Plastic Wrap

Using plastic wrap in full body BDSM

Live out your immobilisation fantasies

Plastic wrap (also known as cling film or saran wrap) might be more commonly found in the kitchen than in the playroom, but it's a great addition to anyone's bondage kit. It's inexpensive, it's widely available, it's easy to use, it's versatile, and it's deceptively strong - it can be used to immobilise someone completely and is a fantastic way to live out any number of different fantasies. It's even more important to think about safety here than with many other bondage methods, though - plastic wrap can suffocate, and it's vital that you're incredibly careful if your clingfilm bondage gets anywhere near your submissive's face.

 What is plastic wrap bondage?

Plastic wrap is also known as cling film or saran wrap and is usually used in food preparation. However, it is also a kinky pervertable. It can be used to immobilise a person, and all you need to do is wrap it around your willing victim. Simple.

How to do plastic wrap bondage safely

Before starting, make sure you have a pair of medical shears to hand. They have rounded edges so you won’t cut the person inside the wrap but they will cut the cling film when you’re ready to remove it. Also, have plenty of blankets to hand. The person inside the wrap is going to get hot, so when it is removed, they’ll feel the cold. Blankets and cuddles for aftercare are a must. Make sure there is a bottle of water on hand too. The person may well become dehydrated. Don’t pull the plastic wrap to tight either; you don’t want to cut off circulation. As with any bondage do not leave the restrained person alone - it’s essential to keep an eye on them at all times.

Why use plastic wrap for bondage?

Not only is it easy to get hold of, but it is also a kink toy you can happily leave out on the shelf. There are no knots to learn or straps to fasten; you wrap it around the part of your partner you want to restrain. It is quick, simple and effective

Can you use plastic wrap for full body mummification?

The simple answer is yes; you can use cling film for full body bondage. But, if you try this be sure to leave adequate breathing holes when you wrap the person’s head and keep a very close eye on the sub/bottom to make sure they aren’t suffocating.

Threads and discussions that include: Plastic Wrap

  • Well its not exactly home made latex, but has anyone else experimented with using plastic wrap to create a latex-like outfit? I have been testing some out and the results are pretty good, and fun to p ...
  • Anyone here ever tried using plastic wrap, cling film as a sexy way to create an outfit for cheap? I have been really enjoying lately creating dresses, hoods and stockings with black plastic wrap. ...
  • Members looking for: Plastic Wrap

    I love spending time together reading bedtime stories by going over the words and pictures in the book while you suck on your binkie or on a big boy bottle. I love sounding the words out with you while I rub my fingers through your hair and give you a kiss on your forehead for every word that you are able to get right
    I love putting your swim diaper on you and going into the pool at the motel or in the lake and ocean in the summer. I love helping you slowly get into the water by holding your little hand or keeping you up on my hip while I help you get adjusted to the cold. Mommy keeps you safe in her arms as we walk around the water and jump into the waves together and hold each other chest to chest or at arms length while I let you kick ur legs in the water. We can go under the water together and I'll tell you to hold your nose or blow big bubbles while we take a dip on 1,2,3.
    I love changing your stinky diapers at night when you are fast asleep in my arms. I love the googly eyed look you give me as I shuffle you on your back with your blankke to keep you warm and unclasp your onesie. I love the confused look you give me as mommy tells you that you wet your diaper and gives you a big forehead kiss. I take off your stinky diaper after cleaning you and then I put your new diaper on and put diaper cream, A&D on your plug before I put it inside of you and powder all over you before getting you all snuggled up with your stuffy, mommys boobie and my arms wrapped all around you.
    I love going shopping together and picking out your new favorite toy. I love going through all the new and bright colored things in the store and shopping for your favorite finger food snack or juice that mommy will put in your bottle. I love carrying around your diaper bag in the store and letting everyone know what a big boy you are for helping mommy pick out a new tooth brush or some bubble bath. When in the store you can't let go of mommy's hand! Or mommy will spank you right in the store in front of everyone! When you go to the bathroom in your diaper I will watch for you to squirm and waddle before putting my hands down your pants and checking to see if you went number 1or 2. I'll bring you to the changing table in the bathroom and I will put your legs up and watch you look off into the distance with your binkie in your mouth while mommy changes your diaper and gets you nice and clean.
    I love playing with ur plug or your bottom binkie before giving you a enema to clean you out. I love making you hold that mean nasty enema in your tummy for as long as you can, watching your face turn red and hearing you beg mommy to let you go. I love watching the look of relief on your face when mommy let's you go and then changing your messy diaper before giving you a bubble bath with WAY to many bubbles that the tub is almost overflowing. I love scrubbing your feet and washing your hair and then washing all the soap off of you. I then love drying you off and putting lotion on your body while I give you tons of kisses, lots and lots of kiss all over your body that you start to giggle uncontrollably. I then love turning you over and opening up your bottom to give you lots on kisses there. Watching your body pace back and forth against my mouth as you thank me for all the love that I give you. So so so much love. I then love putting your plug in and your diaper on and giving you some boobie or a bottle while I hold you on top of me or rock you back and forth in my arms and tell you what a good baby you are.
    I love it when you are bad and you throw your toys all over the place and mommy yells NO! Stop it! NOW and you look at mommy with a pouty face and scream NO! I then take you into my arms by your hand and take your onesie off and pull your diaper down and spank you. You cry and cry and I ask you how many times you think you deserved to be spanked for being a bad boy and you scream NONE! I then spank you again and ask the same question. You say that mommy is mean and tell me 5. I spank you five more times and you start to cry. I put you into time out and wait for you to stop crying and look over at mommy to apologize. I let you out of timeout and tell you that mommy is sorry for hurting you but that you need to be a good boy and not destroy your toys when you are mad or frustrated. I hold you and you tell me how much you love mommy.
    I love going on a adventure to somewhere like six flags and watching your eyes light up when you see all the people walking by you, the roller coasters going up into the air on the tracks, the smell of the sweet fried dough and sunscreen that mommy put on you to make sure you didn't burn, the noises of the games all around you and the people screaming. You get overwhelmed for a second but mommy reminds you that she is there to protect you and that if you leave her side for even a second you will be punished. You shake your head quickly because not only do you not want to be punished in front of everyone but you know how much you need your mommy. We spend the day going on ride together, going in the water park where mommy has you go into the women's locker room so she can change you into your swim diaper and eating so many yummy foods. Mommy doesn't let you eat before going on rides because she knows that your tummy will hurt. Mommy checks your diaper in front of everyone and then takes you to change your diaper throughout the day. By the time we are leaving you have a new stuffie and a new sweatshirt to remember our beautiful day together.

    I can keep going and going and going. Car seats, outside changing, trips to new places, birthday parties, shoe shopping, eating at restaurants, learning new things academically so much more.

    Mommy loves you so much baby boy

    BDSM Play Partner21 to 41 years ● 75km around USA, Groton 2 weeks ago

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