Find kinky women in Manitoba

Sexy milf looking to make adult content! I’m looking for lady play partners right now (sorry guys) but my page is here for everyone to enjoy!
Female (41) Brandon, Manitoba
You can't have it all, all at once. Who - man or woman - has it all, all at once? Over my lifespan, I think I have had it all. But in different periods of time, things were rough. And if you have a caring life partner, you help the other person when that person needs it.
Female (34) Winnipeg, Manitoba
“The wide world is all about you: you can fence yourselves in, but you cannot forever fence it out.” - J.R.R. Tolkien. “In a time of deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act." - George Orwell. **Before sending me a friend request, please either message to introduce yourself and chat OR let me know where we met (irl or online), or even ask me irl or whichever online event we're at, if you want a chance of having your friend request accepted. If we've never spoken/met or attended an event together (irl or online), I'm gonna ignore the request, just FYI. Some of us only want real connections rather than "friend collecting" online randos. I'm also not interested in DMs from those who think their genitals are a good idea for a pfp on a social media site, no matter how kinky. It's like receiving an unsolicited dick/genital pic everytime someone with a genital pfp sends a message. Idc if you have them in your photo gallery, I just don't wanna be directly subjected to them in my DMs. Thanks.** I'm mostly here to continue the learning process and find platonic friends and community with like-minded people. Ofc, I'd *like* to someday find a monogamous Dom partner to hopefully share the rest of my life with but I'm not gonna hold my breath - finding a great match is rare, even harder online. It's not the end-all-be-all of my reason for being in the bdsm community. ***Just Vanilla Things:*** I'm an introvert, easy-going, playful, dorky and awkward, an adventurous free spirit, open-minded, and a resilient, strong woman with equal parts sass & softness, and whichever side of me you see is based on how you treat me. I have an insatiable curiosity about most things and love learning. I'm super shy until I really get to know and connect with a person. I'm an INFP for you MBTI nerds. I'm good at getting along with *most* people once I get to know them unless they're being disrespectful. I believe in integrity, the importance of kindness, and common courtesy but not in being a pushover, so once someone gives me a reason not to be kind, I won't tolerate buffoonery. I'm a total unapologetic neurodivergent (which means random moments of neurospicy awesomeness) and nerd/geek - talk nerdy to me and I'll talk nerdy to you lmao. I love deep, intelligent kinds of conversations that make you think and challenge you to learn and grow. Those are the kinds of conversations that "tickle" my brain. Bonus points if you actually enjoy ND infodumping lol. Cheers to all the neurotypicals who genuinely accept and enjoy us neurodivergents - you people are the real MVPs. I love the arts and sciences, especially the performing arts, photography, and cinematography, astronomy, the quantum fields, linguistics, psychology, anthropology, history, and philosophy. I'm also a lover of both vidya games and table top games. I love board game nights with loved ones just as much as I love kicking their asses at mario kart. I may or may not get a tad bit competitive during intense games, but it's all in good fun. I also love various outdoorsy stuff such as camping, hiking, swimming, kayaking, canoeing, and horseback riding. I enjoy trying new things and learning new skills of interest. I'm currently aspiring to write a book. ***The BDSM Things:*** I'm an age regressive middle, little, princess and sensual sub. My regression range fluctuates between middle and little, but my default regression is 95% of the time in the middle range (10-17 ish). I *can* be a bit bratty (with consent ofc) but just for fun, playful, light-hearted teasing. I guess you could call that "Brat Lite" lmao. I don't like acting out my younger middle (below 15) & little headspaces while on the internet, in public, or around anyone who doesn't know that side of me for various reasons. So even if/when regressed (especially in the little range), I'm going to act like my older self in certain spaces. You'll only really notice little hints of the regression and different headspaces while in public/online after you get to know me better and learn how to spot the signs. I'm not into ABDL since my little range doesn't go any lower than about 4 or 5 (which is not very often anyway), and diapers are a hard limit for me on top of not being interested in the usual ABDL stuff. For D/s dynamics I'm only into caregiver Doms and sensual/pleasure Doms at the softer end of the D/s spectrum. Only looking for a D/s dynamic within a romantic LTR, with the goal of possibly lifelong. I just can't do platonic and short-term dynamics. I need a deeper connection than that. I also need a dom who is open-minded, non-judgmental, and willing to learn just as much as me, especially when it comes to neurodivergence because ableism is a hard limit. So is a lack of empathy, integrity, and character. Anything else you wanna know, feel free to ask. ^^ Side note: I'm not always active on here, there's times where I'll take a break from social media for days or more, so please be patient if you're genuinely interested and I haven't responded yet. ***Just some of my main boundaries when it comes to navigating finding a Dom and having an LTR dynamic:*** • My preferred age range in a partner is between 30 and 55. I prefer to keep my romantic relationships within a certain range from my current age: no more than 10 years younger than me and no more than 15 years older than me. • Respect my orientation needs as a demisexual - our main need for sexual attraction to happen is a requirement and non-negotiable. If you want me and everything I have to offer - including my submission, sex drive, and the sexual aspects of bdsm, then I need a solid foundational connection first. *Everyone* can get by managing their sex drives (no matter how high) on their own without partnered activities in the beginning stages of a relationship - so don't think you're entitled to sex before I'm ready for that in an LTR. Your dick is not going to fall off lmao. • Never demand my submission or even just demand I use your preferred titles/honourifics outside