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2023 end of summer. highlight reel. (journal)

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all things considered, i've had a pretty awesome summer, both in my vanilla life and in my kink life. probably the best since 2019, before the dreaded COVID and all the shut downs.

this summer i finally took the plunge and got serious about creating a Munch/Social Group for the Pomona Valley area. we have had two events so far (next one coming up in a few days) and it has been an overwhelmingly positive experience. thank you to everyone that has come to an event or given me any kind of advice or support. i appreciate each of you so much and can't wait to see how this Munch grows.

i also went out of my comfort zone and attended a few private-ish spanking parties with this amazing group, Spanky's Spank Joint. Spanky is fairly legendary among long time BDSM people in LA as well as spanking enthusiasts. He is taking a break right now from hosting but his parties are amazing! i truly felt at home and feel so blessed to be able to have been a part of his group, even if for a short time. i am grateful for the "trail of breadcrumbs" that brought me to his profile and group page.

and of course if you've been paying attention to my posts, you will know that i recently met a Dominant! after several months of talking via phone calls and texts, we finally met in person in late July and have been spending a lot of time together all this month. it's been amazing and i hope that things continue to progress well between us. it took a long time for me to be open to the idea of meeting & getting to know a Dominant again, and then, actually meeting someone that i felt this type of connection with. a long wait but worth it.

finally, i recently reached out to a local Rope Top and Educator who is always looking for people to practice tying on a regular basis. i have met him in person on a handful of occasions and was always impressed by his serious yet laid back vibe and demeanor. our first practice session is next week. so much different than a play scene, or play relationship, i view being a "practice bottom" or "demo bottom" as a role that can really give back to the community by giving people an outlet to practice (the more highly skilled & confident Tops & Dominants our scene has, the better!). plus, i get to sit around and be tied up!! so it's really a win-win-win.

One thing that the long "COVID hibernation" taught me is that i really can not thrive without BDSM and Kink in my life. Making the necessary moves to have more experiences, opportunities, as well as seeing how it increasingly dovetails with my vanilla life has truly been inspirational.

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