Welcome to a guided breath play and sensual exploration experience. This journey combines deep, rhythmic breathing techniques inspired by various breathwork practices such as Holotropic Breathing, Wim Hof Method, and others, with gentle, explorative touch. This guide is designed for beginners, providing clear instructions to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience. Best if you have a partner to monitor your progression.


  • Setting:Choose a comfortable, private space where you won't be disturbed. Have a comfortable place to lie down, like a bed or a padded mat on the floor.
  • Mindset:Ensure you are in a calm, open state of mind. This exercise involves both your body and your emotions.
  • Safety: Never practice breath holds alone if you are inexperienced, and avoid this practice if you have respiratory issues, are pregnant, or have cardiovascular problems. Always listen to your body, and stop if you feel uncomfortable.

    Guided Experience:

    Part 1: Establishing Rhythm

    1. Begin in a Comfortable Position: Lie down flat on your back with your hands resting by your sides. Close your eyes to enhance your focus on your breath and sensations.

    2. Basic Deep Breathing:

      • Inhale deeply through your nose for a count of 4, filling your lungs fully and expanding your abdomen.
      • Hold your breath for a count of 4.
      • Exhale slowly through your mouth for a count of 6, releasing all the air and contracting your abdomen.
      • Repeat this cycle three times to get comfortable with deep breathing.

        Part 2: Sensual Exploration with Breath

    3. Gentle Touch Exploration:

      • Continue the deep breathing rhythm.
      • Begin to lightly run the fingertips of one hand across different parts of your body: start from the forehead, trace down to your neck, over your shoulders, arms, and down to your stomach and legs.
      • Notice how each part of your body feels as you touch it—warm, cool, tingling, or neutral.

    4. Breath Holds and Touch:

      • Inhale deeply and hold your breath at the top. While holding your breath, gently press on areas you find soothing or stimulating (like pressing gently around your thighs, knees, or calves).
      • Hold as long as is comfortable, then release your breath slowly.

    5. Exploring Extended Exhales:

      • After a few cycles of regular breathing, take a deep inhale and exhale everything completely and hold your breath with no air in your lungs.
      • With empty lungs, lightly caress sensitive areas like your inner wrists, neck, or around your hips. The lack of breath can intensify the sensory experience.

        Part 3: Integrating Advanced Breathing Techniques

    6. Alkaline Breathing:

      • Inhale deeply and exhale rapidly for 20 breaths. Feel the warmth that builds in your body with the rapid exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide.

    7. Breath of Fire:

      • Perform quick, rhythmic exhales through your nose only, focusing on the abdomen contracting with each breath. Focus only on the exhale the inhale will come naturally. Do this for 30 seconds.
      • Follow with a deep inhale, hold for a moment at the top with full lungs, and explore touching your chest or gently pinching your nipples for added sensation.

    8. Cool Down with Holotropic Influences:

      • Return to normal breathing. Let your breath flow naturally and take a moment to let your body and mind absorb the sensations and calmness.

        Open your eyes slowly, bringing your awareness back to the room. Sit up gradually, and drink some water to rehydrate and ground yourself.

        Consider how your body and mind felt during the exercise. What sensations were most prominent? How did controlling your breath affect your emotional and physical state? Reflecting on these questions can deepen your understanding and appreciation of breath play combined with sensual exploration.

Kinky Date18 to 80 years ● 500km around USA, Vancouver 2 weeks ago

I’ve got an idea for a date…


You’re looking for a trainer and somehow found me. We’ve agreed for you to meet me at my apartment so we can take your measurements and discuss how we will work together to get you fit for summer.

You show up to my apartment and we exchange pleasantries. I tell you that I will take measurements of different areas of your body and that you will need to be in just your bra and panties. You’re a little nervous, but you agree.

You’re now semi-naked in my bedroom. I come and tell you we need to measure your breasts and as I reach around, I not so subtly brush my finger across your nipple. You’re not quite sure if I did on purpose or by accident…

I continue getting measurements of your arms, stomach and hips. I tell you I need to measure each leg. As I wrap the measuring tape around the first leg, my hand brushes up against your pussy. You’re a little uncomfortable, but don’t want to make it a big deal because you’re not sure if it was an accident or intentional.

I now measure your second leg, and this time, I’m a little more bold and slip my finger inside of your panties and actually feel your pussy. That’s it, you pull away from me and say this was a mistake and you want me to stop.

