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R.I.P. BoldBald,'n',BaldBold..........rot in ***?


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Posted (edited)

Before i start my tale of revelation,renegade revulsion : i would like to dedicate this to A TribalBrother that sadly,passed and transmuted his energy earlier this year.........brother 'Peck'....🙏🕯🙏

Now are we all sitting,kneeling,hanging comfortably or in stressed bondage? Good ,We shall commence......

Once upon a time, before Covid 19 was popular........there was a rather eccentric PanPolySapio kinky ol' muthafukka,known to frequent lobbyist parties with some rather good funtimes kinksters......you may have shuddered at his pictures,or been appalled at his dark,necrophillic ,warped sense of humour? I digress ! Now to the Crux of the matter: Yesterday morning as the sun was extinguished by dawn's Scottish drizzle, i Fen, executed that whinging rotten meatbag of a perV'!


Well some of you may be slightly disturbed by this taboo confession?( at this point i am laughing,manically!) Anyway, his time has passed....a long overdue mercy 'killing'. Boldbald,Baldbold, n variants....(damn varients everywhere,is there a pandemic on? ),was a rather sick disabled deviant. Arthritic ,gangrenous,in chronic heart failure ,n constant neuropathic ***. As the world turned ,he had a trigger moment,......got a little irrate at having an image rejected as a cover photo on Fen'SWitches profile......appalled that the sometimes overwhelming despair he feels at the herd cognitive dissonance ,coupled with sapio lack of patience whilst in 24/7 ***.........

i made the decision! 

"Tap,click", i hit delete button on his profile!

Boldbald is no more......i excuted that cunt/prick!( well ....he was what he ate,c'mon?)

I killed Bold, there i confesssssss.....?... i FenWolfe, am a ***ER, HAHAHahehehh.....

I have broken the final tabooo......my soul ,damned....? 

It is not the end of this tale......for,upon the instant of this vile evil , act a transmutation occured. A conjunction of weird ***s and ressonances . You see, dear readers......that does kinda limit my audience on this site? Wink,wink........pleeeeese read my profile,eh?l( i am laughing as i scribble this ,Chaps,Chappeses, n All!)

ANGER is an energy! And a pil that must be swallowed,absorbed......n , allowed to be given time to help to restore the natural order and balance between mind,body n spirit......... For it is to the spirit realms we now turn our attentions.

You may be ahead of me?........yes, this is a ghost story....sorry if any littles are reading ,hopefully any 'decent' caregiver should have accepted the responsibilty to read this first,before tucking you in? .....Boldbald has 'passed', but he still availible for seances ,...... please feel free to approach @FenSWitches, for spiritual,ritual,n sexual contact with the dear departed Bold! ............

Ad break over...........rtn to main program?

His spirit ,soul,essence of existence, is but portions of fragmented energy........all from the same source. I suspect a few hauntings & visitations may occur? If they do we must document these events. So if you feel his presence let Us know,i have a good feeling about the aftermath n consequences of my despicable violent actions......for i am responsible and accountable for my actions ,words ,n, InTent......i throw my humble irrelevant self before you gracious mercy,my Glorious readers.......judge me as you see fit,for you are accountable and Response ble to yourselves?

I am an archaic,anarchistic,arsehole.......bugger me? I don't care......not my businesss,hahahahehe.....and expsycho.....or am i? 

To be contd? Up to you,i Fen predict riotous assembly, n more spooooOkiness as his "ghost"  meta morphosiZes into ?

Edited by FenSWitches
Punctuation n omissions

"Anger is an energy! And a pil..." Nice pun. I bet you have a metal box involved in your deviant play ground somewhere too


Lol.. thanks @Mirrors-6451.....used to ,unfortunately  victim of a long ago break-up ( prisoner of ***age war,lol) 


44 minutes ago, Mirrors-6451 said:

"Anger is an energy! And a pil..." Nice pun. I bet you have a metal box involved in your deviant play ground somewhere too

Or is it a nice pun(k)?.......sorry ,couldn't resist🙏😉


you have ***ed my big giant Bald, how could you , im heartbroken , i will shed tears into @Bountybossum , his kind words for ever be in my heart , his soulful readings that i have read , the wonderous advice that he has given and the total bullcXXp that he has taught me (as you can see i learnt well as dont mean any of this ha ha xx RIP @Boldbaldforever the pian in eveyones axx and mind boggling words xx


@Subsluta Were you close to the deceased? Or.... groom or bride (of Frankenstein or is that Frankenfurter... a sweaty transvestite from transsexual teviotdale?)

