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My porn-star moment happened.

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Now, before I go into this, please note this all happened on my first adventure to a 'private shop'.

Out of curiosity, I stepped into a sex shop recently, the doors shrouded, the stock carefully monitored. As I explored all the different toys, all things big and brutal, to cute and small.
My imagination exploded.

That being said, the director caught my eye and started to talk to me about sex, ultimately it ended up in the director of these private shops, giving me his business card and offering me what seemed to be large amounts of *** to have sex in different scenarios.

It is safe to say I have banked that one.

Now I cant help but think, could I or why I ever act on this invitation? 

14 hours ago, eyemblacksheep said:

nice story, needs more dragons


I know most of this forum is intentionally fiction stories; but this one feels too much like it's implied it happened

mind, I am aware of a sex shop where one or both (I can't remember who owns it) of the owners are porn producers and so they have done clips in their stock room

but it's, y'know, just them - as their production and as certed porn stars, with other ladies who are proven certed porn stars 

the concept of spotting a customer and saying "wanna make porn" probably would fit in one of their story lines if they weren't already having fun with others they know and trust

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