You don’t even know how it happened…

My hand over your mouth as I push you on the bed. The weight of me keeping you pinned as my other hand rips your panties down. You’re eyes wide as you’re facing one of your biggest ***s.

I tell you that you it will be over soon. I slap you so that you know who’s in control and tell you that it will only be worse if you scream. I tell you that I will remove my hand from your mouth if you promise not to scream. You nod your head and I remove my hand…

You start begging me not to do this and that if I let you leave you won’t tell anyone. I have a fitness strap that I use to bind your hands together. I lift your bra so that I can see your breasts. Your nipples are perfect. Your body shudders as you feel my hand against your bare leg.

I push two fingers inside of you and play with your pussy for a few minutes. You can’t help but feel a little slutty since you’re so wet, but you just want it end.

I slide my shorts off and you see my cock. I spread your legs apart and you’re begging for me not to fuck you. You surprise yourself with the moan you let out as I enter you…

I fuck you slowly to stretch you out a bit. After a few minutes, you try one last time to fight me off. I’M SO MUCH STRONGER THAN YOU. I slap you again and tell you how much you fucked up now.

I start breaking you. I’m so rough. My hands around your throat as you’re taking every inch of my cock deep inside of you.

I use you in different positions for what seems like an hour. I finally cum and you’re battered, bruised, tired, disheveled and weak…

How was your first cardio session?


Of course, this would need to be a consensual and we would need to connect via video to verify. Boundaries need to be discussed and a safe word needs to be established upfront. Obviously, this would take place at my apartment. I value my peace, please don’t bring drama to my doorstep.

Me: White/Black/Asian. I’m 5’11, muscular and actually a trainer. I’m a normal guy with a kinky alter ego. I’m a sucker for a submissive girl who’s down to explore her inhibitions. I’m clean and always smell good. I’m kind, witty, and charming.

I am an attentive lover. I want you to feel safe with me and the sub-spaces we consensually agree to explore. I know when and how to context switch.

You: Submissive. Kinky. Sexy. Open-minded. Charismatic. HWP. Non-toxic.

NSA18 to 80 years ● 25km around USA, San Jose one month ago

Why give her a Yoni Massage?

Yoni massage or yonic massage, derived from the word Yoni, a representation of the vulva, which comes from the Shakti word that means sacred place. The Yoni massage is a type of Tantric full-body massage. It primarily focuses on the breasts, thighs, and stomach and then focuses on the labia, perineum, clitoris, G-spot, cervix or C-spot, A-spot, which is behind the G-spot, and other erogenous zones. When done right, this is a healing, the***utic massage.

Women's bodies are so used to being understimulated, overstimulated, disregarded, shamed, and penetrated too quickly.

You get to give her the gift of bringing conscious intimacy to this beautiful part of her body and give her the opportunity to fully relax and receive intimate touch without needing to worry about judgment, performing, giving someone an orgasm, having an orgasm, or faking an orgasm...the gift of pussy massage is allowing her body to feel safe to be held, seen, surrendered, and to feel whatever she feels and to have whatever experience she needs to have.

Regular pussy massage can:

  • Help her get out of a performative mode in sex
  • Help her get out of her head and become relaxed and present with her sensations
  • (necessary for most women to have an orgasm)
  • Help to heal "I'm taking too long" syndrome
  • Open her up to new/unexplored sensations
  • Increase intimacy between partners
  • Help to release expectations of her body
  • Help to release any need for external validation
  • Help to heal a habit of faking orgasms
  • Release shame around the appearance of her vulva
  • Increase *** flow and circulation (important for natural wetness)
  • Increase sensitivity
  • Relax tight pelvic floor muscles, release tension and can help alleviate ***
  • Intensify orgasm
  • Reduce stress

    Sharing the purpose and/or benefits of Yoni pussy massage with your partner can help you both to ground into why you'd like to have this experience together. Kindly remind her that this massage does not require her body to have any response. She is not expected to appear aroused, to be wet, or to have an orgasm. It is for pure relaxation for her body to fully surrender and receive and feel whatever she needs to feel. Invite her to be present with her body and sensations and to communicate if she wants any changes to the pressure, speed, or touch type. Your role is to honor her body's every request without question or judgment. Lovingly inform her that you will ask permission before penetrating her with your finger(s) and that she is free to say no. Penetration is not a necessary part of this message.

    Set your intentions for the massage and the energy you're bringing with you. (ex. Total mental and physical relaxation; a chance to experience new kinds of sensual touch and sensations with no-pressure-to-perform [it is not about her having an orgasm]; creating a space for her to feel safe and surrendered in your loving hands, etc.)