4 minutes ago, Bounty said:

@Subsluta Were you close to the deceased? Or.... groom or bride (of Frankenstein or is that Frankenfurter... a sweaty transvestite from transsexual teviotdale?)

the big jolly green transvestite giant was a dear friend , lover of beheaded jelly babies, a good game of kink scrabble and of course penis pasta . ill never look at any of those things again without thinking of the drivvle that comes out his gob again xx

6 minutes ago, Subsluta said:

the big jolly green transvestite giant was a dear friend , lover of beheaded jelly babies, a good game of kink scrabble and of course penis pasta . ill never look at any of those things again without thinking of the drivvle that comes out his gob again xx

Am in tears here 😱


@Subsluta @Bounty

He's coming thru... faintly.......💀👻👻💀

.....a msg, he's watching you.......he says" I can see you.............on the loo!👻👿👻"

Quick.......call an exorcist! .......Help!🐺🎶🧟‍♂️🧟‍♂️🧟‍♂️

Posted (edited)
11 minutes ago, Bounty said:

Am in tears here 😱

Turn down the fuckmachine then, widow wankey! 😂🤣😂🥂

Edited by FenSWitches
23 minutes ago, FenSWitches said:

@Subsluta @Bounty

He's coming thru... faintly.......💀👻👻💀

.....a msg, he's watching you.......he says" I can see you.............on the loo!👻👿👻"

Quick.......call an exorcist! .......Help!🐺🎶🧟‍♂️🧟‍♂️🧟‍♂️

never pooing again , thought was windy in there 

4 hours ago, FenSWitches said:

Or is it a nice pun(k)?.......sorry ,couldn't resist🙏😉

Kicking myself for that missed opportunity now!


Will we need to call ghostbusters 👻👻👻


I’ve got Tom Bakers Tardis ! I would gladly offer the use of for those members who feel that he possibly was misunderstood? The constant glare from the Cyber Men may have slightly damaged his direction? I’ve seen the same Cyber Men and now I’m starting to worry……Please Bounty! Don’t Ghost me too 🥶. Rip Baldbald friend and brother 🙏

7 minutes ago, Willow75 said:

Will we need to call ghostbusters 👻👻👻

@Willow75 Only in dire event....like a possession, or worse .....he comes back, still undead. Yikes, we'd have got away with it, if it wasn't for those pesky meddling kids and their dog!.....☠


@TAROTT,possibilities and potentialities.....or would you prefer some 'taxidermy' to soothe your soul in Bold creative art? 🙏🙏🙏🧜‍♂️


Thank you for such a splendid gift and I have to be honest that I’ve never tried taxidermy, but this is one of those opportunities that should be grabbed with both hands 🙌! Please remember that it may end up looking a bit abstract 👾

1 hour ago, TAROTT said:

Thank you for such a splendid gift and I have to be honest that I’ve never tried taxidermy, but this is one of those opportunities that should be grabbed with both hands 🙌! Please remember that it may end up looking a bit abstract 👾

Bless you Tarott... he did enjoy a good stuffing (for allergens see ingredients in bold )


"overwhelming despair he feels at the herd cognitive dissonance"
What a great line!

I'm sorry for our loss. The place will be the worse for it.
Here's to a bright dark, well haunted, future

2 minutes ago, Bons said:

"overwhelming despair he feels at the herd cognitive dissonance"
What a great line!

I'm sorry for our loss. The place will be the worse for it.
Here's to a bright dark, well haunted, future

@Bons.....i ***,nay we are in trepidation, this dark haunted future has ripped the chaos of temporal retro-causality.......with @Tarrot  ,Fen embarks on the treacherous rush into a cyberpunk nightmare worthy of mary wollenstencraft ,the younger.......or Col. Steve Austin?🤔

We can rebuild him,pickle,find some sticky back plastic,glue n safety scissors......(even this killer is bound by HSE risk assessment forms!lol.)....

The six shillings man!😎


I want whatever you were on when writing that Fen, was it a spirit?? 😁


I'm sat in tears. Bold was my spiritual brother. Helped me so much. Rip


I'm such a numpty I thought he'd realy passed away ty bounty 4 making me better an calming me down

16 minutes ago, Charms said:

I'm such a numpty I thought he'd realy passed away ty bounty 4 making me better an calming me down

Ooops.......all gone abit Orson Wells? Sorry Dear @Charms my bad. I meant no sad intent, tis merely my gallows humour🙏🙏

It is inevitable but until then this Bold(ly) bad chap, will always be deserving of a spank! ...........

Saves me bothering to haunt my own wake just to get slagged off,😘eh?


2 hours ago, LovingSub999 said:

I want whatever you were on when writing that Fen, was it a spirit?? 😁

My dear friend,@LovingSub999.......italian coffee,mild hangover from 2 small glasses of a rather pleasant little Chenin Blanc( first drinkie in months😎) or was it  casual insomnia?.....the spirit was wiiling , the flesh called for a takeaway.....n 2 glasses......🙏🥂

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