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How To Be The Domliest Dom There Ever Was


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I'm not sure where they meet or what time. Probably under your window in the middle of the night. I mean, they go for maximum effect right? The Dom group is definitely popular and growing. They call it Fight Club just so they don't have to talk about it with us but, it's more like a knit 'n' natter or that's what it seems like going by what my source says. My source has made a few other disclosures...

Here's what they say they've learnt from going to the knit 'n' natters (I mean Fight Club) on how to be the Domliest Dom there ever will be.

Tip 1: Getting them to obey.

A good Dom/me knows how to get his/her sub to be obedient. While many argue this should be attained with a single look, my source has shared that there is new thinking, a different method that guarantees 100% obedience. What you must do is put your hands on your hips and exclaim "But I am the Dominant" in your whiniest voice. The sub will feel so sorry for you in your state of ***ness, they are guaranteed to pity-obey.

Tip 2: Knowing When To Use Your Powers

As we all know being dominant bestows upon a person the superpower of being able to make 🐈 gush and  🐓 harden within seconds however my source posits that their group believes that one must be careful on how to use these powers. The power of instant edging are best used when you've finished the ice cream and failed to replace it, just as the submissive wants to eat something bad. A good dominant is someone who recognizes that anyone can make a 🐈 wet, 🐓 hard but not everyone can time it right.

Tip 3: How To Ensure You Will Never Be Disobeyed.

Now we know that disobedience is such a serious concern in D/s relationships and having a disobedient sub can totally ruin the street cred of any Dominant. The source says that if you never want to be disobeyed by your sub you must only command them to do things you know they are going to do anyway.
Start of the day with a set of commands like these ones:

• Wake up in the morning.

• Go to work.

• Breath.

If you want to give more advanced commands, find out more about his/her daily habits and command them to continue with the same. For example, my source says they will command their submissive to do any of the following things:

• To wear black shoes when they go to work.

• Chop vegetables with the cerated knife

• Cuddle the dogs for at least two hours a day.

Tip 4: How To Be A Super Awesome Genital Satisfier God/Goddess

We all know that submissives expect that all dominants be the hottest sexiest things in the world and have a resume of sexual skills as long as the imaginary 🍆 I have (it's really big). We know this can be a problem because developing skills takes time and effort and we all know all a dominant really wants is someone to service them and then sexily bring them a ice cream and whiskey. But don't worry, my source says that you can trick your submissive into thinking you are a sex god(dess). Just follow the following principles:

• Tell her/him you are into pimping your property out to other people and hire her/him an escort.

• Give her/him an assignment to write a weekly piece of erotica containing her/his deepest desires. When s/he gives it to you, scoff and tell her/him that you don't need her to tell you what to do. Over the next week slowly take her/his ideas and present them as your own. Genius domly prowess.

• When in doubt, just slip off your belt or put on a suit or, your grey jogging bottoms

• Use vibrators as much as possible.

Tip 5: Getting The Best Out of Your Toys

We all know that the level of domliness of any person is directly proportional to the number of toys they own. To this end, you must procure at least a dozen floggers, whips, crops, chains, gags, paddles the whole works, according to my source. Once you've purchased the stock of your local kink store, you are ready to dominate the life out of your submissive if you follow the following guidelines:

• You must set them the task of cleaning your toys on a bi-weekly basis. This way, s/he gets to play and you get to sit around and be domly as 🦆.

• Use the gags as soon as s/he starts making demands or asking you to talk about your relationship.

• Walk around the house holding a flogger at all times. You may just be using it to tease the cat but the threat of the ever looming domliness is what submissives live for.

Tip 6: How To Keep Your Submissive Busy

Now a very common complaint among submissive is that they don't feel dominated enough and we all know that just one person does not have the capacity to satisfy one submissive so you must use creative thinking to keep your submissive busy and feeling dominated as 🦆. Try the following:

• Empty a packet of glitter into the house every day and make her/him clean it up. Alternately, as the source says, their group prefers, you can also make a giant mess with your shoes, clothes and books. Apparently submissives like glitter too much 🤷‍♀️.

• Send him/her out to search for stores and locations that don't exist. And be super disappointed when they can't find it.

• Develop a daily two hour primping routine for your submissive and demand they always look exactly as you specified. So even when s/he's doing nails or shaving chests, they know they are really being dominated by a legend.

Tip 7: The Dom(me) Face

Your Dom/me face will be the strongest tool in your arsenal and you can concoct it as follows:

• One part the facial expression of a person who just smelled poo.

• One part the facial expression of a person who has to poo.

• One part authority and arrogance.

• One part deep stoicism.

The source also suggests that gritting your teeth is optional. If done right this look guarantees immediate compliance.

Tip 8: Punishment

It is the unfortunate job of every dominant to punish your sub. Now it is hard to punish your sub when you only give them commands s/he is guaranteed to obey but punishment is such a super vital part of a D/s dynamic so you must come up with reasons to punish her/him. The source suggest making up rules and imagining s/he broke them. As the Dominant you are the ruler of the universe and if you decide that s/he cannot put his/her right foot on the ground for two hours in Saturday then you can punish him/her for that. You can do whatever you want.

Tip 9: The Most Important One of All.

If you sense resistance on the part of your submissive. Step back, hold them by the throat and say...

"Respect my awfouretay"

And you will be forever, the domliest one of all.

According to my 'source'

Thank you for making me laugh, I needed that ( love the South Park reference) 🧚🏻‍♀️


I am new to this lifestyle, been on this site for a little while. I have always gotten a laugh and learned from your stories. 

Forever indebted to your unerring wisdom, oh Oracle. Your ‘source’ clearly has finely honed skills of observation!
This has to be one of your best CopperKnob😉🙃.
Love the image of hands on hips; might we also envisage slightly leant forward and stamping one foot?🤦🏼‍♂️
9 hours ago, Mrgoodtime124 said:

I am new to this lifestyle, been on this site for a little while. I have always gotten a laugh and learned from your stories. 

Well, lot's of learning from this one I think 😂

8 hours ago, Nastycuntspanker said:
Forever indebted to your unerring wisdom, oh Oracle. Your ‘source’ clearly has finely honed skills of observation!
This has to be one of your best CopperKnob😉🙃.
Love the image of hands on hips; might we also envisage slightly leant forward and stamping one foot?🤦🏼‍♂️

I mean, I wouldn't discount anything the 'source' has shared, if you wish to add a little flare and flambouance, who am i to say no?

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