
Male (39) Single

Do you have that Morticia Adams energy?

Seeking a subversive soulmate for a Daddy Dom who thrives on spoiling, rewarding, disciplining, and indulging his subby princess under his watchful eye.

I'm drawn to a submissive who embodies:

  • Openness and transparency, building our dynamic on a foundation of trust and mutual understanding.
  • Eagerness to explore and evolve together, embracing the journey of shared personal growth.
  • Groundedness and humility, recognising the fulfillment of a balanced dynamic.
  • Valuing interdependence, where we uplift and empower each other's spirits.
  • Embracing roles that resonate with our spirits, finding strength and liberation within them.
  • Honoring personal boundaries while cherishing each other's uniqueness.
  • Celebrating our distinct talents and passions, and championing each other's dreams.
  • Cultivating the potential for self-improvement and uncovering new horizons together.

    Feel free to delve into my profile for a deeper glimpse into who I am, both in kink and vanilla.

    Don't hesitate to drop me a message if I've got you intrigued.

Do you have that Morticia Adams energy?

Kinky Date18 to 80 years ● 50km around UK, Rotherham