Hiya! My name is Kyle I'm a 29 year old little from Washington State(little age is 4) . I'm looking for a mommy that is sweet,nerdy (Is a plus, not required I just want someone with a caring and loving side!). I need a mommy that is ok with changing diapers and being sweet to me!💙💙❤️💙🍼👶😊! Hobbies: video games,watching dragon ball/bluey/playing with toys, playing guitar and cooking What I'm looking for: A Mommy that is sweet, is willing to change diapers and just be a kind person to me while I'm little and while I'm adulting, I want someone who will treat me with respect in little space and someone who will make it more on the innocent and cute side. I like things such as being called pumpkin,sweetheart. I would be clingy and want cuddles, you'd be my favorite person and my bestest friend !❤️💙❤️💙. What I can offer as a big/little: well Big me I can cook yummy burgers,play guitar,video edit; I like to go on walks (if it's a sunny day) I will make you feel like a queen and offer to open doors for you, give you flowers on stuff like anniversarys, I'd just want you to feel protected and loved! Little me would be glad to always see you, coloring you pictures and always wanting to hang with you, I'd want to snuggle and do things like play Dino tag,tickle monster! I also like raspberries blown on my tummy during changes! Not really sure what else to say but I'd love meet the momma of my dreams ❤️💙❤️💙👶🍼 Have an amazing day!!! I am a very kind a giving person just looking for my beautiful queen/mama bear 💙❤️💙❤️

Kinky Date23 to 33 years ● 450km around USA, Bethel 24.05.2024 - 21.06.2024

Looking for a very specific kind of partner. I’m not into anything extreme or fringe, however my kinks are quite niche I would say and it’s uncommonness for lack of a better word has resulted in me coming here to find exactly what I’ve been searching for.

I’m offering a “package” so to speak to any woman who’s interested. It contains 6 different fetishes I’d like to indulge in on an at least weekly basis(can be monthly depending on our schedules, distance etc). I am willing to compensate you for your participation. We can work out a price in further detail(perhaps you can message me). The fetishes are listed below

• Outfit modeling- You’d wear various outfits picked out by myself. Essentially you’re just walking around in the chosen outfit, maybe at the mall, maybe I take you out to lunch or dinner. The clothes will be anything from Y2K inspired, low rise jeans, tight jeans, short skirts, office attire

• Buttcracks- So here you’d be in a variety of positions, perhaps stooping down, or squatting, or bending over, all while showing your buttcrack. We could do this in private or in public but ONLY if you’re open to such an idea

• Commando- You would model outfits handpicked by myself and you’d wear them with no underwear. I’d like to take you out when doing this, so a movie date or a trip to the park is an option if you are open to that.

• Odor- This is one of the more “out there” options. Basically I’d ask you to refrain from doing one or all of the following- Showering, brushing, changing clothes. We’d meet and perhaps I’d request of you to blow your stinky breath up my nose. Or maybe I’d ask to sniff your armpits. It could even something as simple as me just sitting next to you and casually inhaling your BO as you mind your business

• Butt sniffing- Ah, another weird one. I would include this with “Odor” but it’s so niche that I see fit to give it its own category. Now here you’d go a few days without bathing per my request. Once that particular time frame closes I’ll ask of you to meet me and you can probably figure out the rest. Id sniff your butt to my content. There might be times where I’d just want a mild stench, so perhaps you’d be out all day, walking around or even working. Id ask we if we could meet up and it’ll go that way. OR again, we’d go the “not showering” route. I should also mention that outfits are important though a specific type might not always be required. Maybe I would ask you to wear a pair of tight jeans or slacks, other times you can just wear whatever you have on at the time

• Farts- And now we’ve come to the strangest one on the list. I must admit, I don’t expect many people to take me up on this but I’m gonna add it anyway. This one is pretty much what you see. I sniff your farts. You’d eat anything that makes you particularly gassy OR I’d buy you a meal of my choosing. Afterwards, we’d meet and you’d push out as many farts as you can. I’ll once again emphasize the importance of outfits. However, there will be times when you can just wear whatever you have on

Okay now here’s the thing. If you are interested in this whole “fetish partner” thing, you don’t have to choose all 6 of the options, you really don’t. You can do only 1 of 6 or 2 of 6, you get the idea. Most importantly your boundaries matter. If there’s anything, anything at all that gives you cause to pause or it’s something you’re not totally into, we won’t go forward with it, that simple.
For anyone interested, please message me and we can discuss things further. I’d prefer that any potential partners are of legal age.

Kinky Date18 to 50 years ● 500km around USA, Lancaster one week ago

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    An owner enjoys pet play but not by becoming pet-like at all. They are the responsible person who looks after the person playing as a cat, dog, pony or other animal. They are Dominant personalities with a kind, caring side. They take over complete control during pet play. Just as any owner would do with a pet. Owners pair up with pets. They may only ever pick one type of pet, being a dog person or a cat person for example, or they might like the variety of owning different pets. They will perform tasks such as grooming, feeding and putting down water for their pets. They may lock their pet in a cage if it’s appropriate. Dog and Cat Pet play owners will do lots of play and grooming activities with their pets. There may be elements of training, rewarding positive behaviour and punishing bad. An owner may choose to lead their pet around on a lead or have a special collar for them that looks just like that of an animal pet. Pony owners might not focus so much on play. Pony play can come in different forms but will include training the pony to do specific tricks and/or having them pull a carriage of some sort or carry a person on their back. Owners take pride in looking after and showing off their pets. They may own one or more. There is a strong bond between an owner and their pet, but that doesn’t necessarily mean it is a monogamous relationship. There can be a sexual element in an owner and pet’s play but often it is all about the dynamic between the pet and the owner. Owners enjoy taking on the responsibilities so that the pet can lose all human inhibitions and completely become a pet for a period of time.
    A pet is a submissive who enjoys taking on aspects of a domesticated animal. Pets enjoy the freedom of being animal-like. They leave all adult responsibility behind to play like their chosen pet. There are many different levels of pet play. Some pets enjoy dressing up with masks and gloves so that the pet can’t speak or use their hands as humans would. Other’s just like to act like pets without any particular specialist gear. There can be a sexual element to pet play but quite often it is just simply about play and the power dynamic between the Owner and their dearly beloved pet.
    People who enjoy letting out their inner animal instincts are known as primal. Some primals have a naturally submissive side and so they are known as primal prey. Primal prey enjoy being chased. They won’t necessarily just roll over and let the Dominant have their way though, Prey like to fight back. Prey are primal meaning they enjoy acting on baser instincts. Instead of complying with the rules of polite society they act only on their instincts. Some prey take on specific animal traits. Some become like wolves or foxes. They might be sea creature like or a big cat. They might identify with a gorilla. Other prey take aspects from all different kinds of animals or even just baser human instincts. Although submissive in nature, prey are primal meaning they do a lot of fighting. This is often sexual in nature but can just be about power exchange too. Biting, scratching, hair pulling and all kinds of punching and kicking can be employed by a cornered prey. Primal play has no particular rules and can be very unpredictable. Prey will fight on and on, until they are beaten into submission.

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