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Men, can you break your penis? Yes.


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Actually, it’s considered a fracture, even though there are no bones in the penis. The penis is not a muscle, but rather spongy tissue and *** vessels. A more clinical description is this. The two columns that run along the sides of your penis is called the Corpus Cavernosum. Cool name, right? *** fills these tissues and bingo; you’ve got your beloved erection. From the intense *** surge in the area, these two caverns can create, on average for a healthy male, 1.74 pounds of pressure per square inch. Sweet Mama…that’s impressive.

Those two columns are priceless and so when engaging in positions other than traditional missionary style, there is the potential of experiencing a wrenched whacker. Ok. So how does it happen? While changing positions can be fun and pleasurable, the possibility for your penis to become “overextended” does exist. Depending of course on your creative acrobatics or that of your partner's. I know you guys love the theatrics performed by porn stars and usually are thinking, “Yeah, I wanna try that.” Proceed with caution. But let’s move on.

It just takes one wrong move, exaggerated twist, or ***ful/aggressive sex to serve up your dick to an unfortunate catastrophe. If you hear a “pop”, Stop. What. You’re. Doing!!!

Some positions such as the power-driven Jackhammer, Reverse CowGirl, and even intense masturbation can cause a fracture. Although fracturing your penis isn’t a common everyday occurrence, the potential is still there. A fracture can be extremely ***ful, as if I had to say that, and does require surgery, otherwise, it can lead to deformity or erectile dysfunction. Yikes!!

Now, continuing with penis perils, this is something I recently came across and I think you’ll find it interesting. I consider myself open-minded to sexual alternatives but…this one gave me pause.

It seems many regions in the Middle East employ the practice of Taqaandan. It is a Kurdish word for “to click”. It is considered ***less and akin to knuckle-cracking. Seriously? Uh-huh. No no. The top portion of an erect penis is ***fully bent while the shaft is held stationary. WTF !!! And to add to this quirky technique for sexual pleasure, the practice has become an increasing phenomenon and a major health concern, particularly in Western Iran. Right.

Guys, in the heat of the moment, any moment that might arise during lust-filled carnal activities, never confuse popping a cherry with popping your dick! Right? You knew that but I had to say it anyway. I apologize to all virgins for this somewhat crass comment.

With all that said, I would never tell anyone not to explore and be creative. If you're very adventurous in a masochistic fashion and think you'd like to go for it, just remember the impending consequences of Taqaandan. Your body. Your choice. Do what you want and have fun. I just thought this was an off-the-wall topic and knew most men probably never consider that their best buddy could be subjected to harm during playtime.

So…go have fun BUT protect your levitating lingams.

Perpetually curious,


You have just made my day, crikes lol

29 minutes ago, pappaman said:

You have just made my day, crikes lol

Excellent.  We all need a pleasant hiccup in our day.

1 hour ago, Perpetually-Evolving said:

most men probably never consider that their best buddy could be subjected to harm during playtime.


Awesome 😊😊but I for one am fully aware my best buddy has a breaking point. Verbal warnings have been issued to protect his health 😁

1 minute ago, Donnykinkster said:

Awesome 😊😊but I for one am fully aware my best buddy has a breaking point. Verbal warnings have been issued to protect his health 😁

Men do need to be apprised of the possibility.  It's really rather amazing since the penis is tissue.  But then, I think it's only fair that a man can be subjected to *** just as a vagina can.  Right?  Hard jack-hammer sex can be a recipe for a serious contusion in the vagina.  I know because I've experienced it. 


I hope that you do not mind me clambering on your thread to deal with a slightly different penis breaking issue. 

That is one of Priapism.

With out breaking down all the different types, it is when those self same  Corpus Cavernosum become engorged with ***. That is right you friend the erection.

Then after 4 hours or in my case 8 because I am an idiot and we were having fun.  You realise that you are not actually being amazing and this damn thing is not going away.

Theoretically if your erection lasts 4 hours go to an Emergency room. Trust me on this, I did not.

In my case the vein taking *** out of the penis had mostly collapsed. Thus no loss of erection. The nice doctor at the emergency room used a very small bore needle to suck the *** out manually (aspiration) and injecting phenylephrine. (Better known as a decongestant but has the same effect on a penis.) 

Anyhow, as god awful as this was I have to say I cannot put into words what a relief it was to actually not have an erection. After that many hours it really is ***ful.

To try to cut down on the amount of leg crossing , wincing and frowns this happened 4 times. No I am not that horny, honest.

Every morning I awoke with.......   Yes you guessed it, an erection that had to be dealt with the same way.

Eventually I had surgery and the Corpus Cavernosum was replaced by an implant, that was in turn upgraded to a saline filled inflatable implant. 


The one thing I was asked again and again was what ED medicine I had taken or injected. (As at that point I had a highly perforated penis.) Apparently priapism it is a widely known side effect of ED  medication and its over use. 

So the moral of this tail, if you do not need erectile dysfunction medication take it at the risk of a whole world of ***, not even good ***. If your erection lasts more than 4 hours get your ass to the Emergency room while they can still save your Penis.

There is a happy ending here though, I love the new implant and it works brilliantly.



1 hour ago, Thebian said:

I hope that you do not mind me clambering on your thread to deal with a slightly different penis breaking issue. 

That is one of Priapism.

With out breaking down all the different types, it is when those self same  Corpus Cavernosum become engorged with ***. That is right you friend the erection.

Then after 4 hours or in my case 8 because I am an idiot and we were having fun.  You realise that you are not actually being amazing and this damn thing is not going away.

Theoretically if your erection lasts 4 hours go to an Emergency room. Trust me on this, I did not.

In my case the vein taking *** out of the penis had mostly collapsed. Thus no loss of erection. The nice doctor at the emergency room used a very small bore needle to suck the *** out manually (aspiration) and injecting phenylephrine. (Better known as a decongestant but has the same effect on a penis.) 

Anyhow, as god awful as this was I have to say I cannot put into words what a relief it was to actually not have an erection. After that many hours it really is ***ful.

To try to cut down on the amount of leg crossing , wincing and frowns this happened 4 times. No I am not that horny, honest.

Every morning I awoke with.......   Yes you guessed it, an erection that had to be dealt with the same way.

Eventually I had surgery and the Corpus Cavernosum was replaced by an implant, that was in turn upgraded to a saline filled inflatable implant. 


The one thing I was asked again and again was what ED medicine I had taken or injected. (As at that point I had a highly perforated penis.) Apparently priapism it is a widely known side effect of ED  medication and its over use. 

So the moral of this tail, if you do not need erectile dysfunction medication take it at the risk of a whole world of ***, not even good ***. If your erection lasts more than 4 hours get your ass to the Emergency room while they can still save your Penis.

There is a happy ending here though, I love the new implant and it works brilliantly.



Holy fucking hell!!  Gee, I have an abundance of empathy for you and the ordeal you experienced.  Thank you so much for sharing that.  I wish more people  left their *** at the door and opened up about personal stories, like this, that can only better educate a society that seems content with  sexual ignorance. 


I watched a penile implant surgery on Youtube that was really interesting.  I'm glad that men do have a few alternatives today to help with sexual performance. I hope things are working much better for you and your "friend" remains cooperative in your sexual adventures.  B|



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