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This must be a new app, as most other people interested in the same thing as me are anywhere from 2k-4k miles away.
There's been ten people, give or take a couple, that have been less than 150 miles away.
Is the app really that new? It doesn't have a date on the playstore, so Idk.
I know I'm not the only one all alone with their interests, but it's just a bit frustrating.


I get how you feel, it's hard finding others with similar interests nearby


The website has a few year history but the app literally just got released 2 months ago

And this has caused an influx of new members and often in places which weren't previously using the site.  So, with time and patience there could well be more closer to you.


Yeah there's only 2 "near" me. Near is about 170 miles away lol.


I get how you feel. I'm from the state, but currently overseas for work.


Yea no luck with me either, hope they keep putting *** into those YouTube ads

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