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Would you worry if.

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I have had pretty much the same recurring dream over the last 7 months..the dream started when I visited a Priest because I was getting flashbacks of seeing my Fathers ***.!

It was an image that would not go away.!

My dream centres around messages in the sky...it did not matter where you where in the world.or your nationality..or your native language..

The messages where there for all to see and read.!

It does worry me.!

An awful lot.!

There was a list..7

Those who kill in the name of any God would wake up with their skin Red..I will not tell you what the punishment was..but it was eternal.!

Those who kill in the name of ignorance..

Those who will not accept those who are different through no choice of their own...

The other 4 are not something I would be happy to mention.

But they all are to do with a non acceptance of who we are..!

I have had the same dream for over 7 months.

Do you think it has any significance.?

Cassie..Yes I am Religious..!...and very Kinky in what I love.

Who can I blame for who I am...



You are what you are and make yourself. If you let others control you, youcwill become what they want and notcwhat you should be.

You don't blame anyone, there's no reason for blame to be apportioned. You don't blame a rose for blooming.

Good morning...Were do you buy the Muzzle from ?
20 hours ago, Cassie34 said:

Cassie..Yes I am Religious..!...and very Kinky in what I love.

Who can I blame for who I am...



I'm not religious but I do believe in God.

Cassie.. You have this physical body, it's a gift. We get to experience things, feel things.

You are who you are, be proud of it! You're a good soul.




A recurring dream is usually believed to be your mind working things through in the same way we might blow the memory of a bad day at work with a glass of wine or see an osteopath for a bad back. 

One way to help might be to search out the meanings of the symbolism through a Google search for dream interpretations - but it's not scientific and the efficacy might be found wanting. 

A more direct but tougher approach is to talk it out with someone. Approach your parish priest  (assuming you're Christian, please adjust accordingly if you're not) and ask if he might be able to listen to you. If you don't feel comfortable with telling him all of your dream (that is understandable), ask where he would go if he was in your shoes. 


Alternatively, Google for national associations for counsellors and therapists  (some associations are better / more rigorous than others), and then find one near you. 


If the potential cost would be too onerous  (I could use a therapist to help improve me, but £50+ for 30 minutes every week is so out of reach it might as well be  £5000), make contact with your local MIND group and see if the might be able to help - even if it's to point you in the right direction for help. 

Finally, there's always the Samaritans a phone call, a visit or even private chatroom now, with someone listening, letting you know that they are there, but just leaving you to say what you need with no judgement on you. 



38 minutes ago, smokerjim said:

A recurring dream is usually believed to be your mind working things through in the same way we might blow the memory of a bad day at work with a glass of wine or see an osteopath for a bad back. 

One way to help might be to search out the meanings of the symbolism through a Google search for dream interpretations - but it's not scientific and the efficacy might be found wanting.   

A dream can be your mind having a sweep out, but recurring ones are generally your Higher Self trying to get you to pay attention to something in your life that needs addressing. Ray Buckland's 'A Complete Guide To Witchcraft' has a general list - some symbols are fairly universal, e.g. an image of an anchor would indicate a stability issue, but most images/symbols are meaningful only to the dreamer as this is something the dreamer will grasp and understand.  I have a practically life-long interest in the Titanic disaster and I had six months of: randomly finding magazine/newspaper articles about it; documentaries/films about it turned up on TV; books by survivors/analysts appeared in second hand book shops and I was DREAMING about it to the point I was exhausted. There's many factors that contributed to the loss of life in that incident, and I had to go through them one by one. One factor was that  passengers didn't believe the Titanic would sink - it was 'unsinkable'! God himself could not sink her! Officers were literally hurling people into lifeboats toward the end and even so, some got out again, trusting in God's inability to sink the grandest ship ever built. This was the message: at that time in my life I was surrounded with people who had problems; I was offering them a 'life boat' - and they kept jumping out and straight back into their problems.  Once I realised they were not seeking solutions, but rather they wanted to KEEP the problems, I detached from them, and the Titanic dreams and references stopped completely.

On 1/1/2020 at 6:27 PM, Cassie34 said:

I have had pretty much the same recurring dream over the last 7 months..the dream started when I visited a Priest because I was getting flashbacks of seeing my Fathers ***.!

It was an image that would not go away.!

My dream centres around messages in the sky...it did not matter where you where in the world.or your nationality..or your native language..

The messages where there for all to see and read.!

It does worry me.!

An awful lot.!

There was a list..7

Those who kill in the name of any God would wake up with their skin Red..I will not tell you what the punishment was..but it was eternal.!

Those who kill in the name of ignorance..

Those who will not accept those who are different through no choice of their own...

The other 4 are not something I would be happy to mention.

But they all are to do with a non acceptance of who we are..!

I have had the same dream for over 7 months.

Do you think it has any significance.?

Cassie..Yes I am Religious..!...and very Kinky in what I love.

Who can I blame for who I am...



The number 7 is certainly a mystical number denoting the 7th Heaven in some esoteric literature.  The messages are probably projections of your inner  thoughts and feelings, sometimes subconscious ones.

A good idea is to keep a dream journal, and note down as much detail of any dreams you remember, including how they made you feel.

Maybe your dream is trying to tell you something about you.  If you could re enter it at will, you may be able to find out why it is recurring.

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