
Personal details

Gender Woman
Age 38
Status Single
Hair length
Zodiac sign Aquarius

About me

I’m looking for:


Hi I'm emma. I like wearing nappies. I'm 32 girl. I want someone to change me. I like being spanked to. I'm a very naughty girl and wet my pants in public. Everyone knows I wear nappies and people change me in public to humiliate me as I'm very bad and deserve it. I wear nappies 24/7. I went my bed the other day to. I need sexy talk to get myself off. gives you…

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icon-wio Tickle09-2889 posted a status update
So im going to sleep now! Night night. Who wants to fuck me as im asleep and fill me with there cum so i wake up in the morning in a sticky mess
icon-wio Tickle09-2889 posted a status update
Well no sleep and feel terrible! Fun times
icon-wio Tickle09-2889 posted a status update
Loads to do today !so i wont be on till late tonight 😚
icon-wio Tickle09-2889 posted a status update
Got so much to do 😐
icon-wio Tickle09-2889 posted a status update
Hi. 😁 im not up for meeting people im afraid as im really busy but i do want to have fun and talk dirty. And i dony give out my number either. 😍😘. I urge people to be careful and just look after yourselfs. Dont put ur self in any danger and if u do meet someone then tell peiple where ur going. But Read more… have fun to.😍😘
icon-wio Tickle09-2889 posted a status update
Didnt sleeep and its raining outside! So going to make cakes today 😁 chillax and see friends and have a nice relaxed day eating rubbish and lots of chocolate! 😍😘
icon-wio Tickle09-2889 posted a status update
Will someone pretend to be my teacher and pull my dress up bend me over there knee and spank me
icon-wio Tickle09-2889 posted a status update
Im addicted to sex and wearing and wee wee my nappys. Totally addicted. I use my vibrator 6 times aday to make myself cum everytime. I need to cum 6 times aday.
icon-wio Tickle09-2889 posted a status update
Baby needs punshing for cummimg
icon-wio Tickle09-2889 posted a status update
Baby cum in her nappy. Dirty baby.
icon-wio Tickle09-2889 posted a status update
Hi here in bed in my nappy playing wirh myself.wanna help baby cum in her nappy
icon-wio Tickle09-2889 posted a status update
So stressted out!
icon-wio Tickle09-2889 posted a status update
Im srill in bes in my soaked pissed nappy
Likefartboy29, Jeremy220
icon-wio Tickle09-2889 posted a status update
Id like to a fuck a women with a dick. Like a bangcock lady