More D/s than BDSM.
I have a wicked sense of humour, a vivid, kinky imagination, and love to travel. I'm looking for that one special submissive/slave, who relates. Do you have a kink or desire that I haven't already embraced and enjoyed?

Read between the lines, there is always more.

The Equalitarian Dominant is one who controls by teaching, mentoring and leading. This Dominant feels and knows that when they find a comparable submissive that things will happen as a progression of the interaction. It is not the activities but the surrender as the result of the Domination that is the objective and enjoyment. Creativity is an important part of this situation. These are the more intellectual, into the philosophy/psychology mechanism of this lifestyle. They relate to the concepts and resultant interactions and can put it into real life. They do not need many "rules" like the Democratic type, nor do they like the heavy S&M activities; preferring submission to occur as a result of an instilled desire in the submissive to surrender. Sensuousness is the rule and is given as a form of sensuous stimulation. Light as opposed to severe. Sensuous *** is a popular activity in this area. They attract a submissive who truly and naturally wants to please, and who will observe and sense what the Dominant is communicating; and be able to translate that into the right thing to do They understand the concept of respect and surrender and can make it happen after initial learning with little or no additional instructions. There is not much downside to these relationships, because they not only grasp the concepts, but can make it happen too; and their attraction is based on strong mutual respect. Their strong relationship is not readily apparent to the unobservant, but they are always subtly in the 24-7 mode.

Kinky Date28 to 65 years USA, Denver one week ago
BDSM/Fetish Family28 to 55 years ● 10km around USA, Fairfax 3 months ago
BDSM Play Partner18 to 80 years ● 145km around Australia, Sydney 3 months ago

I’m going to try and give as much information as I can in this post

Male dom here looking for a sub to work on a relationship that will become TPE. I have been experimenting over the past 3 years learning what I like and don’t like. Trying new kinks and learning about a whole new world that I didn’t know about. I’ve had some very fun times and fun partners that I’ve been able to experiment with and let my dominant side come out.

At the beginning of the year I started a new dynamic with some one online that I had never done before. We started off talking as normal and then she said she wanted to do TPE. This was new for me but I was very interested. For the first couple of weeks we just spent the time getting to know each other and building up a trust. We set up boundaries in the beginning and said we won’t jump right into this. We agreed I’ll slowly get control of things one by one. I ended up getting control over 3 things in her life before we had to call it off. Personal reasons that both us of had no control over.

Now I have got a taste of that kind of relationship,I don’t think I want anything else. I’m looking to try and build this type of relationship/lifestyle again.

What I’m looking for is some one who is committed and really wants the same as me. I know it’s a massive ask for some one to give up all control but with a lot work from both side we could make something amazing. A massive kink and love of mine is being given power. I loved having that control over some one but I also want to be able to help someone. Let me help you become a better version of your self

About me: im 26 years old. Im 5’7 with brown hair and a ginger beard. I have 9 tattoos that are placed all over my body,some of them are big pieces. I have a couple of piercings as well. I would say im a slim toned build.

Sfw side: once comfortable I have a really dark sense of humour. I use to be a big party guy but since getting my own place a couple of years ago I have become a bit of an introvert. I enjoy nights in over nights out, doesn’t mean I don’t go out anymore though. I use to be very big into working out but had a break over the last year. Just getting into boxing training which I’m falling in love with. One thing you should know about me is I don’t ever see kids being in my future. I came to this decision a long time ago and my mind won’t change on that.I want to put my time and effort into other things in my life

NSFW side: I like impact play, breath play, restrains, cnc, fisting. Eating arse, I’m also a pleasure dom,I love giving. I have been getting more into bdsm. I have made my own Czech glory hole that you can be strapped into. I’m wanting to getting into rope classes as well so I can learn to do shibari properly. I’m definitely a bit sadistic so hopefully you are some one who is good with ***

I’m happy with talking online for a bit but I’m not looking for another online relationship . I want to be able to meet up in person and build a proper relationship

It’s ok with me if you have experience or not. This is something we will build together and experiment with so as long as you are open and willing to try then we can make this work. If you have experience in any of it then that’s great

Thanks for reading this long post. Fingers crossed I find the person im looking for

BDSM Play Partner18 to 50 years ● 25km around UK, Kettering 3 months ago

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    A brat is a submissive who tries very hard to be good but their mischievous nature means they often don’t quite hit the mark. Brats are often naughty but in a playful way. They’re not trying to rebel, they just enjoy encouraging their Dom to take them in hand. Brats like having rules but mostly so they can be broken. They don’t seek out serious and strict Doms because in their heart of hearts they know they’ll never be totally tamed. They’re cheeky and mischievous and love to wind up their top. They are submissive with a fiery core. They try really hard to be good but sometimes being naughty is its own reward. Being naughty gives the brat meaning, it is very much the heart of their dynamic. They will take every opportunity to play up, giving their Dom a challenge and providing extra excitement for themselves. They never know how a top will react to their acts of brattishness, also known as bratting, so they’re kept on their toes. Brats are joyful in all they do, loving their Doms and showing respect but always with the odd moment of naughtiness because that’s what they enjoy the most.
    Experimentalists are really eager to try out new things. They are incredibly curious and ask lots and lots of questions. They want to find out all they can about all kinds of kinks and fetishes before having a go themselves. They're always up for trying something different and are going to be interested in what you want to do, as their curiosity and openness mean they’re very rarely judgemental. New ideas are what keep the experimentalist happy. Reading about things and asking questions about certain scenes or activities is where most experimentalists start but once they have a grip on an idea they want to give it a go themselves. It’s very important for an experimentalist to get all the safety information before jumping into trying out an activity themselves. Their eagerness can lead them into dangerous situations for experimentalists need to be reined in sometimes for their own safety.
    Switch is the BDSM term for someone who isn’t always just Dominant or only submissive, they are a combination of the two. They enjoy being the top in a scene sometimes but are equally as comfortable being the bottom at other times. They have a real desire for both but may be more Dominant or more submissive. Switches don’t tend to have a 50/50 split Dom or sub. .embed-container { position: relative; padding-bottom: 56.25%; height: 0; overflow: hidden; max-width: 100%; } .embed-container iframe, .embed-container object, .embed-container embed { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; }

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