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She came through the door, and as instructed, placed her bag down, removed her shoes and proceeded to de robe silently down to her knickers.
She checked her armpits; as his instructions were, not too much hair, no deodorant. She knew how he loved to explore them, especially when her arms were secured behind her head.

Obedient and complaint, kneeling, head bowed, hands clasped behind her back. Seconds appeared to last for minutes; minutes appeared to double in length.
All she could hear was the sound of her breathing; not quite calm but not too excitable.
He slowly descended the staircase and saw her in position. She only heard him when he was a couple of steps away due to the deep pile carpet. Her breathing shallowed in aniticipation.

She could hear his steps pass her and then circle slowly. What mood would he be in this evening? Previous encounters flooded her mind as she tried to second guess.
He broke the silence “Prepared as instructed?” he asked. The sound of his voice made her take a sharp intake of breath, as she realized the game was about to start.
“Yes Sir”
He pulled her hair back to ensure she was looking at up at him
”Good Girl” he smiled in his usual calm low tone, pushing her head back down.
He came behind her and caressed her arse cheek. She felt the warmth of his hand on her skin. It had been over a week since their last encounter, which only led to heighten her need to be played with. She could feel the tingling of anticipation making her feel more alert, and tentatively extending her fingers to try and steal a touch of him.
Obligingly, he stroked the two extended fingers with the back of his index finger. before curling the fingers back up into her hand. He then continued with caressing and squidging her arse cheek
“Have you missed me?” he enquired, as he changed from a palm caress to incorporate his nails, slowly dragging up and down. This then seemingly flicked the switch to send the tingles to wake her pussy up. Now she was longing just for a touch, a stroke, a caress of his fingers on her puss.
“Yes, I did”
“Are you sure?” he said sounding slightly miffed
She heard him give an almost sarcastic wry amused “Hmm”
HE could see her slightly repositioning her legs to arch her back slightly. He placed his right hand on the inside of her left thigh to pull her legs slightly wider apart. Then a full palm on her pussy; fingers on her Venus Mount, heal on her perineum, guiding it back to be in a more receptive position.
As he removed his hand, he could see the smallest of wet patches apparent on her knickers.
He allowed himself a slight smile
He withdrew his hand. “Look at me” he demanded in a calm tone. She obliged looking up as her mouth fell slightly open and progressed into a tantilising lip bite.
“Kiss my palm, please” She duly obliged placing delicate kisses across his palm in a linear fashion. He smiled warmly as he swept her hair back behind her ears with his free index finger.
“Now lick it please”. She paused and look quizzically at him. “Lick it?” she asked
“I didn’t ask you to question, just do as you’re asked”. His tone had sharpened, which initially took her aback. She extended her tongue and began to lick, in a series of upward motions.
“Good girl” he said as he caressed her cheek with the back of his free index finger. “Now head back down, please”
She turned away from him. He gently pulled her knickers into her arse crevace. She sighed a contented sigh.
She wasn’t sure if it was the sound of the slap or the instant *** and warmth which surprised her the most.
“Count!” he demoanded
“eeerr, errrm one!”
“Well start again then”
Her brain, quickly confused…but then it dawned on her
“That’s better”
The next fell on the same spot. SMACK!
“Two, Sir”
By the 5th she let out an involuntary yelp
This brought a slight smile to him.
“Six, Sir” she whimpered

“And now the right cheek, but first , lick”
He pulled her hair back again, to have her looking to him. Again she extended her tongue and began to lick.
“Do it properly or we’ll have to start all over again”
She obliged, applying herself with more concentrated , harder licks. He looked her in the eyes whilst she was carry out her instructions; and then without warning pushed her head firmly back down.
“Yes Sir”
“One sir”
He continued to administer all six, whilst she tried not to yelp on each stroke.
He bent down, with his a placed his cheek on her glowing red arse
“Do you know what that was for?”
“Im not sure Sir”
“How should you address me in responses?” he sighed nonchalantly
“I address you as Sir!”
“That is correct…unfortunately you failed to address me appropriately initially. You know is the minimum expectation, don’t you?”
“Yes Sir”
“Hence this little reminder. Manners cost nothing.”
“Im sorry Sir”

“I must admit, I do love to feel the glow of your arse against my skin”. He proceeded to run his finger deliberately up from her pussy opening to her little arsehole. Even though the knickers were still covering, he could feel every nook and crevice
His finger settled circling her arsehole. His other hand reached round to squeeze her left nipple. He caressed it for a short while whilst he mused at her. He let go of her nipple with a pinch.
She couldn’t help start to gyrate slightly with her hips as his hand started to kneed plump breast.
“Are you ready to play then?”.
“Yes Sir” she moaned
“Good. Reveal that arsehole to me”
She pulled the fabric aside, now breathing heavily in anticipation.
This pleased him immensely.
She could feel his face pressing up against her glowing arse, taking nibbles and bites as it traversed moving closer to her arsehole, until she could feel his chin on her pussy and his breath tickling her hole.
“Good girl” he said
He noticed the wet patch in her knickers had increased substantially.
This only served to push him over the edge as he grabbed her wrists to pull her back onto his face allowing him to sink his tongue deep into her awaiting aperture.
Good writer. Nice read.
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