of an actual dynamic or some kind of kinky event where protocols are required as part of the event rules. Pet names and honourifics are completely off the table outside of those parameters so please respect that as it makes me uncomfortable. If you demand or act entitled to my submission or being addressed with a title/honourific outside of appropriate situations, I *will* treat you as if you've just given me permission to "brat" in the worst possible way. Consider yourself warned. :) • If you have *any* issues with being vetted, the vetting process and period length, and with ***how*** I choose to vet you, then all bets are off. My vetting period depends on how open and honest you are and how well I can vet you, and get to know you. 90 days is the minimum to really start getting to know someone in a relationship. • If you "don't believe in" negotiations, subs having our own voice with limits/opinions/boundaries, safewords, or aftercare (and by aftercare I mean anything either side of the slash needs after play), then miss me with that nonconsensual bs. • If you're a sadist who feels like you need sadism & pain play in your dynamics to feel satisfied and fulfilled, then we're simply not compatible for anything beyond platonic friendship and socialising. Nothing against sadists, S&M just happens to be one of my major hard limits. • If you need TPE and need it right away, then we're also not compatible beyond platonic friendship. TPE *might* be considered at some point, but only *after* we've been in a serious relationship for a long enough while and you've gained my full trust, respect, and submission. If I feel *safe enough* to try TPE, I'll let the dom know. No, this is not up for debate. I have extremely good personal reasons for this so no, I will *not* be interested in TPE until I know you're a safe person, period. Respect that or bypass me if you need TPE within the first few years of a dynamic. • I don't send nude/sexy pics or any other personals and I'm not a sex worker so I won't even if you offer me payment for them. I also don't do cyber/sexting. • If you only want an LDR that goes nowhere and aren't willing to relocate for a serious irl relationship, then find someone else for that. I don't mind starting out as an LDR, but I do want an irl partnership to be the end goal, so you must be willing to relocate eventually. I don't have the ability to relocate myself for personal reasons. • If you're someone who tries to tone-police women's language, especially when it comes to casual cussing in places and events where it isn't rude or around children. Yes, I am a woman who casually cusses for humour and to emphasise a point. No, I do not give a fuck what *your* personal opinions on it are. Anyone who's intimidated by others cussing to the point of pearl-clutching, lecturing, and automatic judgement just isn't mature enough. We are all adults after all, and I have no patience for sexists who believe shit like "cussing isn't ladylike" - those "ladylike" arguments/rules are outdated bs. I have no patience for sexist double standards when you don't have consent to set speech restrictions on a sub. You want speech restrictions in your dynamic? Find yourself a high protocol slave then because high protocol is not my thing. • If you're an ableist who's too mentally lazy to educate yourself on any kind of disability when in a relationship with someone who has them, then we're not compatible. I have more self-respect than that. • Asking about my hard limits for the ulterior motive of pushing and negotiating them sooner or later, rather than respecting them, is not something I'll tolerate. I believe in respecting *everyone's* hard limits, period. IF my hard limits change over the course of a relationship, I'll let my dom know and discuss them. Trying to enter into a dynamic with anyone hoping their hard limits will eventually change is a good way to set yourself up for disappointment. • Please no low effort conversation starters: “hey/hi/what's up/how are you” as standalone messages without anything else to get the conversation going will ultimately be ignored, because it doesn't show any genuine interest in me as a human being - it only tells me you're bored and looking for NSA fun. ***Bonus points:*** • People who actually read my profile. Seriously, that will put you leagues above the rest and actually gain my respect if you're trying to see if we're compatible for more than friendship. • Calling me by my actual name (ask for it in DMs) or my profile username, and not pet names outside of a dynamic. • Caregivers/daddy-doms, sensual/pleasure doms, and brat lovers/wranglers, who have integrity and respect their sub's consent and autonomy. Those are the D types I'm most compatible with. • Someone who is romantically and sexually monogamous (or flexible enough to be) when it comes to an LTR/dynamic, who's looking for the same type of relationship as me and has the same goals in mind. I don't mind though if a dom wants to top at events as long as it's platonic. • Anyone into music (especially all or many different kinds, being eclectic is the best for swapping music reccs), gaming, reading, philosophy, science, history, or art and willing to have endless conversations on almost any topic under the sun with someone regardless of relationship type. People who enjoy intelligent conversations and conversations of mutual interests, ofc. • Other left leaning people politically are preferred but independent and centrists are usually ok too. Conservatives... eh, not so much. Regardless of your leanings, just be a decent fucking human being instead of a judgemental clown to marginalised groups, and we're good lmao. • Anyone willing to relocate if they're serious about a committed LTR, and if you're already a citizen of Canada, even better. ...I think that pretty much covers the important stuff lol. Anything else you're curious about, feel free to ask all the things and I'll answer to the best of my knowledge and experience. If it's something I'm not comfortable answering yet - especially in the beginning stages of getting to know each other, I'll give a reason why. If you've actually read this far then more power to you, and have a nice day. ^_^
Female (40) Winnipeg, Manitoba
29, single. I am a submissive type but I also have dominant qualities as well. I am not a pro but I am experienced. I am open to a lot of new experiences, but I have some solid limits. I have explored some bdsm and discovered things I love and things I don't.
