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You know who you are 😡

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Posted (edited)

Keyboard warrior with a 2 inch dick.


I type my spite, my poison and hate.

Thinking submissives will think me great.

In my mind I'm a super Dom

The man, the dude, all day long.


How can they resist my Dominant skill

My *** alone, my strongest will.

To their knees they must drop.

to my tune you must dance and hop.

Submissives are mine, to treat like shit.

Dirt on my shoe, to treat how I see fit.


I'm super Dom, you must do as I say.

All the time and on this day.

How can you resist my amazing charm

I don't care what I do, how much harm.


Your feelings matter not, only mine

That is why I care not when I cross the line

Your not real, your a face on a page.

To be ***d, no matter your age.


So what of me, Mr super Dom

Who am I and where am I from

What am I really? When truth be told

I'm weak and pathetic from young till old.


I'm not a man, who knows the score

I'm really a joke and a definite bore

My words show that, I reveal  my face 

The bottom I belong in this place


I'm nothing, I'm a fake, who doesn't know

That all deserve respect, yet I'm so low

Not worth a thing, it seems I'm a prick

And yes I've got a 2 inch dick (erect) 😊


Edited by Deleted Member
Better choice of words

Summed up many people 🤣🤣🤣



Oh I have encountered far too many of these! On point!! 👏🏻


Oh this is so true. Far to many about and it’s so disheartening to so many. I’d love to know why they think that is being dominant. It’s not a freedom to ***. I want to submit to someone who wants to care and look after me and does the things we both want and need for our mutual pleasure. And the biggest part is I want to choose to submit not because someone has demanded it of me but because I have made the choice to gift my submission to someone who will care for it and guide it and shape it.


Exellent DK true to the core.And nobody has ever said better about submittion then you AlchemyFairy11.



I forgot I sent you a Dick Pic 


Great work mate , 


Donny, your a man of many talents.  Mate you have said what many feel, and done it perfectly.

Don't these fuckers know that there are many subs who want to serve, yet their submission is to be earned NOT demanded, and the last time I checked, demanding things of people NEVER earned respect or compliance.  Those submissives need and deserve a safe secure and comfortable place to belong, not some sort of abusive *** center where they have no rights.


RESPECT to all unless YOU fall into the category that Donny has described so perfectly.  

5 hours ago, MossyBoy said:

 yet their submission is to be earned NOT demanded,l

That's the problem though, they don't know. Thay think they have auto rights just because they class themselves as a D. Fools all of them.


I'm not into BDSM,  I am training as a fistee and am a skilled fister as well. I have been approached many times by Doms, and some of them are are truly awful they way they speak to me. There should always be mutual respect no matter what you're kink is.


Sounds very much along the lines of @PixieDusts Inbox .... 

But what a great poem 10/10 for being so spot on .... 

On 9/4/2020 at 2:57 PM, PixieDust said:

Truly brilliant @Donnykinkster and for that you get  🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 🙏🧚‍♀️

5 stars? Wow I'm honoured my friend 😋

On 9/4/2020 at 4:08 PM, Curvykate said:

Oh I have encountered far too many of these! On point!! 👏🏻

This was for you my friend, others aswell but mainly you 😊

3 hours ago, Donnykinkster said:

This was for you my friend, others aswell but mainly you 😊

I know, Donny. Thank you for speaking up for me!


There are too many of them about, very well stated 😊

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