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Something about Susan, part one

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A true story, in several parts about how I took a young woman from being a naive 19 year old to becoming   sex mad with a penchant for wetting.


We'd started dating by accident, I fancied a girl at the stables, but didn't know her name, so, I had eventually come up with a solution to the problem, or so I thought!

As far as I was aware, there was only one very slim long haired blonde girl at my local stables, as far as I was aware, and that was the bit that led to the situation I found myself in, when, stood at the bar in the club that night, I was approached by a slim young blonde girl in a baggy top, tight black leggings and black pixie boots. You see, in a moment of madness I'd asked a girl at the stables if she'd ask the 'slim blonde with the big brown horse' if she'd like to go on a date with me, there was a social evening at my local club and I thought this would be a good place to start off, and start off it did, but with the wrong girl.

I was more than a little pleased when I got word back several days later that the blonde girl would be delighted to come out with me, she'd meet me at the club to save me the bother of picking her up, so with everything sorted, I waited, somewhat excitedly for Saturday evening, and by 7pm was standing at the bar, waiting for my date. I looked around the club, but couldn't see her anywhere, then out of nowhere, another blonde girl appeared, looked at me for several seconds, then, somewhat nervously approached me. 

"hi, you must be Phil, I'm Susan, pleased to meet you" she said smiling nervously, I smiled back, "hi, nice to see you too" I replied, somewhat mystified, she continued, "yes, I was ever so pleased when I was told you wanted to take me out, you see I don't go out much". I paused, wondering what was happening, then she giggled nervously and said, "you could have asked me out yourself, I don't bite you know".

Suddenly the penny began to drop, I had somehow ended up with the wrong date! "well Susan, how about a drink and we can go and sit down" I suggested, she smiled "half a lager please" . I ordered a couple of drinks and we headed over to a table and sat down, we spent the next couple of hours chatting about nothing in particular, well, except for horses that is. She told me how her mother and father were divorced, he lived in America and she lived with her mother on the other side of town, she had one older *** who was married, and that she spent most of her time at the stables with her very large (17.2 hands) gelding. She didn't go out much socially and had never had a proper boyfriend, she didn't drink much and obviously didn't work, she was daddy's little  girl and he regularly sent *** over for her. Apart from the horse, the main topic of conversation was how excited she'd been when she'd found out I wanted to take her out, she'd never been asked out on a date before, well not unless you class a trip down to the local pub in the hope of a quick grope after a couple of halves of lager a date that is, poor girl, I hadn't the heart to tell her she wasn't 'the one', and that was how we got together, from then on things just sort of 'happened' and at quite a pace.

A couple of weeks later we were sat on the couch at her house, her mother had gone to work (evenings in an Indian restaurant), me in my jeans and a T-shirt, and Sue, as usual, in her baggy top, brown jodhpurs, and long rubber riding boots. We'd got beyond the kissing stage, I'd had her top off on several occasions and was keen to take it further. After a few drinks we were laid on the couch, she was topless and I was flicking her nipples with my tongue, I slid my hand down and began to rub her crotch through her jodhpurs, she moaned slightly, so, after a few minutes I slipped my hand inside, onto her damp panties, a few minutes later and my hand was inside them, lazily stroking her moist slit, she was moaning softly and began to squirm, suddenly she leapt up and ran upstairs, returning several minutes later saying she'd needed to use the bathroom!

Over the next few days we saw each other every night, and every night ended the same, with her running to the bathroom, this was getting silly, I'd never get any further than stroking her slit at this rate, finally I'd had enough and decided to find out what the problem was!

The following night we started off as usual, then as usual she'd done her disappearing act, and after returning, had sat down beside me, it was now or never. "sue, how come you keep running to the bathroom?" I asked, she blushed, then replied, "well, it isn't that I don't like what you're doing to me, it's just that I get all excited inside, then I think I'm going to wet myself and have to run to the bathroom". Suddenly the penny dropped, she had so little experience that she didn't realise she was on the verge of an orgasm! I had to do something about this. we sat and chatted over a few drinks, then when I thought the time right, I made my move,  I asked her to stand up and remove her jodhpurs, she pulled off her long rubber boots, ***led off her jodhpurs and stood in front of me, naked except for a pair of  plain white panties, not sexy silky ones, just plain cotton ones.

I reached out and began to gently rub my finger up and down her slit, over the top of her panties, she gasped slightly and bit her lip, "you okay?" I asked, she nodded, "yes, it feels nice, but I think I'll need the loo again shortly" she said softly, "well, here's the thing Sue, I want you to wet your panties for me" I replied, she looked at me sort of puzzled for a moment, "ok, lets go to the bathroom" she replied, I shook my head, "no, I want you to do it right here", I said "but I can't I'll wet the carpet" she said softly, blushing as she spoke, "it's ok, use this" I replied, picking up one of her rubber boots, I held it between her thighs and gently rubbed the soft rubber against the crotch of her panties, "go on, just relax and let me see you wet those panties", a few seconds later there was a gentle hissing as she relieved herself into her riding boot, when she was done I stood it up on the hearth, "good, now next time you're going to wet yourself, it won't matter, because I've seen you do it once" I told her, she nodded, "I suppose not" she replied.

The following night began as usual, eventually I had her naked apart from a pair of pink cotton panties, and, oddly enough, her rubber boots, I began to finger her, slipping first one finger inside her, then another, after a few minutes she went to get up, I stopped her, "relax, I've seen you wet your pants remember, just let things go and see what happens, I think you'll like it. I carried on and a few minutes later she let out a gasp, squirmed, then went rigid, she'd just had her first orgasm!  We lay there and she said she'd no idea what happened, but she liked it and wanted to do it again, I explained what it was, and she realised that although she'd thought she was going to wee in her panties, she'd not actually done so, yes, they were soaked, but not with her wee. Things progressed very rapidly from then on, although to be honest she did develop a thing for wetting her pants, something I was quite happy to indulge her in.

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