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Is it time?


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Like me do you think it's time all and any website should be banned from using the term free to use as its main attraction, let's be honest in 99.9999999% of sites it's a lie in any real sense. Lost count of the amount of sites I've left immediately on joining through this lie. I will add free to join is totally different to free to use.


I have to admit

I hate it when I go to a cashpoint and it says "free to use" and I withdraw some *** and, every time, every single time - the *** is debited from my account

pah.  liars. 

Well to be fair if you mean this site, it is free to join and free to use... but the "free to use or basic" accounts are very limited.
You ofcourse need to pay to upgrade to get its full benefits / experience as that is how these its make profit and pay their operators i guess, but again using this sie as the example, it is free to use with the benefits if you have enough points to use / trade for premium and vip. But they require a lot of time and atention dedicated to the site to allow this to be the case to earn said points. Most other sites dont offer this so this site can differ from the rest but outside of this site, i do agree most are needing and wanting hidden costs eventually or you limitations are staying and increasingly frustrating to the point of paying for some, to gain any luck using them.

in a bit more seriousness.  There isn't really such a thing as a 'free' website.  Because websites cost *** to run - and many are a business, or part of a business.

Every website falls into one of 4, arguable 5 categories

1) You pay to use the site, or part of the site (i.e. this site)

2) The site is funded by advertisement. Instead of being the customer you are the product and your personal data is what is for sale (i.e. google, facebook)

3) The site is actually an advertisement for another business (be it a store front, gig listings, a restaurant and where to find them and what's on the menu)

4) The vanity project (i.e. someone has bought a web domain that will lose *** because they simply want to - although being cautious that some vanity projects aren't actually an advertisement)

5) Donation based (i.e. free to use but encourage donations to keep running - i.e. PirateBay : although PB also uses advertising)

If someone is doing something that is "free" you have to ask how they are making the ***, because as the old saying goes - if you're not the customer, you're the product.  


The 'free' in all cases is a marketing ploy to get you interested, attached in some way or other to the product and in some cases addicted, as in 'free' samples of heroin grooming the next crop of addicts. When you see 'free' view it with the sceptical eye of a lawyer and look for the loop holes.

As I finished with yes, here advert says free to join, which personally Im fine with, it's more those sites that claim to be totally 100% free to use when they're not, admittedly usually of a certain kind (hook-up), plus where on earth do a lot of them hide delete account 🤷😂😂
Free is ALWAYS factored in to the cost of the thing, very much like a 'loss leader' such as nicotine or suger.
This site is pretty cheap to use, equal to 1 beer a month...
I feel like the access you get here with a free site is much better than some other places. There you can't view profiles, send IMs... You can basically see enough to feel you're missing out. And a membership, particularly in the sight I am thinking of, it's more than four times what the membership costs here. Having said that, I pay for my membership here because I am here a lot and I think it's worth it.

I have to agree the access you do get here before paying is a lot compared to the vast majority of other places, including vanilla ones!

People have no idea of the running costs, especially for an adult server, bandwidth, legal issues and once it becomes established having to have extra hands on board to help keep things running.

I remember when i ran the site for the local scene and getting demands to open up picture and vid swaps....then taking a huff when i told them the cost implications, and it wasn't going to happen.  There wasn't such things as ad revenues back then.

Unless you have been involved in the IT side of the tinternet, site development, running etc it can be hard to understand or comprehend.

Having certain things free, entices people to stay more and more willing to pay for other access, it's a good business model, bait and hook.

On the whole, i get more access and features here and the points system helps compared to any of the other main fet sites.

I've been told by someone that used another site (dirty hook-up, anything goes kind ), bought in a live chat feature, they had a look and saw a warning saying no nudity and clean chat only, and they had to pay to use it yet the site was awash with photos of penises and vaginas 🤷
1 minute ago, quietlysure said:

I've been told by someone that used another site (dirty hook-up, anything goes kind ), bought in a live chat feature, they had a look and saw a warning saying no nudity and clean chat only, and they had to pay to use it yet the site was awash with photos of penises and vaginas 🤷

well that's another site and can't comment on their behaviour, but shows you there isn't much of a mod admin team keeping an eye on it.  Some site like here are well run and others lets say people don't frequent long on them.




I know, as you'll noticed I haven't knocked here, just the vagaries of other sites, those that moan about here should realise how lucky they are


Is the main attraction of a site that it's free? I use the free trials and take the tours, to decide if I want to stay, but I'm less likely to stay on a 100% free site, they generally provide a horrible user experience, as some have already said, you kinda get what you pay for..and the free ones are so ad heavy, so full of chancers and the thirsty with nothing to lose, they're impossible to use..the pay to use sites are often extremely expensive and push the annual subscription so you save ***, except you don't, because 9 times out of 10 the experience you've been promised in the blurb is nothing like the one you get so you don't use it and have to fight for a refund..I think that's a bigger problem, as are different rates depending on age or gender, and I've seen both of those..but it's all tied to your misrepresentation argument..if they'd just be the sites they advertise themselves as I think most of us would be a lot happier. 

17 hours ago, smeagol said:

I have to agree the access you do get here before paying is a lot compared to the vast majority of other places, including vanilla ones!

People have no idea of the running costs, especially for an adult server, bandwidth, legal issues and once it becomes established having to have extra hands on board to help keep things running.

I remember when i ran the site for the local scene and getting demands to open up picture and vid swaps....then taking a huff when i told them the cost implications, and it wasn't going to happen.  There wasn't such things as ad revenues back then.

Unless you have been involved in the IT side of the tinternet, site development, running etc it can be hard to understand or comprehend.

Having certain things free, entices people to stay more and more willing to pay for other access, it's a good business model, bait and hook.

On the whole, i get more access and features here and the points system helps compared to any of the other main fet sites.

I've always found it borderline irritating/amusing when people who haven't paid for something, have no intention of paying for something, and very often feel they shouldn't have to pay for anything, whinge and moan and complain about all the things denied to them on free to use sites..if they want the features they should pay for them like everyone else..I don't know what's involved in running a site but I know it's not free, so don't expect it to be free to use on anything but the most basic level..anyone who does, is deluded in my opinion.

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