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What are the ins and outs of Knifeplay, how does it work, what are the risks, what safety measures should I hav, ect.





I went to a demo on knife play.  Anyone curious should do similar.  It was good to watch and there were lots of techniques.  The knife doesn't have to be sharp as it's about the sensation of the blade.   However, the aim is more through *** and sensation than to actually cut the other person.  If you do cut someone, then you need to stop, patch it and add antiseptic.  



You can also find information about Knife Play in the below Magazine article which may be of interest 


Posted (edited)

If the person can see what you’re doing then when you move the knife to the skin, turn it around last minute so that the blunt side is pressing. If done cleverly, the other person won’t know & the sensation will still feel the same as the sharp side.

If the person can’t see then the knife can be used on the blunt side without having to hide the fact.
And obviously the play needs to be consensual.
Play needs to be slow, deliberate, in sound mind & being very aware that (as in all play) accidents can happen.
Don’t go in with a big scene first time, build upto knife play incorporating it every now & then.

Edited by BigPolly
Knife play is exciting, but you have to talk it over with the recipient.
I use knives as a *** tool, i actually have a blunt butterfly knife i use more often than any of my other knives (they're sharp!).
I've had subs be happy for little scratches here and there and others that wanted a bit of *** drawn. But this is most definitely a convo to be had before any play. Just make sure you have some antiseptic wipes (for the skin/blade/cut) at the ready and some cute plasters for after.
Knife play is sometimes misconstrued and comes across as a big scary thing, but it's no scarier than anything else in kinks, just as long as that convo is had and parameters set

Like most Kinks, start slowly!!

Every kink has inherent risks, but you have to think beforehand how to mitigate the risks. Knifeplay and ***play, for me are different. Knifeplay personally, does not involve piercing the skin and there should not involve any *** letting.

Secondly, you want to find the blunter side of the knife and apply it to the body slowly at first. Once you have established the technique, you may wish to change knives and increase the intensity.

In the beginning, I would start with areas like the arms and legs. Avoid any internal orifices all the time.


Lots of great info, thank you everyone who shared! Very curious about knifeplay but have no knowledge or experience with it, now I feel better armed (sorry, couldn't resist)

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