Female (29) Winnipeg, Manitoba
Hii! I'm Nyx and just because I have a namesake of a Goddess doesn't mean I have the bravery of one or even the boldness. I am a very shy, and sweet girl, I enjoy being taken care of and getting validation that I am doing good, I also really enjoy pleasing everyone I come into contact with. I enjoy learning about new things and before I actually try anything new I do extensive research beforehand so I can better understand what is too follow. I am a respectful person and have very rare tendency to be a brat, I also try to treat everyone to a higher level and never want to come across as disrespectful.
Female (23) Brandon, Manitoba
Soo I am a 30 female looking for a great time and looking for a dom. I’m not skinny and you know what I’ve always struggled with my weight but if you can get passed that you will find the me that matters not what society says matters. I hope you like what you see here I’m a person who hates my photo being taken sorry
Female (30) Winnipeg, Manitoba
NO MEN (I AM A LESBIAN) I'm 27 years old female, 2/3 in head space. I like puppy play,Disney movies and cuddling, I can be a brat when it comes to bedtime,nap time and bath time, but once I'm in I don't wanna come out. I need a strict but caring daddy (Female Only) . Who won't let me get away with things, I also have ADHD,OCD,ADD and I’m dyslexic. I’m also Poly I have a partner but we both agreed I can look for others
Female (27) Brandon, Manitoba
I'm a 30 y/o female, but I prefer being a baby girl as much as I can. I love wearing and using my diapees, and do so as often as I can. I like coloring, painting, drawing, watching TV and movies, playing, doing anything outdoors, listening to music, reading, and puzzles. I have several stuffies and I can't sleep without my fuzzy blankie, paci, and one of my stuffies. Unfortunately I don't own a lot of little space and ABDL stuff, but hopefully I can continue to get more. I love all animals, except spiders, they're scary and icky.
Female (31) Brandon, Manitoba
Hello all Just here looking for like minded people to chat and have fun with online and hopefully make friends. Look forward to getting to know the wonderful people on here.
Female (40) Winnipeg, Manitoba
‧a ☆ ‧‧ ☆ ‧ ~☆ hello, nice to meet you ☆~ ☆-Name: Fae ☾-Age: 21 ☆-Gender: Non-Binary ☾ -Sexuality: Pansexual ☆-Pronouns: She/They ☾-Location: Canada ☆-Relationship: Poly• Not looking ☾-Roles: Switch•Dom lean °❤︎° ☾-Likes: Gaming, True Crime, Vtubing, Netflix, Crochet and Art ☆-Dislikes: My boundaries being disrespected, misogyny, hateful people ☾-Boundaries: Ask me ~☆ hope to hear from you ☆~ ‧a ☆ ‧‧ ☆ ‧
Female (21) Winnipeg, Manitoba
My name is Michelle and 100% of people tell me when they meet me in person that I’m shorter than they thought I’d be ? (that statistic cannot be properly verified though…) Life is too short to take it too seriously, so I like to keep things light! I laugh at almost everything and I love dogs so much it’s almost weird (but not the gross kind of weird) That’s the important stuff, for everything else let’s chat!
