her happy, but I will protect her. It's not just a high drive.. it's an addiction. We can have the greatest sex, Adam and Eve online loves my bank account, but just a couple hours later she wants someone else even if I'm ready and willing.. she made this profile, I just wanted to find a safe woman, or a couple even to be a more steady situation so that she is safe and I don't have to worry so much.

Dude you are a keeper, I’m glad she’s lucky enough to have you help her keep safe navigating this. Some men are horrible to girls with our affliction.

(Based on my experience), Littles have an endless void that only attention can fill. A shark will die if it stops swimming. Littles are kinda the same way, if they are awake, they need attention. To quote Princess Elsa when she was little, "Ths sky is awake, so I'm awake, so I must play!"

It's not a bad thing, but unless you have endless reserves of time, attention, patience, and adoration.... maybe reconsider being a Daddy?
The daddy mentioned sex addiction. If so, she should get treatment. Then, healthy, consider opening to other stuff.
27 minutes ago, RicSp said:
The daddy mentioned sex addiction. If so, she should get treatment. Then, healthy, consider opening to other stuff.

Is she clinically diagnosed? I had a girlfriend who claimed I was a sex addict. The majority of undiagnosed sex addictions are actually a sexual imbalance. Was I an addict or was she a prude? It depends on the end of the lens you are looking through.
I don't know her, but I don't think she has a sex addiction. I suspect she has an attention addiction. Her outlet to channel this is met by the DD/lg dynamic. Sexual attention is just as valid as tea parties, coloring, watching Disney movies, etc. I am not a therapist, but if she needs a diagnosis, I would say codependent.

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