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Gender Man
Age 33
Status Single
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Zodiac sign Aries

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  • Networking gives you… is like an appetizing smorgasbord in Riverhead with lots of hot guys to meet up with. Have a look around first if you prefer to see who’s around, or if you know what you want, search by selecting the right category "Kinky Dating”. Nobody stays alone here for long! has tons going on!

icon-wio dontcatfishme2p wrote something in the forum
  • 10.10.2023 23:59:03
  • Male (33)
  • Riverhead
  • Single
Head shaving fettish

Let’s see that beautiful head

Likesubbyandloving · Jump to discussion
icon-wio dontcatfishme2p wrote something in the forum
  • 01.10.2023 5:14:49
  • Male (33)
  • Riverhead
  • Single
Head shaving fettish

That first shave down the middle is the best

LikeGoddess_Fifi · Jump to discussion
icon-wio dontcatfishme2p wrote something in the forum
  • 30.09.2023 17:09:50
  • Male (33)
  • Riverhead
  • Single
Head shaving fettish

I have a whole head of hair and it’s pretty long right now I’m just dying to shave off, I love the whole experience from my head being sheared off clean by the buzzer than that soothing feeling of the shaving cream and the razor running along my head such a great feeling

LikeGoddess_Fifi, Brinda_Brownie · Jump to discussion
icon-wio dontcatfishme2p wrote something in the forum
  • 28.09.2023 3:50:47
  • Male (33)
  • Riverhead
  • Single
Head shaving fettish

Not to mention when I do shave it bald I feel like I’m going to have a stroke

Likemaitresse_mina20, Sir_Yvon · Jump to discussion
icon-wio dontcatfishme2p created a topic in New to BDSM, Kink & Fetish?
Head shaving fettish
I always want to know if I’m alone in this or not, I get totally aroused from the idea of shaving my head bald as extremely attracted to bald women. Just getting my head shaved alone gets me going for as long as I can remember. Anyone else experience this. I love and hate that I have this fetish.
LikeAnjin1984, a_stef, subbyandlovingand 8 more… · 15 Replies
Rambo-7468 I am man i want to shave girls heads and eyebrows completely bald and sexy with hard nice way in Greece very soon. Who women wants really do it? I am man i want to shave girls heads and eyebrows completely bald and sexy with hard nice way in Greece very soon. Who women wants really do it?
Like · 24.07.2024 19:11:05
Deleted profile II love balde subby girls especially when they give me a head II love balde subby girls especially when they give me a head
Like 13.10.2023 12:09:53
dontcatfishme2p ➦dontcatfishme2p quote subbyandloving:❝Buzz cuts all the way! Just buzzed my own head a couple days ago. ❞
Let’s see that beautiful head ➦dontcatfishme2p quote subbyandloving:❝Buzz cuts all the way! Just buzzed my own head a couple days ago. ❞
Let’s see that beautiful head
Likesubbyandloving · 10.10.2023 23:59:03
Show more 3 of 15
icon-wio dontcatfishme2p signed up on
  • 26.09.2023 23:28:53
  • Male (33)
  • Riverhead
  • Single