Female (32) Winnipeg, Manitoba
Hi I’m fairly new to the community but a little bit about me. I am extremely passionate about my job, I have been training horses for almost 10 years and I couldn’t imagine doing anything else. I’m my free time I love to read, bake and stay active by either going to the gym or for a run. I’m looking for a Dom who ok with teaching someone who is new to the dynamic. I have always been very submissive and would finally like to be able to lean into that part of myself. Iv had some experience in impact play, breath play, and restraints. I am extremely curious about trying new things and eager to learn. if there is anything else you would like to know just ask!
Female (26) Winnipeg, Manitoba
m A little about me . I'm a little newer to this world I just got out of a long term committed monogamous relationship and i would like to take some time to explore more about myself. I believe sex is a powerful energy exchange and i am very mindful and selective about who i choose to exchange energy with to I love lingerie and am hoping to explore more into shibari. I believe the human body is a beautiful piece of artwork and should be treated as such I love to be adored and given attention I love feeling treated like an absolute princess . I love compliments and gifts but by nature I am not a spoiled brat ( may be open to it though for the right person ) I'm looking for a strong connection with someone who feels similar about the body and will treat me with respect while I learn my boundaries or if you wanna be my sugar daddy I'm open to that too lol ?
Female (32) Winnipeg, Manitoba
In an open, committed relationship. Looking for friends or something casual. Interested in exploring my kinky side, and trying some bdsm. My everyday life I have a more assertive personality, but in the bedroom I like to be more submissive to an extent. It's difficult for me to give up complete control, but I'm willing to explore my limits. I have a great career that I've worked many years to build. I love to travel and learn about different cultures. Museums, cuisine, architecture, historical sites. In my free time I enjoy reading, listening to music (very often singing along), going to concerts, comedy shows and other various forms of entertainment. Playing video games, board games, as well as D&D. I do not have children nor do I want any children.
Female (35) Winnipeg, Manitoba
I've been exploring my submissive side, my kinks, and learning new ones along the way for going on three years now. I am not a switch, nor am I new to kink, simply new-ish to the lifestyle. ... I'm a thirty something, caffeine addicted, tattooed, foul mouthed, certified nerd with a sarcastic streak a mile wide. Oh, and also a single mama of three not-so-little-anymore kiddos, an Amstaff, an Akita mix and a fluff ball cat. ... Any in depth information you'd like to know, message me and ask. However, if you fall into any of the below, I can guarantee you won't be hearing back from me. ... #1. By default I am 100% less likely to respond to a message with a term of endearment in it, nothing more than a single word, or information about your dick. If you're unsure what might be considered a term of endearment go ahead and look it up. I'm sure you can find something on any search engine to help you out with that. ... #2. I do check your profile before I decide whether or not I will respond, no matter what your initial message was. If you have no profile picture, nothing but dick pictures, no personal information, etcetera I will absolutely not respond to your message. I always vet a person as extensively as I can before responding. ... #3. Unless we have chatted beyond a quick, "hey, how are you?" I will not accept a friend request. ... #4. I am polyamorous, but I will absolutely not help you cheat. I practice ethical non-monogamy. If your partner is unaware of your shenanigans then you can go ahead and skip right on over my profile. ... #5. I am not bi-sexual (it makes no nevermind to me if you are) and I have no interest in playing with you and your female partner. I freely admit that I am far too greedy and selfish in the bedroom and I have no sexual interest in women to want to participate in that little adventure. Do not bother asking and please move along. ... I am both at an age and a phase of my life where I will not put up with bullshit of any kind. Keep it friendly and, if you can, keep it kind. Otherwise you can keep it to your damn self. ... I am far more active on FetLife for those that are curious.
Female (34) West St. Paul, Manitoba
intellectual, creative, dominant woman. Looking for a sub who is eager to please. I prefer younger guys. I have zero interest in dominant men; don’t waste either of our time.
Female (34) Winnipeg, Manitoba
I am not for everyone, If I enjoy your company I will probably want to spend my time in it! I am not sure what I want at the moment, so just feeling out the community after a break. Talk to you all soon
Female (44) Winnipeg, Manitoba
technically not even 5 feet ? I’m a new baby sub but a lifetime brat who has never been trained or treated properly. I’m looking for a Dom that I can either play or start a relationship with. Someone who is patient, caring and willing to teach. Let’s chat and see if we could form a trusting connection ?
Female (31) Winnipeg, Manitoba
hello! i am a Mommy Dom switch baby girl. i do have a sub/partner already. he's my pretty little sissy. so ask away about that if you'd like! i'm looking for fun kinky friends to have fun conversations with and explore more kink! let's chat and get to know each other!
Female (26) Winnipeg, Manitoba
BBW with a stretching kink. Help me on my gaping journey and stretch my pussy. Object Insertion, Fisting, Anal, Pussy Pumping. #AspiringSizeQueen
Female (28) Brandon, Manitoba
hello! I am a Mommy Dom - Switch - little baby girl. I am very new to being a Domme but experienced in being a submissive little baby girl. I enjoy Daddy dom play & sometimes being a hard Mommy when needed. I'm looking for friends, connections and fun times!
