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favourite things about our world

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I'm curious what thought provoking answers I'd get when I as .

What is your favourite thing about the bdsm world ???


that there are such a great bunch of people


The sheer diversity of it. Always discovering and learning new things. 

And yes, all the beautiful people. 

The experiences I get that I wouldnt usually have
Oh gosh so many things how can you answer lol Respect and people accepting you for who you truly are and how many amazing friends I’ve made through finding BDSM How much more confident I am in myself through finding it the strength that has grown inside me from actually accepting my past and forgiving my past that’s what I love about BDSM

The fact that you can be free to be yourself, of course all the amazing people and even though I've and many other people have had bad experiences in the past but we just become stronger for them. Nobody judges you, and there is always respect. Learning something new about myself and BDSM every day in this world that of course I wouldn't have if not in it. 

Some great answer already. For me it’s the sheer liberation of both my relationship(s) and my own life in general. This lifestyle has taught me my needs, my inner strength and it’s has been a huge element of my overcoming depression a few years ago. I could never go back 💜
In simplistic terms the acceptance (on the whole) of individuals’ kinks (my kink isn’t your kink but I accept you for who you are deal), but with the adendum that in particular I am rarely (if ever) judged for being a crossdresser

Likeminded people. Not feeling out of place.

So the general consensus is that we are all feckin awesome hmmm nice 😁


"I would like to piss on you without raising eyebrows" 

Feeling the ropes getting tied to my everthing and knowing there's no more choice now ..
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Freedom to be me and no one expressing surprise at my needs and likes.  The anticipation of meeting new people,and a little bit of *** as i offer myself in a bdsm scene.  The pleasure of finding someone who likes my mind and connects with me.Hopefully a Dominant.  I love the fact I've accepted what and who i am and the fact BDSM is part of my life.I could go on but knowing a guy enjoys enjoying my body and my mind is such a beautiful thing.

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