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Gender Woman
Age 26
Status Single
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Zodiac sign Pisces

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I'm mostly here because I've always wanted to be a part of the bdsm scene and have always had fantasies of doing so. I'm here to ask questions and see if anyone has answers! gives you…

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icon-wio whyarewehere created a topic in FemDom & Male Submission
A Budding FemDom With Many Questions
So..I've been interested in the whole FemDom scene for a while now. I have so many fantasies of dominating submissive men. But..I'm not sure where to start? I've flirted with plenty of guys who seem to be interested when I flirt with them but..I never go through with hooking up. I usually never do Read more…because I'm scared I won't be able to meet their needs as I have never been a dom before in my life. I'm scared I'll end up messing something up and they won't be as satisfied as they wanted to be. I want to pleasure them and myself. So I'm going to list many questions and I hope I can get some answers!
[feel free to answer as many or as little questions as you'd like!]
To the FemDoms:
-How do you usually start the foreplay for dominating?
-What are the boundaries you set and how do you engage in them?
-Did you have to teach yourself how to tie many knots and improvise with different things in order to tie your subs?
-As a dom, what do you find that most subs enjoy?
-How did you find your first sub partner, and how did it go?
-Have you ever been in a cuckold situation where your sub was fucked by another, and how was that for you and him?
-Are you a femdom that would be willing to become my mentor? [Lives in LA area preferably. As weird as it sounds, maybe I could be an audience and watch you do your thing to take some mental notes?]
-What is the farthest and most dominating thing you have done to your partner, and did they enjoy it?
To the MenSubs:
-What do you usually enjoy in a female dom?
-Have you ever been in a cuckold situation where your mistress would watch, and how was that for you and her?
-If engaged in penetration, how do you like your dom to foreplay and do the penetration?
-Are you open about how you like to be dominated?
-Typically would you prefer your mistress to already be experienced and know everything she is doing, or do you not mind telling her how to engage?
-What is the most dominating thing a mistress has done to you, and did you enjoy it?
These are the current questions I have- if I have any more please let me know if you would be open in letting me ask more questions in the future!!
LikeBigPolly · 5 Replies
Deleted profile I had a dom shit on me and piss on me and made me rub it all over and on my dick. She had me use it as lube to masterbate while I licked the shit from her ass. I loved it. If you are a sub you have limits but for me not many. I have been penetrated and loved it I had a dom shit on me and piss on me and made me rub it all over and on my dick. She had me use it as lube to masterbate while I licked the shit from her ass. I loved it. If you are a sub you have limits but for me not many. I have been penetrated and loved it
Like 02.07.2018 17:28:12
TheQueenMaker Start from what your "secure and confident" core, ie. that you know that if you set your mind to it, you can always learnt and be better.
I'm sure it took you a few months to even learn to walk, and now, look at you :-) my old uni professor told me "your first job won't be your last, you'll Read more… probably be kicked out of it but you'll learn how to do better the second time".
In general, just .. to not focus on any specific script or anything, just make sure the person you play with understands that you have a strong will to explore, and are gettign there. And that s/he will be your guinea pig :-) if that doesn't get him/her horny, probably s/he is just lookign at you as some means to get off himself .... more into his/her own pleasure than you. my 2c.
Like 24.06.2018 15:26:27
eyemblacksheep Possibly a lot to list. But, maybe my first time with a single tail. I'd already done a warm up - and some caning, 62 strokes - if we say on intensity out of 10, it probably started a 3 or 4 and finished around a 7 or 8. She then rewarded me with some foot worship, before cuffing me to a Read more… suspension rod and lashing me with a single tail.
There's a story in the stories forum about part of this, called 'and breath' - but I was basically dangling from this rod, pretty limp and She would come around to check on me - have me open my mouth and then slowly ooze spit in. Before harking 'again' - and lashing me again.
When She unclipped me I was shaking like mad......
Like · 06.06.2018 20:19:10

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