Female (26) Winnipeg, Manitoba
just a gal, no experience whatsoever with anything but definitely curious. love being spoiled lol kind of a princess
Female (24) Winnipeg, Manitoba
I'm a sub goth girl looking to have some fun. I love all things spooky, strange, and unusual. I'm a masochist, and I much prefer a rough sexual encounter over a tame one. I’m looking to engage with those who know what they want and are willing to take control. My turn ons include: - The shape and curves of your body. Neck, shoulders, collar bones, chest, stomach, hips, hands - Long hair, facial hair, male body hair - Body modification - Being teased - Being controlled - Dirty talk - Rough sex. Choking, slapping, spanking, biting, etc Feel free to send me a message if you’d like to chat!
Female (34) Winnipeg, Manitoba
I'm 28 years old female, 2/3 in head space. I like puppy play,Disney movies and cuddling, I can be a brat when it comes to bedtime,nap time and bath time, but once I'm in I don't wanna come out. I need a strict but caring daddy (Female Only) . Who won't let me get away with things, I also have ADHD,OCD,ADD and I’m dyslexic.
Female (28) Winnipeg, Manitoba

New members in Manitoba

You can't have it all, all at once. Who - man or woman - has it all, all at once? Over my lifespan, I think I have had it all. But in different periods of time, things were rough. And if you have a caring life partner, you help the other person when that person needs it.
Female (34) Winnipeg, Manitoba
Sexy milf looking to make adult content! I’m looking for lady play partners right now (sorry guys) but my page is here for everyone to enjoy!
Female (41) Brandon, Manitoba
29, single. I am a submissive type but I also have dominant qualities as well. I am not a pro but I am experienced. I am open to a lot of new experiences, but I have some solid limits. I have explored some bdsm and discovered things I love and things I don't.
Female (29) Winnipeg, Manitoba
Hii! I'm Nyx and just because I have a namesake of a Goddess doesn't mean I have the bravery of one or even the boldness. I am a very shy, and sweet girl, I enjoy being taken care of and getting validation that I am doing good, I also really enjoy pleasing everyone I come into contact with. I enjoy learning about new things and before I actually try anything new I do extensive research beforehand so I can better understand what is too follow. I am a respectful person and have very rare tendency to be a brat, I also try to treat everyone to a higher level and never want to come across as disrespectful.
Female (23) Brandon, Manitoba
I'm a 30 y/o female, but I prefer being a baby girl as much as I can. I love wearing and using my diapees, and do so as often as I can. I like coloring, painting, drawing, watching TV and movies, playing, doing anything outdoors, listening to music, reading, and puzzles. I have several stuffies and I can't sleep without my fuzzy blankie, paci, and one of my stuffies. Unfortunately I don't own a lot of little space and ABDL stuff, but hopefully I can continue to get more. I love all animals, except spiders, they're scary and icky.
Female (31) Brandon, Manitoba
“The wide world is all about you: you can fence yourselves in, but you cannot forever fence it out.” - J.R.R. Tolkien. “In a time of deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act." - George Orwell. **Before sending me a friend request, please either message to introduce yourself and chat OR let me know where we met (irl or online), or even ask me irl or whichever online event we're at, if you want a chance of having your friend request accepted. If we've never spoken/met or attended an event together (irl or online), I'm gonna ignore the request, just FYI. Some of us only want real connections rather than "friend collecting" online randos. I'm also not interested in DMs from those who think their genitals are a good idea for a pfp on a social media site, no matter how kinky. It's like receiving an unsolicited dick/genital pic everytime someone with a genital pfp sends a message. Idc if you have them in your photo gallery, I just don't wanna be directly subjected to them in my DMs. Thanks.** I'm mostly here to continue the learning process and find platonic friends and community with like-minded people. Ofc, I'd *like* to someday find a monogamous Dom partner to hopefully share the rest of my life with but I'm not gonna hold my breath - finding a great match is rare, even harder online. It's not the end-all-be-all of my reason for being in the bdsm community. ***Just Vanilla Things:*** I'm an introvert, easy-going, playful, dorky and awkward, an adventurous free spirit, open-minded, and a resilient, strong woman with equal parts sass & softness, and whichever side of me you see is based on how you treat me. I have an insatiable curiosity about most things and love learning. I'm super shy until I really get to know and connect with a person. I'm an INFP for you MBTI nerds. I'm good at getting along with *most* people once I get to know them unless they're being disrespectful. I believe in integrity, the importance of kindness, and common courtesy but not in being a pushover, so once someone gives me a reason not to be kind, I won't tolerate buffoonery. I'm a total unapologetic neurodivergent (which means random moments of neurospicy awesomeness) and nerd/geek - talk nerdy to me and I'll talk nerdy to you lmao. I love deep, intelligent kinds of conversations that make you think