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There's Always Someone Better...

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The problem sometimes feels there is always someone BETTER.  That for example, you will see the Mistress pleased with the hard beating their sub has taken.

And you feel, "I can't take that much" but also a little, "Nor do I want to"
But you still want someone to be that pleased.

Or those guys who take the huge strap ons. That's riduculous.

How the fuck do they slide up there so easy.  While the Mistress says "I'll see if I can find something smaller" to you after the one you picked out struggles to go in.

It's not that.
It's not that... well... you want to consume the oversized dildos up your arse - but - one of the modest ones that feels nice for everyone.  Sigh.

The sissies... the pups... they seem to get a lot of fuss.

And, I dunno... turning up with a small gift and being told to "Put it with the rest" and there's this mountain... or spending time to save up for something nice and there's always someone somewhere who can, and will, do more

It doesn't matter how far you're willing to travel, there's always someone closer.

There's always someone prettier, sluttier, stronger, wealthier, more popular.




Because I am good enough.
I am enough.

And... the people who run to give me a hug.
Who invite me to sit with them.
Who pinch my face and say "It's you! You're actually real! Finally!"
Who slipped on yesterday's socks or packed yesterday's stockings as a treat.
Who sent a message because something just reminded me of them.

They don't care.
Because they're happy for who I am - and that's what counts.

While I will struggle now and then.  
There'll be tough days.
New challenges.

There will always be someone who likes me for me.

Just as, there'll always be someone who likes you for you.  You just have to tap in with them.

Lovely piece of writing. It's a tough part of life. I think striving to be better is a good thing but it's a fine line between that and setting yourself up to never feel good enough. I wonder how much more we compete with ourselves and our own hopes and dreams than we actually compete with other people.

I have always thought I wasn't enough, that I needed to try and be something I'm not to please others, but meeting my Daddy has made me realise I can be myself and he likes me for who I am. He never makes me feel like he's scanning the room over my shoulder looking for that "something better" 

I feel a common mistake is we will compare ourselves to other subs (or other Dominants, or other people) without really knowing their story or struggles or the challenges they face.

I remember something years ago when a Mistress confided with me about a problem she was having with one of her subs.  He was struggling a lot with jealousy... including, jealous of me.  I was drinking at the time and I kinda gave this half gulp of total realisation of irony.

That, I'd always been a bit jealous of the relationship he had.


But yeah. Let's not compete with ourselves trying to compete with others. 

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