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Let's learn some breathwork

Welcome to a guided breath play and sensual exploration experience. This journey combines deep, rhythmic breathing techniques inspired by various breathwork practices such as Holotropic Breathing, Wim Hof Method, and others, with gentle, explorative touch. This guide is designed for beginners, providing clear instructions to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience. Best if you have a partner to monitor your progression.


  • Setting:Choose a comfortable, private space where you won't be disturbed. Have a comfortable place to lie down, like a bed or a padded mat on the floor.
  • Mindset:Ensure you are in a calm, open state of mind. This exercise involves both your body and your emotions.
  • Safety: Never practice breath holds alone if you are inexperienced, and avoid this practice if you have respiratory issues, are pregnant, or have cardiovascular problems. Always listen to your body, and stop if you feel uncomfortable.

    Guided Experience:

    Part 1: Establishing Rhythm

    1. Begin in a Comfortable Position: Lie down flat on your back with your hands resting by your sides. Close your eyes to enhance your focus on your breath and sensations.

    2. Basic Deep Breathing:

      • Inhale deeply through your nose for a count of 4, filling your lungs fully and expanding your abdomen.
      • Hold your breath for a count of 4.
      • Exhale slowly through your mouth for a count of 6, releasing all the air and contracting your abdomen.
      • Repeat this cycle three times to get comfortable with deep breathing.

        Part 2: Sensual Exploration with Breath

    3. Gentle Touch Exploration:

      • Continue the deep breathing rhythm.
      • Begin to lightly run the fingertips of one hand across different parts of your body: start from the forehead, trace down to your neck, over your shoulders, arms, and down to your stomach and legs.
      • Notice how each part of your body feels as you touch it—warm, cool, tingling, or neutral.

    4. Breath Holds and Touch:

      • Inhale deeply and hold your breath at the top. While holding your breath, gently press on areas you find soothing or stimulating (like pressing gently around your thighs, knees, or calves).
      • Hold as long as is comfortable, then release your breath slowly.

    5. Exploring Extended Exhales:

      • After a few cycles of regular breathing, take a deep inhale and exhale everything completely and hold your breath with no air in your lungs.
      • With empty lungs, lightly caress sensitive areas like your inner wrists, neck, or around your hips. The lack of breath can intensify the sensory experience.

        Part 3: Integrating Advanced Breathing Techniques

    6. Alkaline Breathing:

      • Inhale deeply and exhale rapidly for 20 breaths. Feel the warmth that builds in your body with the rapid exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide.

    7. Breath of Fire:

      • Perform quick, rhythmic exhales through your nose only, focusing on the abdomen contracting with each breath. Focus only on the exhale the inhale will come naturally. Do this for 30 seconds.
      • Follow with a deep inhale, hold for a moment at the top with full lungs, and explore touching your chest or gently pinching your nipples for added sensation.

    8. Cool Down with Holotropic Influences:

      • Return to normal breathing. Let your breath flow naturally and take a moment to let your body and mind absorb the sensations and calmness.

        Open your eyes slowly, bringing your awareness back to the room. Sit up gradually, and drink some water to rehydrate and ground yourself.

        Consider how your body and mind felt during the exercise. What sensations were most prominent? How did controlling your breath affect your emotional and physical state? Reflecting on these questions can deepen your understanding and appreciation of breath play combined with sensual exploration.

Let's learn some breathwork

Kinky Date18 to 80 years ● 500km around USA, Vancouver