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Chemistry. In person. Butterflies. Smiles. Sense of humour. Basic level of attractiveness (for what I prefer). Honesty. Communication and respect.
If they make me feel safe/at ease. When first starting to talk to someone, it's kinks, values, and how they care about others. Honesty is a big one, too. If you cant be honest, I think you need to find a new thing to participate in.
Kink/lifestyle has to match well, not bedroom only type.
A similar age/stage in life, i dont want more kids so they need to already have them if they want them.
Their education/job means nothing to me, just need to be able to support themselves.
Got to be honest, trustworthy, kind underneath.
Above all else, attraction, connection, chemistry and compatibility - have those in place and individual elements pale by comparison
I have an 80/15/5 rule when it comes to compatibility. Eighty percent of interests should line up right off the bat. Fif*** should be negotiable. The last five, well, those are never going to jive.
If those five are in one or the others eighty, it’s prolly (almost definitely) not going to be work out.
To answer your question; virtues are definitely top tier as are kinks. Education is a sticky one because it isn’t a level of institutional education that I’m looking for as much as an ability to communicate clearly and have the ability to have interests is subjects.
Love languages would be a close second tier only because one language may be vitally important to one while minor to another, but it’s the thought that counts.
The connection is the number one thing for me.i have a good connection with my dom in a way we think alike in ways and our kinks r different. We want to explore the same sort of kinks. Also with finding someone I need to know about the dangers of the kinks I would like to explore and explore. Like negotiation before hand checking in with the person every so often to make sure they r ok and research right in to the kink also xx
Overall, intelligence is sexy 😍. You need that first in order to even discuss the rest.

Honesty and intelligence! If I can't trust you (either because of dishonesty or low intelligence) I won't give out that kind of energy to you. Deal breaker.

For me, it’s the energy I get from the person… if I can feel their energy and it’s a positive feeling for me, then I’m more attracted to them but if I don’t get a positive energy, then there’s no point. I do prefer people near my age that has similar kinks and virtues, but it’s more about the energy for me… though as a primal, that’s kind of the number one thing for me.

Willingness to communicate, respect for the differences that we have, and how I feel when I'm with them.

They need to value safety and consent, of course, both their own and mine.

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