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Many moons ago, when the world was still black and white and Unicorns roamed the earth I was at a house party. I was relatively new to the scene, still finding my feet and yet to own a girl in the truest sense. I was sat out in the garden, having a cigar, when I was joined by an older guy I had seen several times at different parties. I will be honest and say I hadn't really taken to him, he seemed too sure of himself (that opinion changed to respect over the coming years) and annoyingly he always had the girls wanting to spend time with him.

He asked how I was getting on, how my impressions of the Life were evolving, and the conversation drifted onto what toys/equipment I had collected. I ticked off the short list of the usual, and asked the same question of him...expecting to hear about a vast arsenal of implements. He smiled and said he currently had nothing at all. Surprised, I questioned him further and he explained.

When he ends a relationship with a girl he throws away (or gives to her) everything that has come into contact with her skin. Everything. In his words, if it has her scent on it then it can't be kept. At first I thought it may be a knee-jerk emotional action, but he explained more. If you move into a relationship/dynamic with a girl then she deserves everything to be pristine. Unused. It doesn't matter if she has felt things before, experienced their use, but when she feels them with YOU it must be the first time it is used....become a first between the two of you. At the time I thought it was a little crazy, given the cost of certain things (back then there were no internet stores) and how difficult some were to obtain. It was only a few years later that I finally understood.

Unless you are extremely lucky, relationships are by their very nature transient. I am not talking about fleeting trysts, but more the deeper D/s emotional connections that become special. It doesn't matter what the background is of the people involved, from the moment you connect it is Day One. Everything that happened before is irrelevant. You are building that dynamic brick by brick, touch by touch, and as such it should be treated with the respect it deserves. And that extends to those hitting things, the keep them still things, the make them squeal things, and every other goody that will come into contact with their willing skin. He was right...they should only ever have their scent on them. They are for their ***/pleasure, theirs alone, and they need to know that. They deserve that much.

I adopted this back in the early 2000's, and it has served me well. Agree or disagree, you cannot argue with the rational behind it...so don't be cheap...show them they are worth it.

Scribe 2021


I cannot say much more than, I love this. All of it. The sentiment, the reasoning, and that you were a to understand and adopt it for yourself.
That is a truly respectful sentiment, and very moving. So often kink is seen as cheap and easy, but that is not acknowledging the deep emotional connection that can carry a relationship, even if it only lasts for a short period of time. It is the difference between a ‘hook up’ and what I look for, even if that experience is only a fleeting moment.
Thanks for posting this it is really thought provoking 😁
1 hour ago, GoodGirlBetterBrat said:

I cannot say much more than, I love this. All of it. The sentiment, the reasoning, and that you were a to understand and adopt it for yourself.

Thank you for your kind words xx

8 minutes ago, weaslekit said:

That is a truly respectful sentiment, and very moving. So often kink is seen as cheap and easy, but that is not acknowledging the deep emotional connection that can carry a relationship, even if it only lasts for a short period of time. It is the difference between a ‘hook up’ and what I look for, even if that experience is only a fleeting moment.
Thanks for posting this it is really thought provoking 😁

Thank you, and I think more should look at their approach to the whole breakdown of a dynamic. xx

1 minute ago, Bathblonde said:

I adore this!

Thank you x

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