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Hair pulled or face pushed down


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Hair! Face smush hurts and you can’t breathe. If I am getting pounded; I need air, sir. 😉😏
Hair pulled… and then neck bites… 😳
I like my hair pulled and I like being pushed down boat from behind I like being pushed down bike on a couch or bed or something but I like my hair pulled a whole lot
I like to pull my partners hair from underneath, it offers more comfort for them. More grip control for me. If it becomes to much, then push their head down into the mattress/couch/pillow.

F**ked from behind with my hair pulled like your only keeping me from getting away. Even when its getting hard n heavy 😍


I keep long hair for something to hold onto while she plunges in the strap on...

though, going the otherway... pigtails make great handlebars 

46 minutes ago, tatt3db3autyx0 said:

F**ked from behind with my hair pulled like your only keeping me from getting away. Even when its getting hard n heavy 😍

That is something that I love to hear, treat it like it's a leash and f**king until you collapse!

It must be wonderful to have the experiences. I never really experienced both. Better start praying!🙇‍♀️😅
Hair pulled ~ grabbing a handful and pulling back ~ like leasheD = sooooo hot
Honestly I like both from behind both of them are so hot. I like both
definitely hair pulling, close second is grabbing hard by the waist
Push my face down and then pull my hair during the next few rounds
Hair. The waist thing is good too.
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