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Restictrictions on shopping


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The latest list to prevent panic buying:

Asda: 2 hand sanitisers, 24 toilet rolls max.

Tesco: 1 hand sanitiser, 18 toilet rolls, 2 kg rice max.

Co-op: 12 toilet rolls, 1kg rice max.

Aldi: 2 trumpets, 1 diving suit, 1 Mig welder.......



Lucky if you can find any toilet rolls


You could always use greaseproof paper misted with Dettol 🤪🤪


.......only 1 Mig welder !!!!!!!!!!! What will we do?


What you need is a Shattaf Toilet Seat Bidet Douche Spray and no more paper toilet to buy and stop killing trees 🤷‍♂️
But honestly it’s just getting ridiculous, this morning went shopping and there was already queue at the till in Asda at 10am!! Nobody usually shop at that time in the morning


Reason for this craze for buying toilet paper in bulk, as seen in comments in local paper...One person sneezes and 15 people nearby have a *** incident.


Not one to blow my own trumpet (or 4) here... I went back in to Aldi wearing a cunning disguise so I could purchase another 2 trumpets. So I have 4 if anyone needs one.


Muffs would love to see that disguise ? 😈

1 hour ago, FabSeverus said:

Muffs would love to see that disguise ? 😈

It was unreal, literally waltzed past the security guard with my top off, no one batted an eyelid at what was going in my trolley. 🤷‍♀️


Just been to Sainsbury's, no toilet paper, I went to the checkout and asked if they had any, the cashier firmly said no, I headed back to the toilets trousers and pants round my ankles thinking I'm never going to do this walk again 😞


Lol people seriously need to calm down with this over buying of things. It's flu season people should be taking care of themselves anyway.

17 hours ago, Leatherfox2010 said:

Reason for this craze for buying toilet paper in bulk, as seen in comments in local paper...One person sneezes and 15 people nearby have a *** incident.

:jumping::clapping::jumping:  Oh good, I wondered what that was about!

7 hours ago, Fie said:

It's flu season people should be taking care of themselves anyway.

I did.

I got my flu jab to reduce the risk of me being ill, or catching it and becoming a carrier.

Sadly, there's no coronavirus jab....

7 hours ago, Fie said:

Lol people seriously need to calm down with this over buying of things. It's flu season people should be taking care of themselves anyway.

Of course they do, it's getting f***ing ridiculous here in Oz. We've got literal knock-down, drag-out hair-pulling cat fights going on in the aisles over here. (Police have been called - two women were arrested and charged - and Coles employed a large security guard to stand about the toilet paper aisle looking dead-set menacing.) You can't get any Woolworths outlet on the phone, by email or live chat. Costco are employing staff to chase people down in the aisles who are exceeding their one pack limit of whatnot-wiper by trying to cunningly conceal a second package up their garments and claiming they're pregnant with sextuplets...or are pretending that they suddenly 'no s***ek english' so the biggest casuals have the special duty of forcibly extracting the surplus and shouting, "One - one - only one - all right?  NO, you can only have ONE!!!"   And holding up the singular digit as a back up indicator of the meaning of 'one'.

On the up side, Woolworths issued a notice two days ago as they've had people trying to return excess bog roll citing 'storage issues' - staff are telling them - tough s**t - literally!

I still think this is some weird social experiment - conducted by Aldi.

25 minutes ago, Vandalslut said:

Of course they do, it's getting f***ing ridiculous here in Oz. We've got literal knock-down, drag-out hair-pulling cat fights going on in the aisles over here. (Police have been called - two women were arrested and charged - and Coles employed a large security guard to stand about the toilet paper aisle looking dead-set menacing.) You can't get any Woolworths outlet on the phone, by email or live chat. Costco are employing staff to chase people down in the aisles who are exceeding their one pack limit of whatnot-wiper by trying to cunningly conceal a second package up their garments and claiming they're pregnant with sextuplets...or are pretending that they suddenly 'no s***ek english' so the biggest casuals have the special duty of forcibly extracting the surplus and shouting, "One - one - only one - all right?  NO, you can only have ONE!!!"   And holding up the singular digit as a back up indicator of the meaning of 'one'.

On the up side, Woolworths issued a notice two days ago as they've had people trying to return excess bog roll citing 'storage issues' - staff are telling them - tough s**t - literally!

I still think this is some weird social experiment - conducted by Aldi.

😮 You've still got Woolworths 😮


It 's not even a gastrointestinal virus. Some people just follow like sheep. It's not even just going to be like happening next week; it's here for the long-term, until it runs out of people to infect, like seasonal flu. The media are really ramping it up though. Thousands die from flu every year, and we never hear about a single case. Sensationalism, scaremongering, waiting for the next big story to break and then covid19 will be dropped like a hot brick, like it never happened. At least there's less coverage of the mind numbing American "race for the White House".


P.s. Beware *** lovers and *** drinkers!! Seriously now, the Chinese found live virus in excrement. So inhaling water droplets from someone's exhilaration, is not the only way it transmits from person to person.


The funny thing is that many may have already had it. Back around Christmas and early January many people were complaining of a nasty cold that hit their chest badly.
Now considering the virus actually started in early November and nothing was done till January many health experts are saying they think the numbers are all wrong. They have also been saying that they think there may be a lot more mild cases that people just aren't reporting. I am currently down with something so I called as several symptoms match but not 100 percent to CoVid19.
The nice lady on the phone told me to isolate to be safe but given how I wasn't showing the dangerous symptoms I didn't need testing.
I called a few days later as they asked to give them an update. I did and they said I may have it but a more mild strain which they are seeing more of lately.
Of course there is no headlines about the more mild strain as it's not scary 🙄.


When I went to the store I could have bought enough apples to open a pie shop.  The shelves were also full of oranges.

There were only two onions.  Who would have suspected that people would be hoarding onions?


I was in the chemist today just to pick up my arthritis medication,  I coughed,  talk about watch them ***ter, I then got the giggles and had a full on coughing fit..........from that point on had a clear run to the check out as no-one would come near me ..... couldn't help but giggle more especially when I know my cough is nothing more than a smokers cough😋  ..........the insanity of it all is I tried to buy some moisturiser and even that was cleared off the shelves,  how moisturiser is going to be of help I would love to know ......anyone would think its Armageddon the way people are reacting.........common sense has gone out the window, especially here in Aus....... I really am beginning to feel like I am in the twilight zone!!!  


People are encouraged to wash their hands so much, that the act is stripping natural oils from their skin (which prevents the covid19 virus from being able to move across your skin). So maybe moisturiser is being applied after handwashing to prevent dry, cracked skin. But then does that allow the virus to move, the next time you touch an infected surface?

12 hours ago, cautiousswitch said:

There were only two onions.  Who would have suspected that people would be hoarding onions?

There's probably a medieval rumour doing the round that if you hang enough of them in a string around your neck it'll ward off the CoVid - like garlic in quantity repels vampires (and everyone else).


12 hours ago, PixieDust said:

common sense has gone out the window, especially here in Aus....... I really am beginning to feel like I am in the twilight zone!!!  

Darling Pixie, common sense just isn't common any more and we ARE living in the Twilight Zone!

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