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Worst punishment

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What would you say was/is your worst punishment????
So I decided to play and cum without permission one night and well as punishment I had to drink plain water (BTW I HATE WATER). he also gave me my favorite funishment a spanking followed by a good hard pounding...
So again what has been your worst punishment???

cold/minimal contact was my worst punishment I received 

worst punishment for me would be not cuddling after kink session/sex, I know sounds werid coming from man but yah
3 hours ago, eyemblacksheep said:

cold/minimal contact was my worst punishment I received 

That's just cruelty I've been threatened with this but I straighten my brat self up

2 hours ago, ghechieDom said:
worst punishment for me would be not cuddling after kink session/sex, I know sounds werid coming from man but yah

Not weird you like what you like

Short sharp impact with no recovery time, instant tears and begging. I dont classify myself as a ***slut, but i really really like the marks of a impact session thats been taken slowly,, i can enjoy that even with some tears cus you know it does hurt 😂
7 hours ago, ghechieDom said:
worst punishment for me would be not cuddling after kink session/sex, I know sounds werid coming from man but yah

No aftercare is a hard limit for me, I don't think anyone should do this unless you agree beforehand and reassure consent once it happens

I agree with eyemblacksheep & copperknob…being ignored or contact withdrawn as a punishment is cruel and not something I’d personally be comfortable with. If I’ve done something wrong, communicate that properly and if the D does needs some space from me while they process it, then give me a duration.. like…. “I’m not going to speak to you for the rest of the evening because of your behaviour. You can apologise in the morning” and then the morning would be my opportunity to discuss what had happened and either reassess my behaviour or our current rules in the dynamic.

The other one mentioned by ghechieDom, not receiving affection or aftercare, also wouldn’t be ok with me. I see aftercare and affection almost as a reward for my submission, it’s a strong NEED for me and you won’t get my submission without it.

Going the other way

I've never outright punished anyone - generally I believe in resolving and talking like adults.  I have done punishments as part of punishment scenes - and I think the worst I ever did to someone.

I had her against the wall doing the penny punishment - which basically arms raised and outright, pushing pennies into the wall and it's a stress position.

I sat in the same room, "ignoring" her.   Then, I stood up - and struck her with a single tail.  I got her to try to maintain the position while I struck her again and again.  And, when she could take no more - I sent her to lay in the bath to sooth her back agains the cold enamel.  I removed my boots, removed my sweaty socks - placed them over her face... and waterboarded her. 

  • 5 weeks later...

No contact. That in itself is like a war of my own thoughts. I have never felt so alone, hurt mentally and consistently beat myself up for making the choices I did. I also learned from that point on that was a hard limit for me. To be left alone was brutal and I now know that exceeded punishment for me and to be very clear on what I find acceptable punishment/funishments. 


Absolutely the no contact option. Thiugh there are others I dislike... corner time 🙄.... lines 🙄🙄.... Ugh some doms are so mean

  • 2 weeks later...

Oh the worst is mmm, not calling be my sub name, mmmm holding back on contact. I'm a proper puppy type and her just being cold is enough.



Writing lines 🙄 I absolutely hate it. 

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