    Not many women have had a Yoni massage. I have a massage table. I have four sensual messages:

    The Yoni massage which is focused on the front and builds up to the pussy massage. It is great for healing and making your pussy feel wanted and appreciated and even healing past sexual trauma. Also great, if you have issues reaching an orgasm, the Yoni can help; if you can't have multiple orgasms, the Yoni can help with that too.

    The Tantric massage starts with the back and a bigger total massage and ends with a shorter version of the Yoni, but I use a vibrator for g-spot orgasms. This has a lot of edging before I give the multiple orgasms, and if you feel comfortable, you can squirt. I have special absorbent flat pads.

    Chinese cupping massage I use vacuum cups on the back, and it leaves two rows of bruises from being pulled into the cups. I used to do fire cupping but my ex got the fire cups in our divorce. I now use vacuum cups which are more accurate and consistent. I also have cups for making nipples stand proud and a pussy pump cup that will fatten up your pussy, and swells with more liquid, and this makes your pussy more sensitive for sex toy play.

    The Velvet Wand massage, which is an electric device invented 100+ years ago, this tool and its attachments are fun, but a body mode where my hands become electric or your body becomes electrified. There are many metal tools in the Velvet Wand kit for teasing your tits and pussy with electricity, it sounds
    ful, but the power is fully adjustable and is incredibly erotic.

    These are all sensual and relaxing, but the Yoni can heal some sex trauma issues. I'm experienced with couples classes but not certified; there is no Yoni certification in the USA. I have done all of these many times. The Yoni is my favorite. But you can pick whichever you want.

    Would you like to meet first in a public place or better a BDSM munch with other kinky people. Where in Atlanta do you live? I do not travel. Just a zip code is fine, then I can suggest a local munch or a good place to meet. I will travel to munches and a first meet.

    Tags: #Yoni, #Tantric, #Tantric massage, #Sting's Massage, #Yoni #Pussy Massage

BDSM Play Partner19 to 65 years ● 300km around USA, Atlanta 2 days ago

I'm a SwM (Single White Male) / Born on 10 Sept., 1972 / Reside alone in a clean, & roomy 1-bedroom apt. on the 400-block of E. King Street Lancaster, PA 17602, with no pets, or kids, & I've never been married. I've never been diagnosed with any deadly STDs, & I'm not into having multiple partners; you can feel safe, knowing that, about me. I am monogamous. Make sure you are, as well.

I'm both very easy to talk to, & to deal
with, & are D&D-free, & neither smoke, do illicit ***, nor drink. I am
a Christian, & do not believe in, nor shall I accept a 1-night stand,
or some basic, so-called 'platonic' relationship. I seek a long term
relationship with a SwF pref. from PA, 25-50, who drives or who understands how to use pub. transp., as I do.


You must be an independent lady, and who can also stomach an independent, monogamous
& a creative man, who is in touch with his feelings.
You must be emotionally stable, meaning... no unprovoked explosive nastiness, or I will hastily abandon what's left of our relationship. Period.
You will either drive, own a bike of some kind, or know how to utilize public transport, & you will be both willing & able to depart your residence to actively travel to my location--or to anyplace which you and I determine to meet at, to participate in a long-term relationship.
You must have a kind attitude, & have a good sense of humor.
No begging me for $. I'm retired, & I'm no walking bank, so...
...don't ask.
You MUST be a permanent res., of the US. I am not now, nor have I ever been the least bit suited to any long-dist. relat. You will be a permanent, legal citizen of the USA, or I shall not oblige to participate in any romantic relationship, with you.

I have much to offer, in terms of being emotionally stable, very polite, & have very
good cooking skills, plus I happen to be very good with my hands.
I'm a creator, & love to create. It's both a blessing to me, & a gift.
I also greatly enjoy a whimsical sense of humor, & love to make others laugh
through impersonations, & a quick wit.

I cannot stand rude, grossly obnoxious, socially-retarded women, nor shall I settle for some woman who tries to bully me into some type of a so-called 'platonic' relationship. I'm neither suited to, nor shall I ever be comfortable accepting ANY type of a so-called platonic, 'just buddies'
arrangement. End of story. I'm a man with the feelings of one, and that will be respected, just as you expect you & your feelings to be respected, in that same way.

Kinky Date25 to 45 years ● 5km around USA, Lancaster one year ago

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