Kinky Date18 to 80 years ● 70km around Portugal, Cascais 2 days ago

Looking for a very specific kind of partner. I’m not into anything extreme or fringe, however my kinks are quite niche I would say and it’s uncommonness for lack of a better word has resulted in me coming here to find exactly what I’ve been searching for.

I’m offering a “package” so to speak to any woman who’s interested. It contains 6 different fetishes I’d like to indulge in on an at least weekly basis(can be monthly depending on our schedules, distance etc). I am willing to compensate you for your participation. We can work out a price in further detail(perhaps you can message me). The fetishes are listed below

• Outfit modeling- You’d wear various outfits picked out by myself. Essentially you’re just walking around in the chosen outfit, maybe at the mall, maybe I take you out to lunch or dinner. The clothes will be anything from Y2K inspired, low rise jeans, tight jeans, short skirts, office attire

• Buttcracks- So here you’d be in a variety of positions, perhaps stooping down, or squatting, or bending over, all while showing your buttcrack. We could do this in private or in public but ONLY if you’re open to such an idea

• Commando- You would model outfits handpicked by myself and you’d wear them with no underwear. I’d like to take you out when doing this, so a movie date or a trip to the park is an option if you are open to that.

• Odor- This is one of the more “out there” options. Basically I’d ask you to refrain from doing one or all of the following- Showering, brushing, changing clothes. We’d meet and perhaps I’d request of you to blow your stinky breath up my nose. Or maybe I’d ask to sniff your armpits. It could even something as simple as me just sitting next to you and casually inhaling your BO as you mind your business

• Butt sniffing- Ah, another weird one. I would include this with “Odor” but it’s so niche that I see fit to give it its own category. Now here you’d go a few days without bathing per my request. Once that particular time frame closes I’ll ask of you to meet me and you can probably figure out the rest. Id sniff your butt to my content. There might be times where I’d just want a mild stench, so perhaps you’d be out all day, walking around or even working. Id ask we if we could meet up and it’ll go that way. OR again, we’d go the “not showering” route. I should also mention that outfits are important though a specific type might not always be required. Maybe I would ask you to wear a pair of tight jeans or slacks, other times you can just wear whatever you have on at the time

• Farts- And now we’ve come to the strangest one on the list. I must admit, I don’t expect many people to take me up on this but I’m gonna add it anyway. This one is pretty much what you see. I sniff your farts. You’d eat anything that makes you particularly gassy OR I’d buy you a meal of my choosing. Afterwards, we’d meet and you’d push out as many farts as you can. I’ll once again emphasize the importance of outfits. However, there will be times when you can just wear whatever you have on

Okay now here’s the thing. If you are interested in this whole “fetish partner” thing, you don’t have to choose all 6 of the options, you really don’t. You can do only 1 of 6 or 2 of 6, you get the idea. Most importantly your boundaries matter. If there’s anything, anything at all that gives you cause to pause or it’s something you’re not totally into, we won’t go forward with it, that simple.
For anyone interested, please message me and we can discuss things further. I’d prefer that any potential partners are of legal age.

Kinky Date18 to 50 years ● 500km around USA, Lancaster one week ago

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    A brat is a submissive who tries very hard to be good but their mischievous nature means they often don’t quite hit the mark. Brats are often naughty but in a playful way. They’re not trying to rebel, they just enjoy encouraging their Dom to take them in hand. Brats like having rules but mostly so they can be broken. They don’t seek out serious and strict Doms because in their heart of hearts they know they’ll never be totally tamed. They’re cheeky and mischievous and love to wind up their top. They are submissive with a fiery core. They try really hard to be good but sometimes being naughty is its own reward. Being naughty gives the brat meaning, it is very much the heart of their dynamic. They will take every opportunity to play up, giving their Dom a challenge and providing extra excitement for themselves. They never know how a top will react to their acts of brattishness, also known as bratting, so they’re kept on their toes. Brats are joyful in all they do, loving their Doms and showing respect but always with the odd moment of naughtiness because that’s what they enjoy the most.
    Brat tamers are Dominants who look for naughty, playful submissives, called brats. They love the challenge of keeping up with the mischievous antics of brats and providing suitable rules, punishments and rewards. Brat tamers know that they’ll never tame their brats, but they have a whole lot of fun trying. They are Dominant in nature but they do not expect the same level of control and submission that say a slave master would. They know that playful mischief is part of a brat’s make up and embrace that. Enjoying when their brat misbehaves and coming up with suitable punishments that both brat and tamer will enjoy. Brat tamers tend to be more flexible than other Dom/mes as they enjoy the challenge of their submissives. They will enjoying finding new ways to punish and reward behaviour, always trying to stay a step ahead of their brat. They can just be out and out Dominants but can be switches too. As people who enjoy bratting can enjoy taming brats too. They get the brat mind set. document.getElementById("thinkific-product-embed") || document.write('');Learn More

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