This might be a bit long but I want you to understand what will happen so we don't waste our time. TPE is not something that will or should happen overnight.

First we will get to know each other. However long that takes it takes. Texting back and forth asking questions of each other (I ask lots of questions lol). A voice call or two and maybe a video call.

If that goes well we can move in to a trial phase. Usually a week or longer depending on what happens. In that trial period you will get a few rules a few simple tasks and things. It will test how you follow instructions and willingness to obey and things. All the time we are still getting to know each other.

If everything goes well we will discuss if we want to continue on or stop. Yes it is a decision for both of us. If we continue on you will receive more rules. My rules are geared towards helping you succeed for the most part. If you have any goals the rules will be set to help you achieve them. My pleasure is watching and helping you succeed.

You will start to be micromanaged. I will take more control and you will give more over time. THIS DOES NOT HAPPEN IN A WEEK. Just want to make it clear that everything I'm saying is a long process.

As for what I'm looking for. I would like someone that is not too bratty. I have had brats before and not what I'm seeking right now. Age race and body are not important. Experience is not important. If you just starting to explore that is great. I will help you find your likes dislikes and limits if you're not sure. If your a pet a sub or little that is all fine. If you've been trained and looking for something like I'm describing that's great too.

As for me. I'm 5'9 with your dad bod and losing weight lol. I am definitely not a model so if looks are your main thing I am not for you. Hopefully your not sleeping by now but also hopefully if you have read this far you know I'm serious. I will be stern but I am also fair and understanding during the transition to tpe

BDSM Play Partner18 to 80 years ● 15km around USA, Edgewood one year ago

I’m now in a relationship/dynamic and will only be making friends now. Please be respectful of this.
My name is Chastity_Pup_Gabbia. (I added Gabbia to give myself a last name. It means Cage in Italian. I checked many different translations of cage but settled on this as it sounds like a last name.) I've been into the fetish/kink scene for almost 3 years.
My interests are dollification, which is female masking and dressing up in a femsuit. It's not your average kink but has been around for quite a number of years and there are many maskers out there like myself. Many who have been doing it longer.
I also started out interested in pet (puppy) play and tried some chastity too. Which I still have some cages. Hence the name ChastityPup. Which has been shortened to Chastity, Chas or Pup.
However, I’m also into service sub as my male self without the doll or pet play, as I am constantly learning and evolving as not only a kinkster but as a person.
My main interests after these are impact play. Paddles, floggers, spankings etc.
I would like to start as a sub and learn the craft before maybe trying my hand as Domming either as Chastity or my regular self. I find it's very important to start from the bottom before I attempt to Dom/me. I would also be open to switching. If I do evolve to be a Dom I’d put safety and aftercare as a main priority. I would be a caring Dom who would indulge in some impact play but would also be a carer to a little.
I would like to meet a like-minded woman who is open is as open minded as I am (whether local or within driving distance, a few hours drive for play date don't hurt).
I have been to BBB in Birmingham and really enjoyed it. Meeting up with a great bunch of kink friends to share a fabulous weekend with. Exploring more about the kink world through the market and the night event.
I have been told I have a great sense of humour bordering on warped. LOL But I also know how to make a woman feel like a lady. Being a true gentleman (or lady in Chastity mode).
I am open and honest and if you wish to ask me anything I'll be as open and honest with my answers.
I have hobbies outside of kink too. I like movies (especially comic book/action/horror), anime (especially ones from the late 80's to the 90's) and listening to music (which range from Dean Martin to Slipknot) I know a wide variety but. the music has to have some heart and soul to it.
I also like sports and deep conversations with some warped humour.

BDSM Play Partner18 to 55 years ● 245km around UK, Caerphilly 7 months ago

Similar to pet

A pet is a submissive who enjoys taking on aspects of a domesticated animal. Pets enjoy the freedom of being animal-like. They leave all adult responsibility behind to play like their chosen pet. There are many different levels of pet play. Some pets enjoy dressing up with masks and gloves so that the pet can’t speak or use their hands as humans would. Other’s just like to act like pets without any particular specialist gear. There can be a sexual element to pet play but quite often it is just simply about play and the power dynamic between the Owner and their dearly beloved pet.
An owner enjoys pet play but not by becoming pet-like at all. They are the responsible person who looks after the person playing as a cat, dog, pony or other animal. They are Dominant personalities with a kind, caring side. They take over complete control during pet play. Just as any owner would do with a pet. Owners pair up with pets. They may only ever pick one type of pet, being a dog person or a cat person for example, or they might like the variety of owning different pets. They will perform tasks such as grooming, feeding and putting down water for their pets. They may lock their pet in a cage if it’s appropriate. Dog and Cat Pet play owners will do lots of play and grooming activities with their pets. There may be elements of training, rewarding positive behaviour and punishing bad. An owner may choose to lead their pet around on a lead or have a special collar for them that looks just like that of an animal pet. Pony owners might not focus so much on play. Pony play can come in different forms but will include training the pony to do specific tricks and/or having them pull a carriage of some sort or carry a person on their back. Owners take pride in looking after and showing off their pets. They may own one or more. There is a strong bond between an owner and their pet, but that doesn’t necessarily mean it is a monogamous relationship. There can be a sexual element in an owner and pet’s play but often it is all about the dynamic between the pet and the owner. Owners enjoy taking on the responsibilities so that the pet can lose all human inhibitions and completely become a pet for a period of time.
People who enjoy letting out their inner animal instincts are known as primal. Some primals have a naturally submissive side and so they are known as primal prey. Primal prey enjoy being chased. They won’t necessarily just roll over and let the Dominant have their way though, Prey like to fight back. Prey are primal meaning they enjoy acting on baser instincts. Instead of complying with the rules of polite society they act only on their instincts. Some prey take on specific animal traits. Some become like wolves or foxes. They might be sea creature like or a big cat. They might identify with a gorilla. Other prey take aspects from all different kinds of animals or even just baser human instincts. Although submissive in nature, prey are primal meaning they do a lot of fighting. This is often sexual in nature but can just be about power exchange too. Biting, scratching, hair pulling and all kinds of punching and kicking can be employed by a cornered prey. Primal play has no particular rules and can be very unpredictable. Prey will fight on and on, until they are beaten into submission.

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