BDSM Play Partner18 to 35 years ● 500km around USA, Waynesboro 29 minutes ago
Kinky Date24 to 62 years ● 25km around USA, Memphis 06.06.2024 - 28.06.2024
Kinky Date18 to 80 years ● 265km around USA, Powell 05.06.2024 - 07.06.2024


Kinky Date18 to 80 years ● 25km around UK, Slough one hour ago
Kinky Date18 to 80 years ● 25km around UK, Slough one hour ago

re you a Woman who knows the power of her leadership, both in and out of the home? Are you seeking a partner who understands the importance of structure and discipline in a relationship? Look no further, for I am searching for a Female Led Relationship (FLR) where domestic discipline is embraced and celebrated.

As a submissive man, I recognize the strength and wisdom that a Dominant Woman possesses. I am eager to surrender myself to your guidance, knowing that your leadership will shape our dynamic with love and respect. In our FLR, domestic discipline will be a cornerstone, providing us with a framework for growth and intimacy.

I am ready to accept your authority with humility and obedience, understanding that discipline is an expression of your care and devotion. Together, we will establish clear expectations and boundaries, ensuring a harmonious balance of power and affection in our household.

Outside of our structured environment, I am a devoted partner who thrives on supporting your ambitions and aspirations. Whether it’s tending to household chores, running errands, or simply being there to listen and comfort you, I am committed to fulfilling my role with unwavering dedication.

If you are a Woman who seeks a relationship built on trust, communication, and the mutual exchange of power, I invite you to consider the possibilities of an FLR with me. Let’s embark on a journey of mutual growth and fulfillment, where our dynamic flourishes and our bond deepens with each passing day. Together, we can create a life filled with love, discipline, and happiness
strong level 3 to 4

NSA75km around USA, Concord Township 2 hours ago
NSA18 to 80 years ● 500km around USA, Tampa 06.06.2024 - 07.06.2024

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