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Design a club?


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I’ve recently come across a swingers/BDSM/kink club that looks fabulous and it got me thinking; if you (had unlimited funds and) could design your own BDSM club what would it look like?

Mine would be inconspicuous but soundproofed and likely away from many other places - an industrial/rural area perhaps.

It would be over various levels or certainly if it were one level it would have distinct separated areas.

I have (grandiose) visions of an impressive but unique and unusual building that works to incorporate various senses - different textures of decor, various types of music (or none), possibly flowering plants or something to stimulate the sense of smell. 

I’d like beautiful changing, toilet and dressing room facilities, including showers.

Initially there would be (a reception obviously) a socialising area, bar (limit to alcohol consumption prior to any play), various seating areas from booths to bar stools to comfy sofas and soft, very clean flooring to protect the hands and knees of anyone crawling. There would be areas offering more or less privacy, but no play in this area although aftercare would be allowed.

There would be a “dungeon” below with play equipment, private and public rooms and ambient lighting.

The first floor would likely have a “main stage” for demos and learning - but also for those who may wish to “perform” (take that as you will).

The second floor would have private rooms designed for aftercare (or for those who wish to carry out sexual acts privately) and they could provide overnight accommodation.

I’d like some outdoor space of some description be it a roof terrace or some for of garden. A rural area would actually be great for anyone who may wish to play outdoors or even “hunt” each other.

Obviously, in my head I’m a millionaire, but I like my fantasy club. I’m sure there are a million and one impracticalities and things which simply wouldn’t work or are ridiculous. As it will never come to fruition it’s irrelevant, I just think it would be interesting and fun to hear other people’s fantasy club ideas.




Some stuff I'd want is seemingly contradiction - but again based on an "unlimited funds" model

I'd want somewhere with an accessible location.  Location on every sense of the word, so that people could attend if they relied on public transport - a short walk from public car parks - and that anyone with mobility or other disability issues could attend reasonably

given I know that even with an unlimited budget there's still limits to how often people could attend so my place would be largely designed for people who make 'content' of any description - alongside being able to be hired by couples or pros.   So smaller dungeon/theme rooms and maybe one grand play/dungeon area elsewhere

there'd be smaller and larger event nights - smaller more intimate, play based with scope for discussions and workshops - and larger party events (open access to the large play area, smaller/private rooms can be 'booked' for scenes or play sessions)

Paid/employed/trained staff available to help anyone and always available - and - also to make sure people are doing what they should be - from playing appropriately to cleaning up after themselves

there'd also be a membership system with rewards for regular/loyal attendees and easy to revoke/suspend for ill behaviour.

it would also work closely with local bodies including things for STI screening/advice, Mental Health Support, etc, and be available to host prestige events (i.e. awards) or shopping events (markets) 

some of that seems less practical than others but if you think of a large 'venue' room it could be a club room, a performance area, an awards are or a market (would also have good mat space for rope clubs) 

Posted (edited)

A bit more fantasy than design but mine would have a basement or concrete out building solely designed for electro punishment. I would be led in by my Dom wife and a sexy offsider. They would strap me down, gag me and hook me up. The walls would be soundproof and the door would have a timer lock which cannot be over ridden. There would be a camera so they can watch my suffering remotely. They would make it clear to me before they teased me and left me that my screams will not be heard and how long they would be setting the timer for. They would tell me that if I survived I would receive a reward. Of course I'd survive and receive the reward only to be locked in again.

Edited by SubofMissRose
Definitely in a industrial/warehouse area , plain looking outside , buzz in member card access type thing with secondary check in . Main general area , drinks n such . Non alcohol due to permits n responsibilities to ppl leaving *** . Themed play rooms , central stage area for demonstrations ( hired rope n rigger ppl , class type functions . Showers n lockers . So many ideas lol
I like the idea ( a friend had this)of a big old house in private grounds.
I like it because of character and atmosphere.......for themed nights/ days.........with Costume hire.
I like the idea of being able to be seen through one of the windows on an upper floor.
Maybe the first, ........so I and whoever I am with can tease those below.........

There would be a Dungeon of course, a School room, Headmasters study,
Private rooms, accommodation.

Themed Evening meals , with a twist......maybe Doms and Sub, watresses, naked someone on the Table with fruit platters.
Candlelight, Costumes.......attention to detail,
Party games.....

There would be hygiene facilities, and mod cons, Safety etc but Im going mre with imagination here x

  • 3 weeks later...

Some awesome responses here that I am really enjoying. I have never been to a club myself and it's fun to create one in my imagination. Mine would be very similar to the ones already described here, opulent, dark, glamourous,with loads of fairy lights and candles, but would I would really love to see is a whole floor with little private rooms kitted out for roleplay and acting out of fantasies, for example a gyno's office, a classroom, a police station, a vampire's lair... with all the props and costumes needed to enact all your fantasies. There would be standard rooms for common fantasies and customisable rooms to book in advance for more unusual scenarios.They could be rented out and, as a hot twist, one of the walls is a two way mirror covered with heavy red curtains and if you open them for other people to watch you get the fee written off and a glass of champagne thrown in 😂

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