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A perfect afternoon (femdom story)

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When I open the door, She stays just front of me, with a calm, beautiful smile on her face. While  i'm closing the door, she asks:

"Don't you want to bring me to the bedroom?"

Of course i want, i move my arms to lift her up, but She stops me.

"On your back, my silly little pony"

Her voice is quiet, friendly, there is a smile behind. I move down to my hands and knees, and She sits on my back carefully. She uses her thighs to drive me to the bedroom. We stop, just next to the bed. She moves from my back, and stands just next to me. She keeps one of her hands on my neck. I understand what does She want from me, and i don't move. She speaks quetly, uses a friendly voice:

"I didn't have a good day. I feel a bit stressed. I will hurt you, but you don't need to be afraid: I will take care" 

After she said 'care', i feel *** in my belly. She kicked my stomach. I'm lucky, because She didn't use all of her power. I roll to my side, and She kicks my chest. And again. And again. I try to defend my chest with my arms, so she kicks my stomach. And again. And again. I feel tired, it isn't easy to breathing. She kicks my chest again, and my belly. I feel exhausted, but when i look up, i can see her smile. 

She stops kicking me, and rolls me on my back, carefully with her leg. She steps in my chest with her left foot, and on my belly with her right one. She removes her shorts, slowly and carefully. There were no undies under, so i can see her bare ass and pussy. She lowers herself on her knees. Her left leg is on my neck, her right leg is on my belly. I can't move too much, and it still isn't easy to breathing, but i don't care. Just watching her as She removes her top. All of her weight is on me, She pushes me down with her naked body and pushes my neck with her strong leg, She ***s me, She smiles and She looks so fantastic. 

"I need to pee" She says.

At first i don't understand why She said this, then i feel her warm nectar on my chest. She finishes peeing, then turns herself to front of me. She doesn't need to say anything, i know what is the next. She sits on my face, buries my nose and my mouth with her fantastic curves. I can't breathe. She looks down to my face, and smiles.       

   Then lifts herself up, and i can breathing again. I gasp a bit, then She sits on my face again. And stays there a while. I know She cares about me, but i start to be scared. When I feel I almost knock out, She lifts herself up again. The smell of her pee is still in my nose. I start breathing, but she just changes her position to be more comfortable to herself, and sits down again. Now i can breathing a bit, and what is more important: i can lick her. Her orgasm is quiet, but i know i was good. Her smile is fantastic.

     Now she turns back. Sits on my face again, but i can see only a bit of her back, and a bit of her ass. She opens my jeans, and starts to give me a slow, seductive handjob. Sometimes she lifts her ass up, to let me breath, but not too often. I feel *** and i'm satisfied  in the same time. 

After i cum, She sits on me, She crosses her legs on my chest, and we are just talking about normal everyday things. I feel so lucky because i can feel her weight on myself. 

I open my eyes. She isn't next to me. I'm looking for her for a few seconds, then i notice: it was just a dream. My perfect afternoon doesn't exist. She is only in my mind. But i don't give up. I'm still looking for my calm, friendly girl with her sadistic side...


(I'm not English,  so i hope my first story doesn't have a too bad grammar & language) 

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