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Kodak devil (Part 2)

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“Now, what did you like again, boudoir pics? I think this camera will give it a nice vintage feel…” he hands the camera to me to exam it. “Do you want me to show you how to put the film in?”

I nod and hand the camera back. He grabs some film from his pocket and opens the camera. He stands behind me, just to the side so I can feel his warmth and smell his scent.

His closeness makes me wet as I imagine him touching me.

He starts instructing me on how to do it. His mannerism changes, his tone is soft and nurturing. “Yes click this button and this compartment opens, now the film needs to sit like this. Now pull until you see red line, yes perfect…”

I was concentrated, memorizing the steps and enjoying playing with the camera. I turn to him and stare in his blue, intense eyes. “Here you go…” handing him back the camera, standing dangerously close to his lips.

There was a boyish grin on his lips as he licked his lips slowly. His full lips look soft and tantalizing but he doesn’t lean in to kiss me. I was disappointed. He leads me to the kitchen and asked me to sit on the countertop.

I say flatly, “I’m really a terrible model, so you’re going to have to direct me…” and before I could finish my sentence, he leans over and kisses me. My body immediately relaxes and I kiss him back. A breeze blows thru the kitchen and the world seems to stand still. His kisses are soft and tender and his lips are the softest I’ve ever kissed. We kiss for what seems like hours.

He steps back and smiles and says “now you’re perfect.”

He starts taking some stills of me and I just stare at him from a distance with wanting eyes.

“I think we need more skin….” He says as he tugs at my dress. “Is this okay? “ I smile in approval and begin untying my wrap dress revealing my red-laced bodysuit underneath. His eyes widen in delight “great color on you and matching nails too” he lifts my hands and kisses them “beautiful.”

I smile because of his approval and he quickly starts taking photos of me. He comes closer to me and begins to gently cradle my hair and starts massaging my scalp as he expertly begins to kiss me once again. His other hands sits on my thigh, dangerously close to my now wet vagina. He rubs my thigh as he begins to pull my hair, making a mess of my up-doo. His fingers make their way to my crotch and he begins to rub me thru the lingerie. A wet spot begins to form as he continues to build me up. I start tugging on his clothes trying to undress him and he pulls away.

“Not so fast, an artist is at work.” As he smiles at my messy hair and my wet spot on my underwear. He takes a picture with an angle capturing my wetness.

I ask teasingly, “Do you always molest your models?”

“Only the naughty ones,” he says toying with his camera. I giggle, like a school girl. I have a feeling he likes the innocent look and the act of making that innocence disappear, as I try to fix a bit of my hair. Without looking up he says in a quiet but authoritative tone, “stop, you’re messing up my work.” For some reason the tone and directness took me by surprise.

He looks at me again with his boyish grin and in one motion kisses me and snaps open my lingerie exposing my wet crotch. He bends down to his knees and takes a deep breath and slowly exhales. I can feel his cool breath on my clit. He begins to kiss my inner thighs towards my center and then skips over to the other thigh and begins to kiss away from my wet, hungry pussy. He looks up again to gauge my reaction. I look at him longingly telling him without words how turned on I am.

He begins to blow on my thighs slowly towards the center. The room has cooled from the sun going down but my skin still holds the heat from the day.

My pussy was dripping and throbbing for him as he begins to blow again on my pussy. Then slowly, teasingly he begins to flick his tongue on my clit . I was already so close to cumming. The flirting and foreplay was too much and I was ready to release.
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