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Bored easily?

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Does anyone else have this problem? Is that why I seek complicated things and shift my shape?


I never realised how quickly I got bored until recently. 

I mean I still try to be nice, but I find company and interaction mostly tedious.




Just dawned on me it’s all just avoidant behaviour isn’t it. Sorry. Been a long day. Hey chatting to yourself is fulfilling. I do it all day long, but come back to yourself and going actually it’s this, feels much more satisfying than my usual hours of introspection. 

Hmm was wondering is that just journaling, but no, it’s different 


By exploring ourselfs in different ways, looking through Manny sets of eyes, we realised that the foundation, the core behind every fetish is actually the basic need of expression, freedom, Mutual pleasure and respect and True trust. Thus, can we only then expirience True satisfaction of the fetish if met with a partner or a Group we have True trust and believe in? I feel so. Is this why maybe our silent mind, or our soul, is percieving all Company that is not built upon this core of viertues, as maybe tedious?


Boredom is one of the most underestimated concepts. Who knows how many events in history can be explained by it if only we knew? But as a middle class tramp explained to George Orwell when he was down and out an educated person can pass time on their own by reading unlike the illiterate ones they were locked up within the spike. So, even if you get easily bored by company you have something to do when you take flight from them!

22 hours ago, Liccian said:

Boredom is one of the most underestimated concepts. Who knows how many events in history can be explained by it if only we knew? But as a middle class tramp explained to George Orwell when he was down and out an educated person can pass time on their own by reading unlike the illiterate ones they were locked up within the spike. So, even if you get easily bored by company you have something to do when you take flight from them!

You don’t need to be literate to wander into yourself though. The sad thing is I even get bored of me. I wish I were a bird. Or a tree. Or the ash of a fire. I am sure boredom has led to much carnage through time. And much joy too. I seem to away like a pendulum, spending too long in the lull 

On 3/10/2021 at 10:40 PM, Love0Kink said:

By exploring ourselfs in different ways, looking through Manny sets of eyes, we realised that the foundation, the core behind every fetish is actually the basic need of expression, freedom, Mutual pleasure and respect and True trust. Thus, can we only then expirience True satisfaction of the fetish if met with a partner or a Group we have True trust and believe in? I feel so. Is this why maybe our silent mind, or our soul, is percieving all Company that is not built upon this core of viertues, as maybe tedious?

It’s a really interesting idea. I tend to trust too easily and ignore my instincts. But even to those who I value and trust, I feel invisible at times. Like I’m too much of a social constructionist to ever believe I exist at all. And maybe I get bored of trying. Sorry I’m over tired and a tad melancholy this evening so I’m probably not making sense. 


How about an ash tree? The tree of my (and possibly your) ancestors? Literature can take us out of ourselves. Any form of stories can. That is what your writing can do as well if you let it. Why not imagine someone who you want to be? Or even better who you could be?

4 hours ago, Liccian said:

How about an ash tree? The tree of my (and possibly your) ancestors? Literature can take us out of ourselves. Any form of stories can. That is what your writing can do as well if you let it. Why not imagine someone who you want to be? Or even better who you could be?

I usually I imagine I’m Plath, and we all know how that ends... 😞

4 hours ago, MeanderingMedea said:

I usually I imagine I’m Plath, and we all know how that ends... 😞

DO we?

18 minutes ago, callipygian said:

DO we?

Don’t we? 

1 hour ago, MeanderingMedea said:

Don’t we? 

Even google wasn't sure!!!!!!   

1 hour ago, callipygian said:

Even google wasn't sure!!!!!!   

No way, the oven? Milk and bread gif the children? Wet towels by the kitchen door? 

8 hours ago, MeanderingMedea said:

I usually I imagine I’m Plath, and we all know how that ends... 😞

Imagination is only one part of you and when it is negative it is time to put it in its place. Thankfully Medea is not Sylvia.

2 hours ago, Liccian said:

Imagination is only one part of you and when it is negative it is time to put it in its place. Thankfully Medea is not Sylvia.

But she is illusion... hmmm 


Yes. OED definition of illusion:

1 An instance of a wrong or misinterpreted perception of a sensory experience.

1.1 A deceptive appearance or impression.

1.2 A false idea or belief.

7 minutes ago, Liccian said:

Yes. OED definition of illusion:

1 An instance of a wrong or misinterpreted perception of a sensory experience.

1.1 A deceptive appearance or impression.

1.2 A false idea or belief.

Well I’m not sure I agree. What about the act of replacing something mundane or distressing with something pleasing, soul fulfilling, and exciting in such a way that leaps beyond perception and what is concrete? 


That would be a positive illusion and I would take no issue with it. It is those that are inimical to people’s well-being (their own or that of others) that I am concerned about. That’s why I wrote earlier:

‘Why not imagine someone who you want to be? Or even better who you could be?’

Want to be.

48 minutes ago, Liccian said:

That would be a positive illusion and I would take no issue with it. It is those that are inimical to people’s well-being (their own or that of others) that I am concerned about. That’s why I wrote earlier:

‘Why not imagine someone who you want to be? Or even better who you could be?’

Want to be.

I’m just afflicted with an adoration for the beautifully tragic 

7 minutes ago, Liccian said:

Is that why you chose Medea?

Well in part. Yes 


You should get Netflix to cure your boredom. Because clearly taking walks in your mind isn't helping. 


Just a thought...

6 minutes ago, MasterxPoet said:

You should get Netflix to cure your boredom. Because clearly taking walks in your mind isn't helping. 


Just a thought...

Watching now 🤣

Posted (edited)
23 hours ago, RestlessRaven said:

No way, the oven? Milk and bread gif the children? Wet towels by the kitchen door? 

She killed herself - will we ever know why?  I didnt get to the oven, milk, bread gif / children... Maybe that is part of it (for me)...  my bias is to be stimulated visually (my brain is wired that way)  - maybe dyslexic to some degree to the written word... so it didn't appeal / engage / keep my attention.... 

I think the boredom aspect can be down to how our mind is wired, how we engage with and understand / dont understand the actions / meanings of others.....  again i relate this to my own experience of it.    I kind of got to a point where i decided i am not sure if I want (or need) to know the reason....


Edited by callipygian
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