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So, I thought I'd practice a little self bondage today.  I was using a chain set with no locks; instead there is a section of each restraint that can be removed by pressing a pin/spring combination through a hole in the side of each restraint.  Nifty little design.  One serious flaw.  In order to make it look better the hole is slightly inside each restraint so it's harder to open when someone is wearing it because they get in the way. 

I opened it up easily enough.  Got undressed.  Ankle restraints locked.  Neck restraints locked.  Wrist restraints locked.  Chains permanently connecting all restraints; lovely little self bondage session - until time to get unlocked.

Left wrist and right ankle came open ll right.  Neck took a little more time as I couldn't see the hole to get to the pin to open it.  Left ankle and right wrist did not want to open.  Part of this was because I could only get to each of them left-handed.  Part of it was that I couldn't get the leverage to depress the pin, or when it did depress I couldn't remove the section of the restraint it released without taking pressure off the pin when it did depress.

Two hours later, I realize that if I'm going to call for help I'd better do it before it gets too late.  Called a friend from the club who immediately threatened to tell the rest of the staff about it; I wasn't expecting that but it didn't surprise me either.  I am surprised I haven't received any mocking e-mails about it yet.  But he did agree to come over and help.

Put on pants - running chains up pant leg and out waist.  Went downstairs and unlocked door.  Sat down and continued working at the restraints.

About ten minutes later the ankle restraint opens.  Hooray! Pull chains up out of pants.  Put jacket on.  I now have the right wrist restraint coming out the sleeve while the rest of the chain assembly is up the sleeve and slung over my shoulder, conveniently out of site.   The wrist restraint keeps sliding around my wrist whenever I try to open it.

Twenty minutes later my friend arrives, has to take a picture even if it is just a wrist and some chain going up the sleeve because it's funnier when you've got a picture, and was able to release me.


So, does anyone else have any embarrassing stories to share?


that's always the problem with self bondage, treading that fine line between being easy enough to release when the time comes and restrictive enough to make it feel worthwhile

personally I find women's' clothing enough of a challenge, the number of times zips and bra hooks get stuck keeping me in 'bondage' longer than I'd intended-especially the zips on stiletto heeled boots

Posted (edited)

I love it.  This would so happen to me...

My story is a bit different, but I did have to spend an entire summer making up plausible stories trying to explain why my entire back was bandaged up to my vanilla friends — after a performance where I had vines permanently carved into my back by another Domme with a (sterile) scalpel.  

Eventually, I just gave up and told them the truth, because “l fell into a pile of razor wire” really wasn’t cutting it...lol.

Edited by ReddRabbit

Mine is slightly different , I had to go in a business trip, and had to take a good amount of toys , large dildo, cock cage, plugs etc, and lingerie with wig shoes etc, for online sessions with my then Mistress. I checked out in the morning, and left my case at the hotel. When I finished my meeting, I returned to the hotel, collected my case, and drove to my next hotel. On route I had a call that I had the wrong case, so I decided to turn round and pick it up as I was only an hour or so away from the hotel. It wasnt till I returned, that I realised they had to break open my case to see who it belonged too
As this was being explained a number of staff came out of the back office, and where hovering around the desk, doing much to nothing, but kept looking at me. Then I realised, they had seen everything in my case. I was too embarrassed to fill a claim form in fir a new case, and quickly left all Red faced,. I still try and avoid staying at that hotel now, thinking all eyes would be burning into my back. Luckily no toys where missing lol.

19 hours ago, pappaman said:

Mine is slightly different , I had to go in a business trip, and had to take a good amount of toys , large dildo, cock cage, plugs etc, and lingerie with wig shoes etc, for online sessions with my then Mistress. I checked out in the morning, and left my case at the hotel. When I finished my meeting, I returned to the hotel, collected my case, and drove to my next hotel. On route I had a call that I had the wrong case, so I decided to turn round and pick it up as I was only an hour or so away from the hotel. It wasnt till I returned, that I realised they had to break open my case to see who it belonged too
As this was being explained a number of staff came out of the back office, and where hovering around the desk, doing much to nothing, but kept looking at me. Then I realised, they had seen everything in my case. I was too embarrassed to fill a claim form in fir a new case, and quickly left all Red faced,. I still try and avoid staying at that hotel now, thinking all eyes would be burning into my back. Luckily no toys where missing lol.

Those poor slobs only wish they were having as much fun as you! 😉


Very true, you can never say never.

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