and challenge you to learn and grow. Those are the kinds of conversations that "tickle" my brain. Bonus points if you actually enjoy ND infodumping lol. Cheers to all the neurotypicals who genuinely accept and enjoy us neurodivergents - you people are the real MVPs. I love the arts and sciences, especially the performing arts, photography, and cinematography, astronomy, the quantum fields, linguistics, psychology, anthropology, history, and philosophy. I'm also a lover of both vidya games and table top games. I love board game nights with loved ones just as much as I love kicking their asses at mario kart. I may or may not get a tad bit competitive during intense games, but it's all in good fun. I also love various outdoorsy stuff such as camping, hiking, swimming, kayaking, canoeing, and horseback riding. I enjoy trying new things and learning new skills of interest. I'm currently aspiring to write a book. ***The BDSM Things:*** I'm an age regressive middle, little, princess and sensual sub. My regression range fluctuates between middle and little, but my default regression is 95% of the time in the middle range (10-17 ish). I *can* be a bit bratty (with consent ofc) but just for fun, playful, light-hearted teasing. I guess you could call that "Brat Lite" lmao. I don't like acting out my younger middle (below 15) & little headspaces while on the internet, in public, or around anyone who doesn't know that side of me for various reasons. So even if/when regressed (especially in the little range), I'm going to act like my older self in certain spaces. You'll only really notice little hints of the regression and different headspaces while in public/online after you get to know me better and learn how to spot the signs. I'm not into ABDL since my little range doesn't go any lower than about 4 or 5 (which is not very often anyway), and diapers are a hard limit for me on top of not being interested in the usual ABDL stuff. For D/s dynamics I'm only into caregiver Doms and sensual/pleasure Doms at the softer end of the D/s spectrum. Only looking for a D/s dynamic within a romantic LTR, with the goal of possibly lifelong. I just can't do platonic and short-term dynamics. I need a deeper connection than that. I also need a dom who is open-minded, non-judgmental, and willing to learn just as much as me, especially when it comes to neurodivergence because ableism is a hard limit. So is a lack of empathy, integrity, and character. Anything else you wanna know, feel free to ask. ^^ Side note: I'm not always active on here, there's times where I'll take a break from social media for days or more, so please be patient if you're genuinely interested and I haven't responded yet. ***Just some of my main boundaries when it comes to navigating finding a Dom and having an LTR dynamic:*** • My preferred age range in a partner is between 30 and 55. I prefer to keep my romantic relationships within a certain range from my current age: no more than 10 years younger than me and no more than 15 years older than me. • Respect my orientation needs as a demisexual - our main need for sexual attraction to happen is a requirement and non-negotiable. If you want me and everything I have to offer - including my submission, sex drive, and the sexual aspects of bdsm, then I need a solid foundational connection first. *Everyone* can get by managing their sex drives (no matter how high) on their own without partnered activities in the beginning stages of a relationship - so don't think you're entitled to sex before I'm ready for that in an LTR. Your dick is not going to fall off lmao. • Never demand my submission or even just demand I use your preferred titles/honourifics outside of an actual dynamic or some kind of kinky event where protocols are required as part of the event rules. Pet names and honourifics are completely off the table outside of those parameters so please respect that as it makes me uncomfortable. If you demand or act entitled to my submission or being addressed with a title/honourific outside of appropriate situations, I *will* treat you as if you've just given me permission to "brat" in the worst possible way. Consider yourself warned. :) • If you have *any* issues with being vetted, the vetting process and period length, and with ***how*** I choose to vet you, then all bets are off. My vetting period depends on how open and honest you are and how well I can vet you, and get to know you. 90 days is the minimum to really start getting to know someone in a relationship. • If you "don't believe in" negotiations, subs having our own voice with limits/opinions/boundaries, safewords, or aftercare (and by aftercare I mean anything either side of the slash needs after play), then miss me with that nonconsensual bs. • If you're a sadist who feels like you need sadism & pain play in your dynamics to feel satisfied and fulfilled, then we're simply not compatible for anything beyond platonic friendship and socialising. Nothing against sadists, S&M just happens to be one of my major hard limits. • If you need TPE and need it right away, then we're also not compatible beyond platonic friendship. TPE *might* be considered at some point, but only *after* we've been in a serious relationship for a long enough while and you've gained my full trust, respect, and submission. If I feel *safe enough* to try TPE, I'll let the dom know. No, this is not up for debate. I have extremely good personal reasons for this so