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Balls stretchers

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Has anybody got experience with them?
Any recommendations for a good and comfortable one to buy ?

The easiest to put on is a parachute ball stretcher. I would buy a couple of ball weights to use with it.  My personal fave is a leather ball stretcher, that uses heavy snaps to adjust fit. I prefer the one that has a thin strap, that goes around the cock and balls, and a wider stretcher strap, that you choose how tight you want it. Mine includes a D ring at the bottom. that can add weights, or a leash can be attached.  I would recommend no wider than an inch and 1/2 to start with on the stretcher strap. That's the narrowest I've found so far.


I have a few different kinds, and enjoy them for different reasons. I prefer ball weights rather than silicone stretchers. And use leather with snaps for day to day
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