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Looking for tasks for my sub[F] to do...


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Oï there fellows

I'm starting to train my sub, and for that i'm making a point system ( pretty classic, but still awesome in my opinion )

If she does certain things, she earn points, and when she reach 100 points she can have one orgasm

Do you guys have ideas on what task to give her to earn points ?

I've already thought about some :

  • Spending the whole evening plugged +2
  • Spending the whole evening collared and cuffed +3
  • Eating on all fours, without using her hands ( like a dog ) +5
  • Wearing a collar+cuffs ( not tied, just the cuffs on her wrists )+plug when going out +12


And please forgive any horrendous English mistake i may have made, i'm a baguette-speaker ;)

Me and my Sir work on a point system too only in reverse, ie bad behaviour points, forgetting to address as Sir = 1, not sending in proof of wearing my day collar by 8:30 am = 10, general cheek/disobedience is discretionary. As his sub I am expected to do as I am told, if no behaviour points have been racked up (never happened yet lol) it's purely funishment while obeying, otherwise it's punishment of Sir's choice (usually spanking with implements that I do not like ie; vampire crop, flip flop) I can lessen my points or have a reprieve from certain things if I do well on tasks such as remembering hand signals and positions or being particularly obedient/subservient, particularly pleasing.
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