no, I will *not* be interested in TPE until I know you're a safe person, period. Respect that or bypass me if you need TPE within the first few years of a dynamic. • I don't send nude/sexy pics or any other personals and I'm not a sex worker so I won't even if you offer me payment for them. I also don't do cyber/sexting. • If you only want an LDR that goes nowhere and aren't willing to relocate for a serious irl relationship, then find someone else for that. I don't mind starting out as an LDR, but I do want an irl partnership to be the end goal, so you must be willing to relocate eventually. I don't have the ability to relocate myself for personal reasons. • If you're someone who tries to tone-police women's language, especially when it comes to casual cussing in places and events where it isn't rude or around children. Yes, I am a woman who casually cusses for humour and to emphasise a point. No, I do not give a fuck what *your* personal opinions on it are. Anyone who's intimidated by others cussing to the point of pearl-clutching, lecturing, and automatic judgement just isn't mature enough. We are all adults after all, and I have no patience for sexists who believe shit like "cussing isn't ladylike" - those "ladylike" arguments/rules are outdated bs. I have no patience for sexist double standards when you don't have consent to set speech restrictions on a sub. You want speech restrictions in your dynamic? Find yourself a high protocol slave then because high protocol is not my thing. • If you're an ableist who's too mentally lazy to educate yourself on any kind of disability when in a relationship with someone who has them, then we're not compatible. I have more self-respect than that. • Asking about my hard limits for the ulterior motive of pushing and negotiating them sooner or later, rather than respecting them, is not something I'll tolerate. I believe in respecting *everyone's* hard limits, period. IF my hard limits change over the course of a relationship, I'll let my dom know and discuss them. Trying to enter into a dynamic with anyone hoping their hard limits will eventually change is a good way to set yourself up for disappointment. • Please no low effort conversation starters: “hey/hi/what's up/how are you” as standalone messages without anything else to get the conversation going will ultimately be ignored, because it doesn't show any genuine interest in me as a human being - it only tells me you're bored and looking for NSA fun. ***Bonus points:*** • People who actually read my profile. Seriously, that will put you leagues above the rest and actually gain my respect if you're trying to see if we're compatible for more than friendship. • Calling me by my actual name (ask for it in DMs) or my profile username, and not pet names outside of a dynamic. • Caregivers/daddy-doms, sensual/pleasure doms, and brat lovers/wranglers, who have integrity and respect their sub's consent and autonomy. Those are the D types I'm most compatible with. • Someone who is romantically and sexually monogamous (or flexible enough to be) when it comes to an LTR/dynamic, who's looking for the same type of relationship as me and has the same goals in mind. I don't mind though if a dom wants to top at events as long as it's platonic. • Anyone into music (especially all or many different kinds, being eclectic is the best for swapping music reccs), gaming, reading, philosophy, science, history, or art and willing to have endless conversations on almost any topic under the sun with someone regardless of relationship type. People who enjoy intelligent conversations and conversations of mutual interests, ofc. • Other left leaning people politically are preferred but independent and centrists are usually ok too. Conservatives... eh, not so much. Regardless of your leanings, just be a decent fucking human being instead of a judgemental clown to marginalised groups, and we're good lmao. • Anyone willing to relocate if they're serious about a committed LTR, and if you're already a citizen of Canada, even better. ...I think that pretty much covers the important stuff lol. Anything else you're curious about, feel free to ask all the things and I'll answer to the best of my knowledge and experience. If it's something I'm not comfortable answering yet - especially in the beginning stages of getting to know each other, I'll give a reason why. If you've actually read this far then more power to you, and have a nice day. ^_^
Female (40) Winnipeg, Manitoba
Soo I am a 30 female looking for a great time and looking for a dom. I’m not skinny and you know what I’ve always struggled with my weight but if you can get passed that you will find the me that matters not what society says matters. I hope you like what you see here I’m a person who hates my photo being taken sorry
Female (30) Winnipeg, Manitoba
NO MEN (I AM A LESBIAN) I'm 27 years old female, 2/3 in head space. I like puppy play,Disney movies and cuddling, I can be a brat when it comes to bedtime,nap time and bath time, but once I'm in I don't wanna come out. I need a strict but caring daddy (Female Only) . Who won't let me get away with things, I also have ADHD,OCD,ADD and I’m dyslexic. I’m also Poly I have a partner but we both agreed I can look for others
Female (27) Brandon, Manitoba
Hello all Just here looking for like minded people to chat and have fun with online and hopefully make friends. Look forward to getting to know the wonderful people on here.
