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Stop Looking

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I heard this saying so many times.

Looking at myself in the mirror and within the very core of myself; I question who am I and what do I seek: the answer - I don’t know but when I do I will know.

Over the years I have longed to belong to someone to be theirs and have that longing connection.

I look around at others; their journeys, their connection and being a couple - something I have not had in a very long time.

As I sit here reflecting on my journey a friend asked me ‘so what are you doing about your spiritual path?’ I simply replied ‘Hunny I am still on it as I learn so much more about myself and of who I truly am; without prejudice. We use to say ‘take that stick away and stop caning yourself’ (which on a physical side I now love it); I don’t need someone to tell me what I have done wrong or criticise me as I am very good at that.

Connection what is that? I realised I was thinking about the loins within my legs that seek something sexual and being able to freely give myself to someone.

Is that really connection?
Yes to a degree. What I do have and now realised - I already have connections and I was looking in the wrong place.

I have my family who mean the world to me but I also have true friendships where the bonds of ourselves have ultimately become so connected and strengthened as we allow ourselves to be *** around them and get things wrong without being demoralised.

Connection is about what you have got already; what you/I seek has been there all along and it’s simply looking around you and knowing what you already have.

To my friends who have become like a family to me; thank you for allowing me to ‘be’ who I am and who I am growing into.

Friends are out connected families and they are there for all of us during our ups and downs; most of all equally loved, which creates the universal of our ‘Ying and Yang’

Stop looking at what you don’t have and look at what treasures you already do have!

Angel xx
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