record scratch

Yep....that's me. You're probably wondering how I got here? Well to tell you the truth I'm not 100% sure either. So I'll try and start from the beginning
I was born into a very well off family and had the childhood that went with that, the private school the ponies all of it. I was always discouraged from dating because mostly my father would tell me no man will ever be good enough and my mum would tell me the right man will find his way when I'm ready just focus on your career let God do his thing. So of course I went to school worked hard, onto uni worked a lot harder graduated from one of the most competitive schools in the country (top of my class) and then started my own business. I worked extremely hard to build it into what it is today and to a point where almost everyone would agree it's been a success and so have I. Fast forward I'm now in my Early 30s and haven't had a real relationship in what feels like a decade. Ive tried dating it just isn't for me something always felt off. Then through the disaster that was COVID with business shut down again I discovered the trad wife movement and the lightbulb went off. As much as I would try and research and learn as much as I could I went further down the rabbit hole each and every day until I found this site and a few others just like it. I was home. I had found my calling. Everything about it feels right and almost like my destiny. I am not meant to be someone's wife or some high class business woman. I am a slave, I am property. Boy does it finally feel good to say that. I am here to find someone who I can give myself to, I want to find someone I can spend the rest of my life serving with every fiber of my being.

Thank you for reading

BDSM/Fetish FamilyUK, Chester 9 months ago
BDSM/Fetish Family18 to 38 years ● 165km around UK, Helsby 2 years ago

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