Female (40) Winnipeg, Manitoba
My name is Michelle and 100% of people tell me when they meet me in person that I’m shorter than they thought I’d be ? (that statistic cannot be properly verified though…) Life is too short to take it too seriously, so I like to keep things light! I laugh at almost everything and I love dogs so much it’s almost weird (but not the gross kind of weird) That’s the important stuff, for everything else let’s chat!
Female (32) Winnipeg, Manitoba
Hi I’m fairly new to the community but a little bit about me. I am extremely passionate about my job, I have been training horses for almost 10 years and I couldn’t imagine doing anything else. I’m my free time I love to read, bake and stay active by either going to the gym or for a run. I’m looking for a Dom who ok with teaching someone who is new to the dynamic. I have always been very submissive and would finally like to be able to lean into that part of myself. Iv had some experience in impact play, breath play, and restraints. I am extremely curious about trying new things and eager to learn. if there is anything else you would like to know just ask!
Female (26) Winnipeg, Manitoba
‧a ☆ ‧‧ ☆ ‧ ~☆ hello, nice to meet you ☆~ ☆-Name: Fae ☾-Age: 21 ☆-Gender: Non-Binary ☾ -Sexuality: Pansexual ☆-Pronouns: She/They ☾-Location: Canada ☆-Relationship: Poly• Not looking ☾-Roles: Switch•Dom lean °❤︎° ☾-Likes: Gaming, True Crime, Vtubing, Netflix, Crochet and Art ☆-Dislikes: My boundaries being disrespected, misogyny, hateful people ☾-Boundaries: Ask me ~☆ hope to hear from you ☆~ ‧a ☆ ‧‧ ☆ ‧
Female (21) Winnipeg, Manitoba
hii, I'm a 31 y/o little. I'm into being babied, diapered and cared for. I'm open to singles and couples
Female (31) Brandon, Manitoba
I am a goddess, slutty mistress and switch. I am very much into girls who like other girls but also wanna serve men with fetishes ??etc and I am open to having some fun with your women or whatever. I am submissive primarily but love to play mean. Message me for more
Female (21) Winnipeg, Manitoba
I'm brand new here and not sure what I'm looking for besides a unique brand of warmth.
Female (34) Winnipeg, Manitoba
just a gal, no experience whatsoever with anything but definitely curious. love being spoiled lol kind of a princess
Female (24) Winnipeg, Manitoba
I'm a super fun easy going social person I love to laugh I'm in Winnipeg for a week and wanna get into some kinky stuff so shoot me a message
Female (26) Pinawa, Manitoba
I am not for everyone, If I enjoy your company I will probably want to spend my time in it! I am not sure what I want at the moment, so just feeling out the community after a break. Talk to you all soon
Female (44) Winnipeg, Manitoba
technically not even 5 feet ? I’m a new baby sub but a lifetime brat who has never been trained or treated properly. I’m looking for a Dom that I can either play or start a relationship with. Someone who is patient, caring and willing to teach. Let’s chat and see if we could form a trusting connection ?
Female (31) Winnipeg, Manitoba
I'm looking for someone who is more dominant and in charge in the bedroom. I enjoy many kinks and hope to find someone with a similar mindset. Aside from above, I enjoy action and superhero movies, Doctor Who, Supernatural, and a few other geeky things. I'm incredibly independent, work really hard, and have two cats, which are my world.
Female (41) Winnipeg, Manitoba
I’m 27 live in Winnipeg don’t know what to say here I’m into being tied up more bruises and scratches the better if I say no that means do it harder
Female (28) Winnipeg, Manitoba
I'm a sub goth girl looking to have some fun. I love all things spooky, strange, and unusual. I'm a masochist, and I much prefer a rough sexual encounter over a tame one. I’m looking to engage with those who know what they want and are willing to take control. My turn ons include: - The shape and curves of your body. Neck, shoulders, collar bones, chest, stomach, hips, hands - Long hair, facial hair, male body hair - Body modification - Being teased - Being controlled - Dirty talk - Rough sex. Choking, slapping, spanking, biting, etc Feel free to send me a message if you’d like to chat!
Female (34) Winnipeg, Manitoba
I'm 6' 220lbs, sporty, relaxed, open to all perspectives. If you can take control, I'd love to experience what letting go is. Would probably love to be watched. Into groups. Here to melt into new experiences, and meet women to laugh and have fun with together.
Female (31) Winnipeg, Manitoba
hello! i am a Mommy Dom switch baby girl. i do have a sub/partner already. he's my pretty little sissy. so ask away about that if you'd like! i'm looking for fun kinky friends to have fun conversations with and explore more kink! let's chat and get to know each other!
Female (26) Winnipeg, Manitoba

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