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We congregate

to help populate

the church of your


So why is it,

right now, of late

your mouthpieces become so irate

when we come together to copulate?

Ecumenical or ephemeral,

we rise to meet the most venerable

body of all that is edible.

Wine and *** together

I believe transubstantiate.

I’ve swallowed that whole

whilst you fellate

the only church I feel forsakes.

Do those vestments promote easy access?

I’m willing to confess.

I’m on my knees,

teasing a moaning oratory

from a holy, hairy trinity.

That slippery sea of Galilee.

Punish me oh king of kings!

Lead me by my nipple rings.

Forbid to do all those things,

neutered by your apron strings.

Blessed are those who acquiesce.

My servant serpent nods greedily 'Yes!'

As it slips along the Eden earth

toward the meek that shall inherit its girth.

The apple hangs there out of reach.

A temptation to avoid you teach.

Well I’m more of the aesthetic type

so why not pluck the fucker whilst it’s ripe?

All the while my holy spirit seeks

some kind of prophesied epiphany

in the sacred crimson holy of holies.

So now for all your waking dead,

in the heart or in the head,

as my mother or the big man always said,

‘God helps those who help themselves.’

So fuck the church, let’s go to bed.
Edit: Title should be ‘Sacrilicious’. Preferably said in a Homer Simpson voice.
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