Personal details

Gender Man
Age 31
Status Not single
Hair length
Zodiac sign Leo

About me

Interested in:

I’m looking for: gives you… is like an appetizing smorgasbord in Kurunjang with lots of hot guys to meet up with. Have a look around first if you prefer to see who’s around, or if you know what you want, search by selecting the right category "Kinky Dating”. Nobody stays alone here for long! has tons going on!

icon-wio Beez wrote something in the forum
  • 10.01.2024 1:36:22
  • Male (31)
  • Kurunjang
  • Not single
Low Self Confidence

Thank you for the responses and all the information, it has been very helpful :)

LikeRickardTY, DuchessFeuille · Jump to discussion
icon-wio Beez created a topic in New to BDSM, Kink & Fetish?
Low Self Confidence
Hi All,
My partner and I have been discussing BDSM for a while now, I have tired to do research but have a hard time trying to understand it. I am the kind of person that likes to get all the information before proceeding but I know this won't be the case for BDSM, I have tried to watch videos on Read more…it and do some research about it with my partner so I can ask her questions to help me understand and see how she views it to better understand her and her kinks, but as she has been into BDSM alot longer than I have she get annoyed as it is going over the same information that she already knows and I understand that it would be annoying for her to keep repeating herself. I have tried reading and watching videos but when it comes to trying things I always get in my own head that I won't be able to meet her needs as I am so new to this and am scared that it won't be enjoyable and make her not like me. I feel like I should be able to by now but can't get out of my own head that I suck at this and I am just going to keep letting my partner down.
Sorry for the big message, but any advice would be appreciated so much.
LikeMissfacilier, therealbigdaddy, DaddyBoy1993and 10 more… · 18 Replies
GentlemanDomCymru Is your partner happy? Have you thought of asking someone to mentor you? Is your partner happy? Have you thought of asking someone to mentor you?
Like 27.03.2024 23:30:48
Alucard255 *outside of this app *outside of this app
Like · 26.03.2024 12:19:48
Alucard255 I used to, when this app first came out, now nothing, and i can communicate decently, least i think so since i do have friends im close to oursidez I used to, when this app first came out, now nothing, and i can communicate decently, least i think so since i do have friends im close to oursidez
Like · 26.03.2024 12:19:25
Show more 3 of 18
icon-wio Beez signed up on
  • 07.01.2024 1:05:02
  • Male (31)
  • Kurunjang
  • Not single